I am located literally at the geographical center of Vilas and Oneida Co. Vilas and Oneida countywide FD\EMS are conventional and I have them programmed in a 20 yr old Radio Shack 2053 with an equally old center loaded stock antennae replacement. Some of the more remote volunteer FD have weak but very readable signals. If an incident requires a switch to Mutual Aid, Fire Ground, IFERN, MABAS frequencies the resulting transmissions will be lost on my equipment. Private Medevac, like Spirit\Ascension (one rotary wing, one fixed wing and a dozen ambulance) in Minocqua are conventional and use Med Frequencies plus the required EMS WI frequencies. These are programmed in a Pro60 with center loaded antennae. Reception is good but usually missing transmissions from Ambo to Hosp. Often times reference is made to telephone rather than radio transmissions. Vilas and Oneida conventional and digital PD\LAW are programmed in a SDS200. Vilas Co. is encrypted. Disp will call, squad will answer then encryption. Oneida is plain language. I have often times scanned conventional Vilas and Oneida and WISCOM at the same time. I have never heard any Vilas Co. or Oneida Co. FD, LAW or EMS on WISCOM. The only transmissions on WISCOM that I have picked up are WSP. I live between Squirrel Hill, Clear Lake and Boulder Jct. towers and receive 5 bar signals from SH and CL but nothing from BJ. WSP transmissions are almost limited to squad 10-41 - 42 and traffic stop request 27 - 28 -29 followed by DATA or LINK . Occasionally when their is an incident they may go plane language for a short time. My scanner will often times hold on the control channel when on WSP DATA therefore missing a lot of scanning time. As you can see I use both old and new equipment with indoor antennas and as you probably know this is a heavily wooded area. YMMV