
  1. S

    Walmart MURS.

    Hello, I was curious about Walmarts MURS Channels. I have them programmed in on my Baofeng UV-82 and I can hear them but they cant hear me? Anyway of fixing this? I saw something about turning Duplex to Off on the CHIRP Programming Software but that didn't seem to work. Anyway on ,making it to...
  2. S

    New Firmware N5R-213 in UV-5R

    here I leave the new firmware UV-5R, the radios were purchased 409shop. Stock firmware N5R-213
  3. S

    Uploading fequencies to UV5R

    Can someone PLEASE tell me how to upload frequencies to this radio? I have been trying for hours, and hours, and hours..... Thank you
  4. J


    These budget radios seem to be all over the place when it comes to transmit power. In other words, they rarely live up to their specs, at least not from the reviews that I've seen. Has anyone had a problem where this had become a major issue? I really don't want to waste money on something that...
  5. J

    Which Baofeng model is right for me?

    I am a new ham (General Class), and I am preparing to buy my first radio. Specifically, I am looking at Baofeng radios. Please don't suggest the Yaseau FT-60R or more expensive radios because I just can't justify putting that much into a radio at this point in time. In the future, maybe. I know...
  6. A

    Baofeng BF-888S Frequency Expansion

    Hello. Just got a Baofeng BF-888S and was wondering if there's any way to do a frequency expansion so that I could program it for frequencies not in the 400-470MHz range. I looked around online and found nothing but frequency expansions for the UV-5R. Thanks.
  7. G

    Baofeng UV-5R Antenna reccomendations

    Hello, My Baofeng radio's stock antenna is complete ****, so I've been searching for a new one. I've found the Nagoya 771, and it's reviews are positive, but I don't know if it will work on Australian UHF CB (476 - 477 MHz) and VHF. It's outside of the antenna's frequency range, would it be...
  8. G

    Recording a Baofeng UV-5R?

    Hello all, I've just made my first CB radio contact with my Baofeng UV-5R, and I realized that I should record my calls on my cassette tape deck on my desk. I don't know how to combine the microphone and headphone jacks, any ideas? The tape player has 2 input jacts (Left and Right), I might be...
  9. L

    Baofeng UV-82L question

    Ok, just picked up a Baofeng UV-82L. I’ve downloaded and installed both the Baofeng SW as well as the CHIRP SW, both seem to work well except I can’t figure out how to program “Channel B” independently from “Channel A”. Anyone have any suggestions? Thanks
  10. G

    BaoFeng UV-5R Make Scanner Only

    Hello, I recently purchased a BaoFeng UV-5R from eBay, and I enjoy it a lot, but I have a big issue. Because it can broadcast on frequencies that are illegal here in Australia, I am scared to even use it. I have looked for transmit inhibit, but all I find is how to make specific VHO channels no...
  11. R

    ANI Code

    Hello All, I have a Baofeng UV-82L. For the life of me, I can not figure out how to get the ANI code to display on receiving radios. Does the UV-82L have the ability to always transmit the ANI code and have it displayed on a receiving radio that is capable of displaying the ANI code? I'm...
  12. H

    BaoFeng uv-5r help

    Hello all awesome site, newbie here with the uv5r. My question is I am only able to see 2 channels in memory/channel mode "000 and "127" not sure what I did but I would like to unlock all the memory channels to program in. Thanks for your help.
  13. S

    Uv5ra with byonics aprs

    Can some one show me how to set up bionics aprs on a Baofeng Uv5ra. I want to be able to send/receive aprs packets. If you have done this please post some photos of the equipment you used (cables tt3/4 ect.)
  14. W

    Baofeng UV-5r +

    I purchased 2 Baofeng UV-5r + recently. I was wondering if there way to make a control head for the radios to use as a mobile repeater? Any Ideas?
  15. VE1GAT

    Baofeng UV5 squelch problem, any solutions?

    I have several UV5s types with firmware 297 and none of the units have a working squelch. I have not joined the CHIRP mail list but use daily builds. Have not found any bugs reported or fixed about this issue any solutions
  16. D

    Newbie Question- new radio

    This is all very new to me. I am totally lost so hopefully someone can help. I was given a Vertex VX-354 a few months ago and figured I would give it a try. I really like using it, but it's an older model so I decided to upgrade. I am currently using the vertex software to program it. I just...
  17. VE1GAT

    Canadian Legal GMRS with Beofeng UV5

    I've been working on programming the UV5R to be legal GMRS ready for Canada. It needs to be 2 W radiated power. I have a CHIRP image here Index of /radio features: weather channel in RX mode Emergency use of Marine CH16 (do not misuse this channel) scanning of MURS (not yet legal in Canada...
  18. Danny37

    I got my hands on a baofeng uv-3r mark 2, out of band recieve.

    I got one of these little units for 30 bucks off a friend and its a great little radio. Great for scanning. The only downside is its limited recieve. I wanted to recieve the uhf t band on this radio and after researching and trying numerous amounts of modifications to the setup.ini file I keep...
  19. R

    Baofeng UV-B5

    I hope someone here can help. I Just purchased at Baofeng UV-B5. Love it so far...The only problem I am having is that I've programmed a community repeater into it, and I can key the UV-B5 and hear it on the repeater, but unless I manually open the squelch on the side of the UV-B5 I cannot hear...
  20. N

    Chinese radio features

    Hey Everyone...I had a couple of questions regarding the chinese two way radios such as wouxun, baofeng, etc. I'm looking for a radio that has 2/5 tone encoding, a voice (who knows what) scrambler, and possibly mdc, and other commercial features... I'm a bit confused as to the origins of these...