Ok, on advice from THE GUY that designed the antenna's on a few of the NASA lunar landing modules in the 60's as well as a bunch of other VERY high level NASA, military and commercial projects over the last 50 years and going, I purchased the "Mobile/Desktop Scanner" antenna, the one without the discone. He said, "compared to the standard rubber ducky that comes with a scanner, or even an upgraded 'multi-band 800mhtz tuned antenna'(such as those on Amazon....), this antenna should improve BOTH receive and TRANSMIT signals (if one were going to use it for that, for example 2 meter band) for most frequency bands". Quote, unquote. He added the unit with the discone was likely not required and/or would not give you any perceived benefit over the one without the discone. He went on to explain why that was, but it was way way way over my paygrade, so lets just leave it at he recommended this one (without discone) to me. Not that the discone would cause a problem, it just would not add much benefit, and again he explained exactly why, and I did not understand any of it.
Surprising to me is, how having 3 or 4 different antenna's all connected at the same time, it just seems they would interact with each other, or negatively. And I asked him exactly that question. His answer was absolutely not again with a very technical explanation as to why. In particular on the transmit side, he explained how the SWR would be so far off on some "off" elements, that the entire signal would only resonate on the proper element with no loss on the others. Interesting stuff!!
So anyway, I received it Thursday and have been playing around with it a little bit. So far it makes a WORLD of difference over any other antenna I've tried on my scanners, and I have 7 or 8 different antenna's here. I have a $140 tram, I have the amazon 80mhtz 8" little whip that is always suggested on here (which does work better than the stock by the way), I have the orig ducky of course, I have an old Radio shack multi-band discone antenna, I have a shorty 3" (which is useless!), I have a RS mobile…. and by far, this Whistler desktop antenna outperforms ALL OF THEM. I'm absolutely shocked to be honest. Not that I didn't trust it, but in a world ther is always something new and better, you buy it and get it home and "kerrrrrplunk", you get nothing from it! Well, I'm 100% happy I bought this thing. It particularly does really well on the VHF and lower bands in the 120 range (aka Air bands). I'm receiving a bunch of ground control (baggage guys, ground crews...) at a local airport that is about 30 miles away, that I have NEVER herd before from home. Marine VHF band is probably a 20 or 30% improvement over the orig antenna. I have a lot more testing to do with it, but the initial results are FANTASTIC!
In my truck, it is a 1000% improvement! I plopped the big magnet mount on the roof and had the scanner in the truck with the 12' cable in the rear sliding window. It's of course a HUGE improvement over the rubber ducky INSIDE the truck. This is to be expected simply because it is now outside the vehicle/metal surrounding, but it really performed nicely. I did not do a lot of testing with this, but it was clearly noticeable.
This is the one recommended to me, and I bought:
Our Middleweight Champion WMM-460 For desktop or mobile applications, this magnet mount antenna offers 4 tuned elements! Standing at 25” tall and weighing in at 1.7lbs, the WMM-460 will enhance the reception of any scanner. FEATURES Desktop/Mobile 4 tuned element scanner antenna Frequency RX...
The discone part of the antenna seems to be designed for 200Mhz and upwards. So I don't know why there are vertical elements for UHF Mil air. The 850Mhz have more gain than the discone so that might help and the longest element for 115Mhz will enhance VHF air. Try to compare performance with the verticals in place but remove at least the two middle ones and see what it does to the signal strenght. Antenna elements need to be seperated by something like a whole wavelenght to not interact with each other. So these will interact like crazy. Something that could be intentional or it's just an estetic thing to attract buyers as it looks technically advanced.
That sounds somewhat contradictory to what I was told.... the multiple elements would show very little interaction with each other.
We added the antennas because we have had a lot of requests from customers to add some external antennas to our website offerings. Not all antennas are created equal even thought they may look similar. Our engineers have spent a lot of time testing antennas so bring you what they feel are the best ones.
Thanks Wendy, me thinks they did a good job, THANKS!! Now go tell the engineers to figure out show to turn a light on, on the TRX1 scanner as soon as you hit the power button, so we know it is booting up when we are trying to turn it on in the dark!!! This drives me nuts, in the dark we have no way of knowing whether we hit the power button long/hard enough to get the unit to start booting, and since it takes so long to read the SD card, test the data, load memory.... I sometimes wait what seems like an eternity only to find I didn't hit the power button properly.