
  1. Charlie1068

    Baofeng Baofeng RD-5R DMR TDMA Help

    I recently purchased a RD-5R and can program DMR no problem, but some of the frequencies I can receive in DSD Plus are TDMA. I can receive them fine on DSD, but then I program the frequencies, Color Code and Talk groups. I can't pick up any of there chatter, I have retraced my steps to make sure...
  2. B

    Help with setting up long range (50+ mile) GMRS Radio communications solution.

    Hello, I would like some help/tips on hoe to set up a long range gmrs communication system, what I would like is handheld (Baofeng BF-F8HP) Radios that I would use when I get out of the car. And for when I'm in the car I will be using a Talkcoop KT-8900D Mobile/Car radio found on amazon. And as...
  3. K

    Help-Baofeng UV-82HP Questions

    I recently purchased the Baofeng UV-82HP which has the following frequency ranges: 136-174 MHz (VHF) 400-520MHz (UHF) A mature (Part 97) Usage I am curious if there is a way to get frequencies in the 700-850 range. If so, what do I need to do/buy? The channels id like to listen to are mostly...
  4. K

    Baofeng GT-5TP Programming Help

    Ive purchased a GT-5TP Baofeng but i cant seem to be able to program it with chirp, has anyone managed to program it using chirp. It doesn't give me an option to upload to radio and when i select download from radio it say 'Incorrect 'Model selected' when Using UV-82HP which is what chirp...
  5. F

    888s as backup fire pager?

    Looking into the baofeng 888s as a budget friendly fire pager/scanner for a VFD. Price point and lack of features (aka buttons for people to press and mess something up) are very attractive. We have no dealers nearby to program and I'm familiar with CHIRP on the uv82 and have a good prog cable...
  6. H

    better range???

    I have recently purchased a couple of Baofeng F8HP talkies and was expecting to get a bit more range out of them. I was only able to get about 800meters in good conditions. Is there a way to get better distance on the frs or gmrs channels.?
  7. S

    Business Radio license

    Hey I am planing to buy radios for our business and I have my business license. Can I operate on business frequencys in the business license?
  8. K7MFC

    Btech gmrs-v1

    I recently wrote a review of the BTECH GMRS-V1 handheld radio for my club’s forum, and after using it for a few months I would like to share my thoughts here as well. The original review can also be read on my blog. I was in the market for a handheld GMRS radio to be used primarily for outdoor...
  9. Jaofeng

    Baofeng on FRS channels

    Hello, I recently purchased a Baofeng BF-F9V2+. I do not have any licenses yet. After reading multiple forums, it seems that it would be illegal for me to transmit on FRS frequencies. However, from the FCC website, my understanding is that FRS channels are free to use so long as the...
  10. R

    Baofeng UV-5R (Begginer Alert)

    Sorry for writing an essay, but I wanted to make it as easy as possible to answer my questions. I just recently received a UV-5R Ham Radio. No worries, I have transmitting permit, but transmitting isn't what I'm here for. I've been having trouble with the thing for a while, I've...
  11. T

    Need help with good frequencies for a security team!

    Hi, I am located in cass county, MO. I do church security and I am in need of some good frequencies to use. The main radio the team uses is the Baofeng BF-888s and I personally use the UV5R. We need something that will work well through brick walls and auditoriums and be legal, plus we need as...
  12. F

    Help: Repeater Baofeng UV-5r setup

    Hi. Bought a cable from Baofeng for repeater use, and programmed with a +0.0600 offset (see attached pictures). It works but it doesnt send before you talk or blow hard in the mic. Not tested from a distance yet but some scratching. Is there any settings on the radio i need to change?
  13. H

    Range for Baofeng FRS?

    Hello, I am interested in buying these Baofeng FRS radios for my friends and I as some of them are taking an interest in radio and they would all like a way for us to communicate basically using radio at a reasonable price. I am wondering how much I can expect for range, and yes, I am aware that...
  14. C

    Baofeng GT-5TP CHIRP

    Hi - I'm trying to begin programming my Baofeng GT-5TP using CHIRP on a MAC. The first problem I'm encountering is the USB port doesn't come up. So I can't clone my radio at the outset of the process. Does anyone have any tips? Thanks - Chris.
  15. T

    UV-82 scanning

    Ok, I've programmed memory channels on a baofeng uv82 v2+ for a friend. The question is, can you "scan" the memory channels that are programmed? Not too familiar with this radio but it seems like a solid little handheld! Thanks for any help.
  16. H

    Baofeng not Transmitting?

    I've been using my Baofeng BFF8-HP for a while now, and I recently received my technician's license. I called CQ several times and got no response. I became frustrated and tried to talk on a frequency I knew was used by a local crowd in Connecticut (I live on Long Island, near the north shore)...
  17. H

    JPole Antenna for Baofeng?

    I purchased a Baofeng BFF8HP recently, and I am considering buying a JPole Antenna to mount on my roof. I currently have the radio connected using RG-58 coaxial cable to a 26 inch Radio Shack antenna on a vent pipe on my roof (yes, Radio Shack came through for me in this day and age), and I'm...
  18. D

    How to mute EMS tones?

    I often monitor the Santa Clara County EMS frequency, and every time a call comes in, the dispatcher tones out the appropriate units. These tones are much louder than the actual voice communications, and they are also very annoying. Is there any way to program the Baofeng UV-82HP squelch to...
  19. viper1833

    Looks Like Baofeng Finally Did It

    Every now and then, I like to scroll through radio listings on the FCC, see if any new GMRS type 95a certified equipment gets approval. That way I can see if there is something in the future if I might by it. Looks like Baofeng finally created a type 95a certified GMRS Transceiver. This should...
  20. I

    Amateur Radio Question with Baofeng UV-B5:

    I made a short YouTube video to record something I've been hearing over the radio this afternoon. Been hearing an odd noise and it reoccurs every 30 seconds. Here's the link: *MOD please move to the correct section if I posted wrong*