How have spurious emissions negatively impacted your life?
Cheap Chinese electronics raise the noise floor on the bands, it can cause direct interference to other systems.
As the noise floor rises, more and more TAXPAYER dollars go into radio system upgrades to overcome higher noise floors and mitigate interference. Talk to anyone who has worked in the LMR industry (not hobbyists) for more than a few years, and you'll hear the complaints. Talk to -anyone- who has worked on BDA systems, and they'll happily explain to you the issues caused by cheap electronics spewing out noise where they shouldn't be hosing up these systems.
The burden isn't on everyone else to adapt to cheap hams using low quality radios and making everyone else just accept the interference.
The Chinese do not care one iota that their products are causing issues for public safety/LMR systems in the USA, all they care about is getting American dollars fed into their financial system. And -some- hobbyists seem to side with them, as well as actively encourage it.
There is no reason Bao/Po/Fung can't make a radio that will behave properly. The FCC could enforce it.
But ham/hobbyists would complain that their $20 radio now cost $25, and how it's not fair to them.