I've had mine for several years, and has been a good performer for what I use it for. But, I'm having
trouble with the display. During an operating session the display will go out, but if I tap the top of the
front cabinet it comes back, so assuming a short/connection issue. Have done the interweb search,
and there are frequent issues/fixes with the display flashing, which is not my problem per se.
I removed the top and disconnected the power connection for the display and sprayed a little contact cleaner on both the male and female areas and let it dry and re-seated. Reassembled, and turned it
on for a good hour and surfed the bands. It went out a couple of times, but the tap on top brought it
back.... I did ensure all of the Phillips screws that I could access topside were snug. It's not a huge
problem, just an annoying one. Does anyone have any further suggestions ?
trouble with the display. During an operating session the display will go out, but if I tap the top of the
front cabinet it comes back, so assuming a short/connection issue. Have done the interweb search,
and there are frequent issues/fixes with the display flashing, which is not my problem per se.
I removed the top and disconnected the power connection for the display and sprayed a little contact cleaner on both the male and female areas and let it dry and re-seated. Reassembled, and turned it
on for a good hour and surfed the bands. It went out a couple of times, but the tap on top brought it
back.... I did ensure all of the Phillips screws that I could access topside were snug. It's not a huge
problem, just an annoying one. Does anyone have any further suggestions ?