then there are the blue collar folks that would pay hefftey for something that works , you can hear out side, and tote all night without changing batteries every 30 minutes. please keep us in mind.
TN, GA (TACN) Project 25 Phase II, trunked, simulcast system on 700 MHz, and 800 MHz loud and clear on a PSR-800.
TACN is P25 Phase II Compliant using VHF, 700 MHz, and 800 MHz. Portions of it are still using pure Phase I with the entire system in compatibility mode until pretty near completion, then the 3 freq sites go pure Phase II. Slow transition of rest of system as counties/municipalities transition over. So Whitler's PSR 800/900 clones, and their next generation of TDMA capable scanners is much needed. And come on, enough with the radar detector in a scanner thing please. It was junk with Uniden, it sold only a small amount as it was junk. Make a USB or some kind of cable to plug one in like with GPS and that may work. But seriously, Whistler ain't stupid.
Combining a quality radio and a quality radar detector into one device would raise the price beyond what typical consumers would pay. To keep the device within a range that buyers would pay would require utilizing cheaply made components and ultimately a garbage radio. There is already more than enough trouble with existing scanner technology being able to decode digital signals. I would rather see the company get a radio to actually decode the signals properly than to put useless unnecessary features in a new line of scanners with subpar components.
Wouldn't that be awesome if Whistler and Uniden had a built in encryption module board and then sniffed out the encryption Algorithm. Have a super out of this world micro chip that could calculate billions of codes per second. Oh Sorry I just woke up from a dream. That would be an awesome feature...
I knew waiting to get a gre800 would pay off =)
So... Uniden has the "Bear Tracker" feature.
Now, Whistler will make a base/mobile Phase II scanner with built in radar detector.