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    For M/A Com/Harris/GE, etc: there are two software packages that program all current and past radios. One package is for conventional programming and the other for trunked programming. The trunked package is in upwards of $2,500. The conventional package is more reasonable though is still several hundred dollars. The benefit is you do not need multiple versions for each radio (unlike Motorola).

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XTL/XTS5000 XTS5000 FPP Help

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Premium Subscriber
Nov 11, 2004
Hi everyone,

I have a XTS5000 model 3 that I am trying to get some assistance with. This unit has the Q52 and Q53 features to allow front panel programming, which is "sort of" working. I am not sure if I am just missing something in there CPS or this is a limit with the model and firmware. I have researched this quite a bit and what I am seeing don't match any solutions I have found. Here is what I am seeing:

- Currently the radio is only allowing FPP in Zone 1. I have FPP set as a menu item on the display, and can select it while in any zone. However it will only let me modify the settings for Zone 1.
- When I select FPP from the menu and enter the password, it shows Zone 1. I cannot scroll through any other zones to select to edit. I did note that a left press on the 4-way arrow button goes to a "blank" reading for the zone and crashes the radio if I try to select that. Not sure if this is related.
- The FPP for zone 1 works fine and allows me to change frequencies, tones, etc.

I do have the "Zone Cloning Enable" button checked in the CPS radio-wide setting with a password set (which is needed to FPP Z1). When I try to select the button for "FPP Enable" on a zone in the CPS it will not let me check it and shows the "view only" glasses icon.

So basically I have a working FPP zone with 16 channels, which I guess I can live with if needed. However I have a separate zone with GMRS channels and would like to go in and change tones, etc.

Radio/CPS specifics:
Flashcode: 5A9008-101F87-7
Firmware: R20.50.05
CPS: Astro25 Portable R20.01.00


Oct 23, 2017
Whoever depot'd that radio didn't know what they were doing...

Anyway, that's the problem with FPP. It's very picky and finicky. I had almost the same problem with my XTS2500 and I was told there was nothing to fix it since it wasn't a radio problem per-say but an FPP problem. I dumped that radio because I hated using it and programming it.


Premium Subscriber
Jun 29, 2013
I wonder how many Federal agencies actually used FPP on the XTS? From what I understand it was designed for Federal agencies way back when.


Premium Subscriber
Mar 11, 2003
FPP was designed for the Federal wildland firefighters few other agencies needed FPP I have an XTS5000 FPP where all the zones are FPP but each channel has its own personality that is FPP enabled..Once I programmed it with CPS I really never needed to change anything unless I wanted to update a channel on the fly. I kept one zone blank as a spare that incase I needed to do work in the field
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