
  1. villlythekid

    Need Help Programming a system

    I need help programming the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority system (Motorola Type II Smartnet) for the BCD996P2 using FreeScan. The weirdest thing is that it was working a few weeks ago and I was messing around on my scanner a little and it just stopped working after that. The...
  2. E

    Programming BCD996P2 nxdn

    I'm new to scanning and have never had a scanner this advance. I have however had older models and understand a little bit about programming conventional and digital trunking. I've got majority of everything around me. But has been really hit and miss. I'm wondering is there something I'm...
  3. phyberoptics

    ProScan: BCD996P2 losing display on ProScan

    I use ProScan to stream, and I'm finding that every couple of days, I'm having to disconnect the USB cable from the front of the radio, and connect it back, and re-select the port in ProScan. Has anyone else had this odd issue and can tell me what the permanent "fix" is?
  4. K7MFC

    K7MFC mobile shack: 2019 Ford F-150 XLT

    Last summer I replaced my 2013 F-150 with a new 2019 F-150. Just like the last truck, this is my daily driver to the office job, but it does truck stuff too! I've been happy with Ford trucks and decided to get another F-150, but this time around I placed a factory order so I could get the...
  5. villlythekid

    BCD325P2/BCD996P2: Need Help Programming System

    I am using FreeScan to try to program this system: Prince George's County Trunking System, Various, Maryland - Scanner Frequencies (Prince George's County Trunking System) I went onto Reddit to r/policescanner and someone sent me a 996 file through gofile.io with the system set-up, but it...
  6. BC2001

    Harlan Co. Public Safety System Question

    This may come off as a silly question, but I am still learning about trunking and scanners, so please bear with me. I have a BCD996P2 and I plan on getting the NXDN upgrade from Uniden, so I can monitor the Harlan County Public Safety Trunked System. But, I notice it says "NXDN NEXEDGE 4800"...
  7. Uniden BCD996P2 (NO UPGRADES)

    Uniden BCD996P2 (NO UPGRADES)

    Like new BCD996P2 with power cable, usb cable, and stock antenna. Recently moved and simulcast renders this scanner useless on the system I monitor.
  8. B

    Newb in Ohio - up against a time constraint

    Good Morning! So a friend and I are taking a road trip across the country soon and he asked me to program his scanner while he is working on other vehicle aspects. Sure! Why Not! Can't be that hard! - or so I thought. I have years of experience in CB radios, Alarms, Remote Starters, etc, so I...
  9. Disk4mat

    BCD325P2/BCD996P2: Priority Scan not working for P25 and DMR

    I have enabled Priority Scan for two systems. One a P25 and the other a DMR. Enabled Priority for several TGID's and when turning on Priority Scan "No Channel" is displayed. Priority Scan does work however for conventional channels. Firmware version 1.08.01 - - - - Separate issue but maybe...
  10. Disk4mat

    BCD325P2/BCD996P2: Not possible to toggle Priority for Channel right?

    Just wanted to confirm that while holding on a channel there is no way to toggle Priority on/off for that channel. The only option is to go through the menu and edit the channel right?
  11. Disk4mat

    ProScan: Proscan Recording Folder names dont match System

    I love PS and its features are more than useful. You can tell allot of work and love goes into it. I am rather new so I might be overlooking a setting. Here is my problem in short. Recordings. Folder names for conventional systems get named properly as the System name. Digital, trunked, DMR etc...
  12. T

    BCD325P2/BCD996P2: No Signal?

    I just recently had an issue with my BCD996P2 scanner where it's not picking up a signal? It was working yesterday now today it has just stopped working and won't pick up a signal, is there a way to fix this ? *it's already updated to the latest firmware*
  13. D

    Noobie with a quick question

    I just ordered a Uniden BCD996P2 and I'm using FreeSCAN + RadioReference Premium to get it programmed. I imported the system I want to monitor for my county using the RadioReference Import but it doesn't look like it imported the control channels under the site's trunk fq. list, is this normal...
  14. H


    Im having serious problems with my scanner on Baltimore City PD channels. I've put in ALL the available frequencies in the APCO band plan AND Trunk frequencies section of Freescan. The problem is when i set the scanner to a particular channel lets say Northeast District; one particular...
  15. A

    Phoenix Area Uniden SDS100 Review

    I just wanted to make a quick initial review of the SDS100. @KR7CQ Did a fantastic write up regarding the SDS100 and it is certainly more in-depth than mine will be. I picked this scanner up from HRO on Friday 12/21/2018 and I was admittedly a bit apprehensive. My current scanner is a BCD996P2...
  16. K

    Turn off the service scan?

    This is making me crazy. I have the BCD996P2 and have programmed it using FreeScan and RadioReference data. The frequencies are programmed, and they work fine. When I turn the radio on (and almost immediately press the “Hold” button), the stations I programmed come up immediately, and I can...
  17. SlipNutz15

    BCD996P2 audio blips

    Can anyone tell me why my scanner is "blipping" or "spiking" at the start and end of each transmission. These transmissions are digital and the settings for each are set as digital. Link to audio: https://www.dropbox.com/s/cvvr744almye9hx/Audio%20Clips.m4a?dl=0
  18. C

    Help with choosing a new scanner?

    I have several scanner and ham radios, but none that have Alpha Tags. I have had a feed for some time but only used ScannerCast in audio only mode. Is there an up-to-date selection guide? A example is a BCD996P2 that appears to have replaced the BCD996T, but appears not to have all the updates...
  19. jsb1964

    BCD325P2/BCD996P2: Saving Changes to Settings

    Hello All! I just purchased a Uniden BCD996P2 and I have what is the first of what will probably be many questions. I read on the forum that I could change the P25 threshold to manual setting. However, when I turn the scanner back on the changes did not hold. Also, I changed the display to...
  20. C

    Boone/Morgan Co. and IDPS

    First off, I am running a Uniden BCD996P2 with a Remtronix 800 antenna. I am located on the south side of Brownsburg. Last night I eagerly programmed in the Boone County and IDPS S1 (IFD.IEMS) only. No traffic. Nothing. Dead. I get "Finding Control Channel" flashing on the screen. However, for...