My first radio receiver was an old 1940sRCA upright AM radio. On the shortwave bands I heard hams, Voice of America and lots of foreign broadcasts. I will never forget the day I discovered police calls just above 1600 on the AM band. I was hooked. My favorite police Department was the Cincinnati, Ohio Police Department at 1620AM I could also hear Wheeling West VA but Cincinnati was my favorite. I rode my bike to the Exxon station to get a free map of Cincinnati which I placed under the glass on my dads trucking company desk so i could follow every call and find the streets as I did my homework. Later I found a new Gonset tuneable low band tuner on sale for 50.00 and with my newspaper money i bought it and with my dads help I was able to wire it to the old am radio getting the 180 vdc tube plates supply from the power supply in the radio and 6vac for the tube filiments from the radio as well and run a shielded wire to the volume control to insert the audio via the center pin on the volume control as well as a nearby ground. Living in Virginia I heard more police and fire department then I could count plus skip Dallas Texas on 37.18MHz and Louisiana on 39.5 as well as most of the departments in Virginia were on low band at that time.
PRO-2006. I bought it in 1992 as a gift to myself. After 14 years of being a ham, I need another hobby. Wife was thrilled.
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I remember thinking a taxi company using 152.27 was up in the microwave zone back in the early 50s since all police i knew were on lowband 37..... and 39.... and 42.... and fire were on 46....Interesting, never considered that public safety started off in the low band, makes sense. I do remember the state police being around 42 mhz, by the time I got in in the mid 80's most everything was 155 range or 453.
Mama Mia! I had all those units except 1st and last one!
Interesting, never considered that public safety started off in the low band, makes sense. I do remember the state police being around 42 mhz, by the time I got in in the mid 80's most everything was 155 range or 453.
Remember you young people out there, we had no internet or smart phones with all the weather apps 40 years ago.
AND we had to use rotary dial phones to talk to our friends, then walked to and from school, in the snow, uphill both ways without shoes!