There are 28 70CM repeaters that provide wide area coverage to the Phoenix Valley Region and 4 are outside of the Phoenix Valley region and only one is used for a short period of time in the mornings for a few minutes to discuss the weather and what age would you prefer to be again. Occasionally, someone will ask what antenna is best for a portable to hit the repeater approx. 10 miles away Sometimes, they discuss what they prefer the most for dinner and this traffic is on one of the two P25 repeaters.
In the Tucson Area there are 7 70 cm repeaters that provide coverage throughout the area. I have never heard any traffic on these repeaters.
For the 2 M band, in Phoenix Coverage Area there are 30 repeaters with 1 outside of Phoenix. Out of all of these repeaters there is only one that gets some use mostly the weekday mornings and on Sunday around noon.
In the Tucson Area, there are 23 2 Meter repeaters within the Tucson Area with one outside of Tucson that provides coverage in Tucson. Occasionally, there is traffic on one of the repeaters.
I have decades of experience with spectrum management and channel loading, and I am sorry, I just can't see where is the justification to have these many repeaters on the air that sit idle all the time and even if there was an emergency event that these many repeaters would be needed.
And these numbers do not include the DMR, Fusion, and Starlink capable repeaters. I have no idea if these repeaters are busy with traffic or not because I don't have the ability to monitor them.