The last time I looked on youtube there were a few of them, I'd watch every bit you can find, take in all that you can find. Before I attempted to NAS programming, I spent 2 months vacuuming up every bit of information and searched every thread for every spec of info relating to NAS (non affiliate scan). I was Johnny 5, all I wanted was INPUT.
There are youtube guides but, IMO, what there isn't much of is explanation of how these systems work and what each option is when programming. The default settings are not always what you desire, so it requires knowledge of how these system work, it's a good idea to have that base knowledge. The CPS help guide can provide some description of each option. I recall there over the past few years, there are
some very good in depth NAS posts we've done on here in the past few years, if you search in this forum you will find them. and I suggest anyone attempting, to absorb this information and never stop seeking information.