My ProScan feed to radioreference is kicked off regularly with a Error 10 code saying a remote station did not do something. What is happening?
The error codes means that the near side (ProScan) can't communicate with the far side (Broadcastify) for some reason. The TCP protocol doesn't specify where the problem is.
Per the FAQ page:
Q: I'm using the Source Client feature to stream audio to Broadcastify. I'm experiencing intermittent dropped connections.
A: Intermittent connections could be caused by your computer, NIC card, cables, router, ISP, far end, etc. It has been suggested by a few users to use a tool called
PingPlotter to isolate where the problem is.
Ensure you're not using AVG Anti-Virus software as that will interrupt TCP traffic.
If using the BCD536HP Wi-Fi, click the URL Audio Setup button and see if excessive Packet Loss shows in the dialog. Wi-Fi interference or a flaky Dongle could cause excessive packet loss. Move the dongle and scanner to another location to see if the packet loss decreases.
These links may be helpful.
BCD536HP WI-FI dropping issue
Feed keeps dropping out
Connection Issues