
  1. P

    Uniden BC355N not working?

    Yesterday I picked up a 355N. I know that it can only do analog. It will only receive a few runs though. I have been missing dispatches. The frequency is 154.130 Why can I only receive calls if the pager tone goes off first then the digital tone, then the computerized voice talks to dispatch the...
  2. P

    Confused Newby

    Hi. I signed on to try to get help. This is my second scanner that I cant get to work. My first one had trunking and it was so far over my head so now I ordered a Whistler Analog Desktop scanner. Here's my question, how do I get the frequencies if my city is not on the list? The closest...
  3. H

    Does XTS-3000 encryption work in analog or just in digital mode

    Looking at an XTS-3000 that supports two encryption modes ... DES-XL DES-OFB Does the encryption work in analog mode or does it only function when operating in digital mode? Thank you.
  4. H

    How does analog DES encryption work?

    Some of the older Motorola System Saber radios make use of DES encryption. How does encryption work with an analog signal? Encrypting digital signals seems straight forward but how are analog signals encrypted using DES?
  5. H

    Can a digital radio make use of an analog repeater?

    Can a digital radio make use of an analog repeater to relay to another digital radio? I am thinking probably not but I am not sure so I figured I would ask. The same frequency is being used in both analog and digital but am I correct in thinking that the analog repeater would not know how to...
  6. H

    Both digital and analog operation?

    Which Motorola radios can communicate in both analog and digital modes? XTS-3000, XTS-5000, Astro Saber? Thank you.
  7. U

    BCD436HP All Conventional Channels squelch open

    I've been slowly working my way through creating and editing favorite lists in my settings using the Sentinel software. Very recently ALL of my analog (conventional) channels on this radio act as if the squelch is simply not there (turned all the way open), with static heard until a user on the...
  8. NUGEN

    HT 1250 LS programming for Analog system

    I have a HT 1250 LS radio that I want to program for the following frequencies. I've asked someone if I could get it programmed for this particular system but I was told that their radios work off of 200mhz and they told is 190mhz, this doesn't sound right because they use the HT 1250 LS also...
  9. P

    MotoTrbo mobile shack.

    Picture of a VHF and UHF Motorola MotoTrbo stack. This is a mobile setup and is stacked near the transmission hump. A dual band antenna and connector box is used with these. Anybody else use MotoTrbo in the Pacific Northwest?
  10. S

    will a new digital scanner work in alaska new police and trooper digital system?

    hello, im new on radioreference but not new with scanners. i have moved to alaska view years ago and recently bought an older analog scanner the realistic pro 2005. i really like this scannerand paid 50$ for it but i have noticed i cannot hear the police or state troopers only ems and fire and...
  11. S

    Cabarrus Channels

    I am asking for anyone who can help to please list all the ANALOG frequencies for the Cabarrus Operations channels. If you aren't going to be helpful, please don't reply. I simply want the answer and am not looking for people to give me a lecture.
  12. S

    Types of Frequencies and Talkgroups

    I was looking at my local counties talkgroups and frequencies. I saw that they were mostly analog talkgroups. I was looking at another county's list of talkgroups and frequencies and saw that they were digital talkgroups. So here is my real question: What is the difference in an "analog...
  13. A

    DPL on analag? Quick question!

    Quick question, is I know PL is on analog (non-digital) systems, but just wondering about DPL, can I get DPL on an analog (non-digital) system? The BC346XT to be exact? Thank you!
  14. R

    Digital Pagers for volunteer Fire/EMS?

    Some background. Our town is getting a new Motorola Radio Communication System (simulcast). To achieve the 95% Analog coverage goal, 2 new towers are planned in less than ideal locations. We could achive the 95% digital coverage goal with a different tower configuration that has less impact...
  15. A

    Scanning NYC public safety UHF in NYC (Manhattan) - recommended handheld and antenna?

    Greetings all, I've been using an old, conventional, non-trunking Radio Shack scanner with rubber rubber ducky and telescoping antennae, mainly to listen to SOD and traffic for newsgathering purposes. In low-RF areas, it works fine, and I like being able to make adjustments on the fly. In...
  16. H

    Anolog question

    I know everything is going to StarCom low band and fast. I can't or should say I am having a very hard time keeping up! First off I picked up an old hobby. I did this when I was a kid and loved it. I'm in my late 30's married and probably why I am picking up a hobby again! (reason to rebuild...
  17. Dustybill69

    Problems with Pro-197

    I have had this problem since I bought this radio back in 2009. I have a digital Radio Shack Pro-197 and a old Analog Pro-2050 I have both trunked digital systems like the St.Louis city p25 and then I have in a separate scan block all together the old St.Louis county Analog non trunked system...
  18. H

    Jefferson Co. (KY)/Louisville...analog vs. digital

    Someone who probably knows less about "scanning" emergency service frequencies than I has said that all the local (Metro Louisville) transmitters have recently (?) gone to digital broadcast equipment. Obviously if true, or even partially true, this impacts TYPE of desktop scanner used...or in...
  19. scseh

    Digital System Mutes Police Scanner

    Digital System Mutes Police Scanner May 18, 2012 The Spokesman Review, Spokane, Washington Digital System Mutes Police Scanners - Huckleberries Online - - May 18, 2012
  20. KK4DUY

    trunks on an analog

    Since I got my FCC license I've been nosing about the bands, and doing some reading here and there. I have a question, apropos my thread title: is it possible to monitor a trunking system at all with an analog receiver? From my understanding the RX/TX may be split, and they could jump around -...