
  1. DylanMadigan

    Can I get MDC1200 installed on my Baofengs somehow?

    I have 35 Baofeng BF-888s Radios I wish to have an MDC1200 preamble on. I found one guy who said he can install a chip that he can program for me, but he was very shady, I don't trust him lol. Basically what I want is it to give off an ID and have that second of tone that keeps you from...
  2. W

    Baofeng GT-3TP

    Hello all, I just got a Baofeng GT-3TP mark iii today. I am having some problems programming in repeaters for my area on 70cm. The input of the radio will only allow me to enter up to 440.995, and not any higher. I have looked around and have not found much on this. Anyone out there know a...
  3. E

    Are radios required to be FCC certified?

    Hi! I just bought two Baofengs (BF-F8HP) off Amazon. There isn't any FCC ID on the device, but there is a FCC logo with no additional text. Is this radio 'legal' for use? Is FCC certification required for all radios? Thanks!
  4. K

    Baofeng uv5r computer sound card tx loop

    I was hooking up my Baofeng UV5r to my computer for using various digital modes and echolink with my yaesu ft-60r or other radio things that involve a computer. What's strange is that whenever I plug Baofeng out to computer in and Baofeng in to computer out, it starts transmitting and won't...
  5. R

    I need a lesson

    I bought a Polaris Rzr at the first of the year. It has a Vertex VX-200 VHF radio in it. It took me 3 weeks before I could figure out which cables to program it with because there isn't a lot of info about the vertex radio out there and if there is I don't know how to find it. I bought 2...
  6. S

    Baofeng BF-F9V2+ TX power measurements.

    Hey guys, First time posting. I work with a couple guys that are into Amateur Radio and they've kind of got me a little interested, so I picked up a Baofeng BF-F9V2+ off of Amazon because of the cheap entry point... I don't want to commit a lot of cash unless I know I'm going to stick with it...
  7. Radioman_911

    Baofeng Offset frequency issue w/ CHIRP

    I am trying to program my Baofeng UV82 and i am using seperate TX frequencies by setting the Duplex to "Split" and then putting the TX Freq in the Offset column. This is right and it transfers to radio alright. However, when i save my file and open it back up, those offset TX Freq's now display...
  8. Nerumph

    Need Repeater Advice

    Hello community! I would first like to thank you for taking the time to read through, and possibly assist with, this plea of help I have finally decided to bring to the forums! So without further adue, here is the situation of a new repeater build I am in need of assistance with! I have been...
  9. I

    Dipole/J-Pole/Slim Jim for a Backyard Antenna for my Baofeng UV-5R

    I'm looking for some advice for an external antenna that I can rig up with a simple base/post to better receive with the UV-5R. The last year I've enjoyed listening to the local repeaters (by local I mean any repeater within 20-40km from the QTH. Any advice would be appreciated. I currently have...
  10. N

    Baofeng UV-6R

    I recently purchased this UV-6R and set it up to be a scanner for local police, etc. I do have it working and scanning but sitting it next to my radio shack scanner I find that it never stops scanning even when it should. It will receive traffic when not scanning and just sitting on a channel...
  11. C

    Baofeng UV82 backlight flashing

    When "save" is turned off I get a blue backlight which is always on, including illuminated keypad. If I set the "save" mode to 1-4, then the back light flashes on and off continuously. Is this radio capable of turning off illuminated screen and keyboard? Maybe a defect? Thank you.
  12. K

    Video I made of setting a Baofeng UV-5R on fire

    Over the past weekend I did some rather extreme testing on one of the Chinese made Baofeng UV-5R dual-band HT's and asked permission from radioreference support to post the link here. Love them or hate them the Baofeng took a lot of punishment and kept on ticking. Definitely a cheap HT, but...
  13. M

    Better channels for wavy terrains?

    Hi there, My paintball team & I uses Baofeng radios which are surprisingly pretty good for our use. We are having issues though whenever we play on a wavy terrain. In other words, when there is a mountain that separates us, we get some heavy static. I heard that some people uses different...
  14. A

    $1 for a Baofeng Programming Cable?

    Found a site $1 for a Baofeng Programming Cable including shipping. Is it reliable? 2 Pack 2015 Baofeng GT-3TP Transceiver US + 2 Remote Speaker + 1 Programming Cable -Online Shopping for Gadgets & Electronics
  15. V

    Baofeng uv-82c programming

    Hi all, I'm using chirp daily to program some baofeng uv-82c radios. My goal is to turn them into something my 7yo daughter, her mother and I can use. I've got a GMRS license and have programmed in the GMRS. There are two issues remaining. 1) Is it possible to switch channels without enabling...
  16. matty909

    baofeng uv-5ra and PL's/DPL's on repeaters

    So i need a little help here. At work we use motorola ht750's, cp200's, and xpr6100's (digital) we have a repeater with a input of 469.0250 and output of 464.0250 standard 5+ offset. I dont know the PL tone but i found the DPL is 723. I can hear all radio traffic on the output with the DPL...
  17. H

    Automatic Scanning 159.810 - 161.565

    Hey railfans, hate to sound like such a greenhorn, but I'm having trouble understand scanner basics. I'll keep my question simple and direct: Q: I want my radio (Baofeng Uv-5r) to scan the entire range of 159.810 - 161.565. So do I have to enter and save every single frequency in between that...
  18. G

    Baofeng UV5Ra progaming for EMS

    Hello, I work for American Medical Response in New Haven CT. My company does not provide portable radios that work on the company frequency so myself and a few other employees purchased these radios so that we would be able to have contact with our dispatchers when we are away from the truck. My...
  19. R

    Baofeng UV-5R - can't save channel to memory

    Just got this radio in the mail today. I've read all manuals, reset to factory settings, and even managed to save one memory channel, but I'm trying to save another and it doesn't work: I get to menu >27->menu->(selected free channel without CH in front of number)->menu - and instead of...
  20. S

    2 antennas, 1 radio? Possible?

    Hello, I have 2 Baofeng UV-82's and I was wondering If there was a anyway I could attach 1 huge antenna to 2 of these Baofengs. Maybe a wiring technique or.. I'm setting it up for a repeater for my Boy Scout troop and I really dont want to buy 2 antennas when I may be able to hook up 1 to both...