Ok my thoughts on feature requests for my trx-1 and 2. First thing more than one limit search. I find it frustrating that I have to manually input different frequency search ranges when out. I think all my unidens had multiple search ranges. Whilst on this topic whistler recently added up to I think 220mhz for the uk but spectrum sweeper does not cover this range that's a big shame. Whilst talking of spectrum sweeper firstly I would like to say well done this is far better than close call ever was on my unidens and it finds a hell of a lot more. However, something annoying about it is if it finds a DMR channel it will output all the horrible data stream. Even if it stops on a channel where users are talking it will decode the voice but once they finish talking you get the horrible data, this doesn't happen in limit search so I would like that fixed.
Some have mentioned it does not have a search and store feature but it does and does it better. Set the scanner to record on search and you not only have all your search finds stored but you will have the conversations recorded which makes it easy to Id the user. Well done whistler.
I know there are other features that I have forgotten that I would like implementing so no doubt I will report back soon. Like to say thank you to whistler for bringing scanning back to life in the UK as all our emergency services use a system called airwave and have been for over ten years fully encrypted and with other users migrating to dmr my scanners have collected dust for too long and I had given up on the hobby but now I'm finding new stuff to listen to on a daily basis.
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Thanks. I'll add the DMR data "noise" "bug" to my list.
As far as multiple searches, I thought there is multiple searches, isn't there? I haven't got that far into it yet, but they often talk about a "search" being an "object" that can be put into a Scanlist so I assumed there were multiple saved searches available in programming. Can anyone confirm this?