Channel YJ was the Company Station in Nassau.
Ate in Mall food courts to use my OPTO Scout and ICOM R10 Reaction Tune.
Carried my Police Call book & Latest issue of MONITORING TIMES everywhere.
Watched ADAM 12 and Emergency for the Emergency Calls.
Trunked systems were EASY to Listen to, Broadcast in the Clear with no Encryption.
A AOR 1000 could hear Everything from DC - Daylight, even Cellphones and Cordless Phones.
Could listen to Broadcast TV Audio with my Scanner on the BUS.
Scrambled was just TONE Inversion and could be hacked.
used my OPTO Scout & ICOM R10 Reaction Tune at Police Stations.
went to Radio Shack to check the Latest Scanners and buy GREAT Scanner accessory's .
Wore my AOR 1000 in a Shoulder Harness and a Lapel Mic because it looked cool.
It was actually the late nineties when they made listening to cellphones illegal. Happened under the Bill Clinton regime. My AOR1500 could receive cellphone freqs because it was a pre-ban model. But then they started going to digital cellular, analog is no longer used in cellphone systems. So in the later days I could no longer hear the chit-chat since the AOR1500 was analog only.they actually outlawed listening to cell phones on scanners I think in the mid to late 80s. GRE was making Radio Shack scanners.
Because it was illegal in the United States but lawful elsewhere all you had to do was take the case off of certain scanners and cut a diode with a Wirecutter and you could hear analog 800 megahertz cell phones but they weren't trunked. There were so few cell phones around then you could still follow conversations doing a limit search. Memories.
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