Wow ! Some of these replies to this post really put us newbie's into prespective !
I very fortunate I missed all the tube and crystal controlled dinasours of the past

My first scanner was a RS/GRE Pro-92B and then is base cousin the Pro-2067.
I work for RS and with my employee discount, I stick with RS and lQQk for deals
like my discontinued Pro-92B @ $26 and Pro-2067 @ $55 both new in boxes at RS.
Next thing I knew I got turned on to Don Starr's excellent WIN92 program
as a newbie to the hobby in Feb 2004. As a result of using, my
learning curve and understanding shot up through the roof !!! Thanks Don Starr

Then just 1 month after I joined the scanning party, San Antonio, Tx migrated from
Motorola Smartnet Analog over to MA-COM's EDACS Pro-Voice Encrypted Digital in
March of 2004

Hmm, maybe I should have been hatched back in the gQQd ol days !
OK, back to secretly hoping the "Rebanding-Bandwagon" will come riding in a save the day
and all will be "ONE" (APCO-25) and be interoperable --- ok, I won't hold my breath !!! lol
ps-b7spectra, nice Boss Mustang ( a 1971 351W ? ) still got my ol' pal, an Olds 442-455