Holy thread necrophilia, Batman!
Not to disappoint you, rwsvjm, but seeing as the last post before yours was
6 years ago in October of 2009, I'm not sure you're going to get any response at this time so, don't hold out any hopes - it also appears the last post made by the creator of this thread, kf4lne, was in
February of 2007 and he/she hasn't been seen from since that post.
Based on reading the OP (the original or first post in this thread) I'd say it looks like a fairly simple project one - I mean, the whole idea for the creator of this thread was to create something cheap and functional and he/she apparently did just that and had good success with it.
That's part of the fun of this kind of hobby: experimentation can sometimes prove incredibly useful even with a handful of spare or very cheap parts. A lot of us hobbyists and even quite a few professionals regularly build our own antennas with great success using whatever we happen to have around us: electrical wire - and yes even coat hangers - cut as required for the elements of a Yagi, a piece of wood or PVC that can be used as the boom, etc and sometimes the results can be quite surprising and even perform just as a very expensive commercial antenna of the same or similar design would be but obviously for a lot less out of pocket cost, if any at all.
As that was your very first post, I'll finish by saying welcome to RadioReference aka RR and I hope you find this hobby of ours and this community a great experience.