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    To obtain Motorola software see the Sticky in the Motorola forum.

    The various other vendors often permit their dealers to sell the software online (i.e., Kenwood). Please use Google or some other search engine to find a dealer that sells the software. Typically each series or individual radio requires its own software package. Often the Kenwood software is less than $100 so don't be a cheapskate; just purchase it.

    For M/A Com/Harris/GE, etc: there are two software packages that program all current and past radios. One package is for conventional programming and the other for trunked programming. The trunked package is in upwards of $2,500. The conventional package is more reasonable though is still several hundred dollars. The benefit is you do not need multiple versions for each radio (unlike Motorola).

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XG-100P not using the programmed trunk freq set?


Sep 4, 2020
I recently got a XG-100 that I've been using for HAM stuff and NAS on a p25 pII simulcast system. Everything has been going great so far, I've got a good grasp on the RPM and have been able to listen to many TGs from different departments/agencies on this large metro network.

However, I'm running into issues programming my state's system that has our state patrol on it. I made a new mission plan, added the freqs from RR of a local tower, TGs that I think local affiliated radios would be tuned to, and followed the right NAS steps... and I hear nothing! The first thing I did to troubleshoot is I pressed the "ch info" button and I discovered that the TKGRP name and TKGRP ID were correct, but the CC RX and SYS ID didn't match what I had in RPM. I don't know if the WACN is also different from what I've programmed because both systems use BEE00, but I noticed that the CCRX and SYSID were the exact same as the local metro system that I first programmed, which is on a totally different mission plan/personality! This doesn't make sense to me because this metro simulcast system is all 800mhz, and the state trunked system is mostly VHF.

The next thing I did to trouble shoot was I extracted the MP from the radio, and when I looked at the trunked freq set list, it still had the three VHF CC's that I originally programmed. So why would it say that the CC RX is 853.76250, when I have VHF freqs programmed? I even deleted the other MPs off the radio so that it should only have this system programmed.

Any help would be appreciated! Also, I will say that I'm still fairly new to trunking and NAS so it's possible I'm just missing something.



Active Member
Jul 3, 2003
You need to start a new system and include the new sysID
Looks like WACN is the same.
Add the new 800 Mhz info into the IDEN sets
Add desired talkgroups to group stets
Likely a new trunked set for the simulcast.


Mar 30, 2014
I recently got a XG-100 that I've been using for HAM stuff and NAS on a p25 pII simulcast system. Everything has been going great so far, I've got a good grasp on the RPM and have been able to listen to many TGs from different departments/agencies on this large metro network.

However, I'm running into issues programming my state's system that has our state patrol on it. I made a new mission plan, added the freqs from RR of a local tower, TGs that I think local affiliated radios would be tuned to, and followed the right NAS steps... and I hear nothing! The first thing I did to troubleshoot is I pressed the "ch info" button and I discovered that the TKGRP name and TKGRP ID were correct, but the CC RX and SYS ID didn't match what I had in RPM. I don't know if the WACN is also different from what I've programmed because both systems use BEE00, but I noticed that the CCRX and SYSID were the exact same as the local metro system that I first programmed, which is on a totally different mission plan/personality! This doesn't make sense to me because this metro simulcast system is all 800mhz, and the state trunked system is mostly VHF.

The next thing I did to trouble shoot was I extracted the MP from the radio, and when I looked at the trunked freq set list, it still had the three VHF CC's that I originally programmed. So why would it say that the CC RX is 853.76250, when I have VHF freqs programmed? I even deleted the other MPs off the radio so that it should only have this system programmed.

Any help would be appreciated! Also, I will say that I'm still fairly new to trunking and NAS so it's possible I'm just missing something.

Hopfully, you didn't learn to program the radio from a youtube video lol!

Sounds like you have the system set to Enhanced CC. If it is, then the radio has roamed back onto one of your local 800Mhz system sites because that site has the best signal strength. When the XG-100P is set for Enhanced CC it will search for the strongest control channel in every band that the radio operates on and lock to the site with the best signal strength, regardless of the system info you entered into RPM.


Sep 4, 2020
Thanks for the replies! And haha yeah it's been a mix of YouTube, forum posts, help menus, and a really helpful friend that hooked me up with the essential knowledge/tools to not end up with an expensive paperweight or in front of a judge lol. But I like the challenge of figuring out stuff by myself, and still have so many questions about the nitty gritty of PII simulcast systems.

But back to the problem at hand, yes I had left Enhanced CC checked. I didn't really consider the fact that both systems have the same WACN, so of course the radio would ignore the VHF CCs from a site a couple miles away and only listen to the nearby 800Mhz band dripping with CC activity. However, when I tried using both Fixed ProScan and Dynamic ProScan I couldn't get the radio to lock onto a CC, even after putting in the NAC and site ID. I have no idea why, but my wild guess is that I haven't filled in any VHF freqs in the IDEN table because I've been relying on the radio getting everything over-the-air (or maybe I'm confusing the IDEN set with the OTA adjacency list).

But I did managed to get the radio to lock to the correct site by using the Band Hunt Data and Preferred Sys Table under Enhanced CC. Limiting the Band Hunt to VHF didn't seem to help, but setting the metro simulcast preference to "never" in the Preferred Sys Table did the trick!

Thanks for pointing me in the right direction!


Mar 30, 2014
Thanks for the replies! And haha yeah it's been a mix of YouTube, forum posts, help menus, and a really helpful friend that hooked me up with the essential knowledge/tools to not end up with an expensive paperweight or in front of a judge lol. But I like the challenge of figuring out stuff by myself, and still have so many questions about the nitty gritty of PII simulcast systems.

But back to the problem at hand, yes I had left Enhanced CC checked. I didn't really consider the fact that both systems have the same WACN, so of course the radio would ignore the VHF CCs from a site a couple miles away and only listen to the nearby 800Mhz band dripping with CC activity. However, when I tried using both Fixed ProScan and Dynamic ProScan I couldn't get the radio to lock onto a CC, even after putting in the NAC and site ID. I have no idea why, but my wild guess is that I haven't filled in any VHF freqs in the IDEN table because I've been relying on the radio getting everything over-the-air (or maybe I'm confusing the IDEN set with the OTA adjacency list).

But I did managed to get the radio to lock to the correct site by using the Band Hunt Data and Preferred Sys Table under Enhanced CC. Limiting the Band Hunt to VHF didn't seem to help, but setting the metro simulcast preference to "never" in the Preferred Sys Table did the trick!

Thanks for pointing me in the right direction!
The reasons why the radio would not lock onto a CC with Fixed or Dynamic ProScan are:

(1) You didn't enter all the system info correctly or in the correct format.
(2) The system info you are entering is wrong.

Enhanced CC doesn't care about the WACN or any of the other system info. It roams to the site with the strongest signal strength, regardless of those parameters or preference settings and loads the adjacency tables from the sites associated to that site it locked onto. It will only ignore a site if you set that site to NEVER.

Enhanced CC is working because it loaded the correct system info from the adjacency table from the site, and used it, instead of the incorrect info entered in RPM.