SDS100/SDS200/BCDx36HP Sentinel Updates

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More Info Coming Soon!
Jul 18, 2014
The update was probably borked because of RR's web server and database issues a few days ago. This week will probably be skipped, and updates resume next week.


Feb 16, 2014
Europe, Czech Republic
I am going to get my new SDS200E on monday. Has the SDS Sentinel been already fixed to support SDS200E? Or should I expect manual FW update via SD card?
Based on the statement on Uniden's Japan web page, it should work with SDS200E.
Even if the page has SDS100E in the title, they explicitly name SDS200E support.
Can anybody confirm SDS Sentinel can be used for programming AND firmware updating of the SDS200E?
Thank you.


Feb 16, 2014
Europe, Czech Republic
Thank you, have seen that. However, there is no info about the SDS sentinel version, which he used. Now the version is 2.01.03, I downloaded it but can't test as my scanner arrives on monday. But there is still no model selection, so I think it is not fixed yet.
As Ubbe mentioned, it can probably be used for downloading and uploading favorite lists between PC and scanner, but can't be used for FW update and for customizing display?
So I assume that the display itself can be customized from the scanner directly. I am jjust not sure about the FW. There is a link to google drive with latest FW in the other thread (for SDS200E version) but I don't know how the guy got the FW files?
Probably will have to wait till monday for test, but any info in advance would be appreciated.
Thank you.


Feb 16, 2014
Europe, Czech Republic
Our russian friend Maksim have almost all firmwares for the upgradable Uniden scanners.


Hello Ubbe, i think something might be wrong with the firmware file. When you look at the SDS200E-SUB_V1_02_01.firm file and at the SDS100E-SUB_V1_02_01.firm, they have absolutely identical size and when you look inside the file, in both files, there is a text "SDS-100-SUB" at the beginning of the file. Looks like the SDS200E Firmware has not been released yet ant the FW is for SDS100E and just renamed. Have no chance to verify it though.

EDIT: OK, done the binary compare using a tool and these files are identical.
So no new FW for the SDS200E :(:(:(
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Sep 8, 2006
Stockholm, Sweden
The sub file are for the sub processor and they decode data and do some other things that should work identical in both models.
Can you check Maksims sub files for the US version of SDS100 and SDS200 and check if they are identical?



Feb 16, 2014
Europe, Czech Republic
Hello Ubbe, so here are the results:

First - the SUB files (.firm extension):
  • the "SDS100E-SUB_V1_02_01.firm" and "SDS200E-SUB_V1_02_01.firm" are 100% identical to the single bit.
  • amazingly, you were right and the "SDS-100-SUB_V1_02_01.firm" and "SDS200-SUB_V1_02_01.firm" (both for US versions) are also 100% identical.
  • this is the raw string from the first line of the file EU version
    SDS-100-SUB ˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙Version 1.02.01  C,   € C°˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙21AE ˙˙˙˙˙˙
  • this is the raw string from the first line of the file US version
    SDS-100-SUB ˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙Version 1.02.01  C,   € C°˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙21AE ˙˙˙˙˙˙
  • Also the US and EU version of the SUB files are also 100% identical
  • Basically - all four files are identical
Second - the MAIN files (.bin extension):
  • the "SDS100E_V1_10_06.bin" and "SDS200E_V1_10_06.bin" are completely different.
  • the "SDS200_V1_10_00.bin" (US) and "SDS200E_V1_10_06.bin" (EU) are also completely different.
  • Even though the file size is exactly the same (2 162 688 bytes), the content is not the same at all.
  • there is no raw string in the code referring to SDS100
Other that that - here are my comments:
  • As mentioned earlier in this thread, the user "Ludde" mentioned he is on 1.08.05 with his SDS200E.
  • He didn't mention the SUB version, but I would assume that the SDS200E got the 1.02.01 Sub and 1.08.05 Main from the very beginning (as this version was was released by Uniden on 3/7/2019 for US models and the SDS200E version was put on the market somewhere around this date).
  • Since that time, neither SDS200 nor SDS200E (or the 100s versions) didn't get any SUB update (current US SDS200 is on 1.10.00/1.02.01, current US SDS100 is the same and current SDS100E is on 1.10.06/1.02.01). So there is probably nothing new since SUB 1.02.01
  • As for MAIN, it is possible, that the file "SDS200E_V1_10_06.bin" indeed includes the latest update for SDS200E as it is different from the file for SDS100E.
Everything above is just assumed from the public info available as I currently don't own SDS200E. I hope I will get mine on Monday so I can report what MAIN/SUB FW is in the unit shipped and if the update works.

There is another glitch in the SDS sentinel version 2.01.03 versus US Sentinel 2.02.01 - I noticed that when customizing the display via the EU SDS Sentinel, it is not possible to select field with "filter" - it is not in the drop down list - probably the SDS Sentinel has not been updated yet. But that is another story.

Sorry for a very long post, feel free to comment my findings.
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Feb 16, 2014
Europe, Czech Republic
Can't edit previous post so one more comment.
On the facebook group, a user from UK just confirmed to me that he succesfully upgraded his SDS200E through SDS Sentinel (from Japan site) to main 1.10.06 and sub 1.02.01 without any problems. So it is work normally, no more downloading to SD card from external resources.


Sep 8, 2006
Stockholm, Sweden
the "SDS100E-SUB_V1_02_01.firm" and "SDS200E-SUB_V1_02_01.firm" are 100% identical to the single bit. amazingly, you were right and the "SDS-100-SUB_V1_02_01.firm" and "SDS200-SUB_V1_02_01.firm" (both for US versions) are also 100% identical. Basically - all four files are identical

the "SDS100E_V1_10_06.bin" and "SDS200E_V1_10_06.bin" are completely different.
the "SDS200_V1_10_00.bin" (US) and "SDS200E_V1_10_06.bin" (EU) are also completely different.
That is what could be expected. The sub files are only doing the decode of the datastreams and some other work that should be identical to all models of scanners as the different digital and analog systems transmit the same signal independent of what receiver you have, so should be decoded in the exact same way.

The main files are different because of the different hardware and user interface of the scanners, but probably 95% of the code are exactly the same as the inner workings of the scanner regarding all scanner functions and SD card management and so on are identical.
Too bad that Sentinels euro version doesn't seem to be up to date. But anyhow good that the firmware update from Sentinel now works.



Feb 16, 2014
Europe, Czech Republic
SDS200E is the version sold outside US (Europe, etc.). Nothing special over SDS200 (the original US version). The only reason to buy SDS200E is that you live outside US and want to spare on shipping costs and customs and have a two year warranty in Europe.
Unfortunately, Uniden Japan (the support for SDS200E) decided to make "special' firmware and sentinel sw, so that means all the FWs and SWs for the original version does not work and we have to wait for update by Uniden Japan (sometimes delayed even several months).


Premium Subscriber
May 8, 2004
Dallas, TX
Mine would not update since 11/03. I'd last tried again this morning but no new updates.
I just now tried again and the 11/17 update downloaded so whatever was wrong seems to have been fixed.
I think either they took down the update because of a problem, or something caused the system to treat 11/03 as current. I updated my desktop PC to 11/17 Monday. But when I tried to update my laptop yesterday, the site was giving me 11/03 as current. However, today, my laptop got the 11/17 update.
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