Hi guys,
Like the director said, "Can the dialog and cut to the chase.".
Note my Amateur callsign and take it from the horse's mouth, ham gear does NOT meet type acceptance for commercial gear and is illegal outside Amateur bands. The exception is "Amateur related" frequencies such as CAP and MARS for which a separate license and callsign is issued by the agency concerned. ALL ELSE IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED.
As for monitoring with these radios, best forget about mobiles and hand helds altogether since not only are existing laws being enforced but new and more restrictive ones are showing up on the books that include ham rigs capable of receiving public service frequencies. The latest cause for concern is the city of Rochester NY, there a ham can get busted just for having a rig in the car, period.
There is far too much information to put here and laws vary greatly so your best bet is discover what they are in your area or where you intend to travel IF you're willing to take the risk at all. Considering the complexity of the issue you really should leave the scanners at home.
Hams are actively challenging and wrestling with these laws to protect not only our hobby but our public service exempt status as well but you other guys don't stand a snowball's chance in hell, protect yourselves by limiting listening to the privacy of your homes.
One last thing, beware of those "on line listening posts". I have found several run by police and considering the above with a healthy dose of paranoia tossed in I suggest you be VERY careful not to end up in some database. Oh, there is one with plenty of cop photos, many are very funny so at least it gives me chuckles instead of shivers. (;->)
73 de Warren
Amateur Radio KB2VXA