
  1. RadioDitch

    PC Hardware For Broadcastify Feed

    Morning all, I'm very seriously considering putting a Broadcastify feed up for an area that currently has zero coverage. I'm curious as to what are everyone's opinions regarding the minimum CPU and RAM requirements for hosting a single feed? I imagine anything newer than a 4th Gen Intel i5 Quad...
  2. AB5ID

    Why not 1 ip address equals 1 listener? Phantom fake listeners: feature request

    All the reports of fake or phantom listeners on feeds at random times for no reason? Searching this forum it seems to have been an issue for several years. For whatever reason it happens, how hard would it be to code the number of listeners cannot be greater than one per IP address?
  3. V

    Broadcastify Calls & Simultaneous Calls

    Hello Everyone, I have setup Broadcastify Calls using a RTLSDR dongle, Trunking Recorder v3.1.4790.7807, Unitrunker v2.1.0.58 VB Cable A & B. All is working as it should. However I am scanning a system on only 1 site and it’s busy. For example, I would like to capture as many streams as I...
  4. K

    1 Antenna 2 feeds

    Has any run into a issue where you have 2 feeds running on 1 raspberry pi and using 1 antenna where the audio mixes on both feeds? When I use 2 separate antennas and the audio mixing goes away.
  5. T

    Better Audio Quality with Unitrunker

    Hello I've configured Unitrunker with Trunking Recorder going to Broadcastify. Everything is working great, as you can see here... The issue I have is the audio quality out of Unitrunker has popping in the audio. What's odd is SDR sharp does not have...
  6. villlythekid

    Only Some Transmissions Coming Over

    I have been having issues with Montgomery County, MD talkgroups for the past 24 hours or so in which only some transmissions are showing up while others aren't. (Takoma Park Police A12 Dispatch and M-NCPPC Park Police B16 Dispatch) For example, an officer will acknowledge that he/she has...
  7. Salvatorejrc

    Broadcasting on Broadcastify

    I want to broadcast a frequency on Broadcastify, although, I want to get the cheapest scanner possible to do it, being that I already have an expensive scanner for personal use. The frequency I want to broadcast is on p25. Any scanner suggestions?
  8. SamAltenberger

    ProScan Implementing Broadcastify Calls for current Uniden/ProScan Feed?

    Greetings all, I currently host the Seattle Fire and Fairbanks North Star Borough Fire radio feeds on Broadcastify. Both feeds use a Uniden scanner (BCT15X & BCD996P2, respectively), connected with both an audio cable and serial data cable to a Windows 10 computer running ProScan software. Both...
  9. S

    Trunking Recorder v3.0 - Broadcastify calls and SDRTrunk support

    Trunking Recorder v3.0 has been released. This release adds support for uploading calls to the new Broadcastify calls system. It also adds support for importing SDRTrunk call recordings wave or mp3 files (requires SDRTrunk 0.4.0 final or newer). NOTE: Patch call target labels will not import...
  10. Lghtning4u

    BCD536HP Audio

    I'd like to listen to my BCD536HP scanner locally through my computer speakers or the scanners ext speaker while broadcasting to Broadcastify using a cable from the earphone jack on the scanner to the microphone input jack on Win 10. Is there a secret code word or handshake for this? Can...
  11. J

    Metadata for RadioFeed

    The newest version of Trunking Recorder has removed the option to display metadata on the title bar. As a result, no metadata is being sent via RadioFeed to broadcastify. I would like an alternative, possibly writing the current group alias to a file from DSD+ that RadioFeed could read from...
  12. J

    Geographical Feed Location

    Hi all, Happy New Year. I was playing with the iOS Broadcastify app and was in a city within 5 miles of my home feed(s) city. I did a search of feeds nearest to my location (using iOS Location Services) and my two feeds did NOT show up in the list. It some that were nearby and a feed some 74...
  13. P

    SDR stream to Broadcastify

    I’m looking at getting a SDR to replace my scanner feed to Broadcastify. I have a few questions: 1) can I just “plug and play”? -if I plug it in will RadioFeed or other software that provides feed to Broadcastify recognize it? 2) playing off the question above, if not what do I need to do to...
  14. Mogley

    Anybody Got a Premium Broadcastify Account that doesn't mind getting me a feed archive from today please?

    Hello, I just came home from a funeral viewing to turn on my scanner to hear something about a death and the word suicide mentioned. I didn't hear the beginning or where this "happened" at. I was wondering if a premium member could give me a hand please and get me an archive from today so I...
  15. scseh

    Got Missed Last Year 4/30/2018 - Virginia Beach police scanner app gets thousands of listeners during College Beach Weekend

    Two Stories here. Both related. First story was broadcast last year, 4/30/2018 on WAVY 10, Virginia Beach. It talked about how there was an uptick in Scanner App monitoring during Virginia Beach College Beach Weekend. Because of the uptick, it also attributes the Police taking action to...
  16. J

    Broadcastify Streaming with RaspberryPi Raspbian Stretch

    Has anyone been able to setup Darkice to stream scanner audio on the latest Raspbian version 9 (Stretch)? As I understand, Darkice does not need to be compiled as it already natively supports mp3 encoding. Any help is appreciated.
  17. KE4ZNR

    New Years Eve Feed?

    I know folks in the past have offered an online feed of the behind the scenes media activity for the New Years Eve broadcast...anyone doing it this year? I don't see anything at Broadcastify yet but have seen feeds pop up last minute so decided to ask. Happy (and Safe) New Years to everyone...
  18. M

    Not receiving all transmissions

    Hi, I have been listening to a great feed on Broadcastify for my area in Sudbury, ON. The feed has OPP, MTO, and city fire ( While it's a great feed, I am really only interested in listening to the fire department. I purchased a used...
  19. B

    NYC frequencies on broadcastify

    For the scanner app broadcastify does anyone know how to get new channels added? The app has a lot of frequencies but it would be nice to get the station for my local pct. (19th & 23rd) Thanks in advance for any and all info
  20. SamAltenberger

    Alpha Tag Synchronization Issue

    :confused: Greetings all, I have a question regarding alpha tags on a Broadcastify feed. I currently stream the Seattle Fire feed on Broadcastify (the "Broadcasting Alpha Tags" option is selected), using a Uniden BC346XT scanner (latest firmware 1.05.00) connected to a computer running Windows...