You sorta make it sound like they had scanners in mind when they made those changes. Excepting encryption, I don't think any technological changes were made with the listening public in mind. Again, excepting encryption, the scanner community has kept up with the changes, at least those that matter.
But, yeah, it was a lot simpler when all you had to do was plug in a crystal
No I wasn't thinking about scanners per se I was just saying that we had good communication systems that changed as large corporations like Motorola and such introduced new forms of Public Safety Communications. Scanners have certainly kept up.
I guess my point was things were a lot simpler then and hence scanners could be simpler then and I enjoyed that. I liked the VHF low band Simplex systems. You could have statewide inner ops instantly. You could always tell if a car was close to you or not. I also loved the VHF High repeater systems as they worked so well.
It was fun as the red lights flashed repeatedly across the front of the radio and you could enable or disable an agency with just a flip of a switch or push of a button under the light. It made mobile applications a lot easier to switch from agency to agency.
I certainly don't want to sully this wonderful thread with any debates, just wanted to point out being the old fogey that I am that I liked the the way things were done then, they were simpler.
I guess that's how you can tell I'm... an old scanner listener LOL.