Hi JRS and all,
DON'T mess with the elements, without careful calculation of length and spacing it's SO easy to mess it up! Then too there's some drilling and blasting involved. More important is the gamma match, you can easily tune it using an MFJ or equivelent antenna analyzer, they usually go up to 170MHz or so. Don't overlook the fact that an odd length of coax will mess up the readings, antennas are ALWAYS tuned AT the antenna whether an analyzer or SWR meter is used. A VHF antenna doesn't need to be far off the ground to avoid it's effects, standing atop a wooden step ladder away from obstructions will do it, point it straight up just to make sure.
If you're not into a lot of antenna experimentation it's not worth the high cost of an analyzer, you can borrow one from a local ham or have him tune the antenna for you. Not all of us have them but likely someone in a local club does.