
  1. A

    Programing order in the Pro-97

    I have been reading the various posts regarding programing trunked systems into the Pro-97 but have not been able to find an answer to my question. Sorry in advance if I have overlooked the answer in a different post. I am attempting to program an EDACS group and the database lists 2 different...
  2. w2lie

    Nassau County EDACS Reband

    Nassau County has rebanded their EDACS system. Shift all their current frequencies down 15MHz and enjoy I'm currently listening to Talk Group 00-002, which I assume are the radio techs...they sound like they are trying to tweak the system. I've submitting the reband info into the database...
  3. phintar

    Oakland problems

    I want to monitor Oakland FD, and have it record onto my computer while I am away from my scanner. I know how to do all that and have it all hooked up, but here is my problem. I have Oakland programmed just like RR says to have it programmed, but every once in a while it will make this horrible...
  4. WA6IJD


    Has APS moved to their OpenSky system, because I'm not hearing activity on the posted EDACS system. Thanks
  5. 10-33esc

    Programming My Radio Shack Po 2055.

    I have entered all the the frequencies. and all the Bank (in 0 bank) Id's I would Like to hear on the system I programmed. when I place in scan mode. NOTHING is recieved??????? whn I have in manual mode I hear Everyone that is on the channel I am on, BUT again as soonas I scan ????? NOTHIN...
  6. E

    Trunking programming PRO 164

    Please delete. I accidently double posted. Please delete
  7. M

    Unitrunker and fire tones

    I'm having a problem with Unitrunker (Retro). I'm using my Pro-97 as my discriminator tap for the Hamilton County, IN Public Safety EDACS system. I have Unitrunker controlling my BC898T. The problem is whenever a fire/medical tone sounds, two talkgroups alternate on one channel really...
  8. P

    EDACS Narrow Invert Data Question

    When I select EDCAS Narrow, my RSPRO106 asks me if I want to Invert Data. What exactly does this do?
  9. J

    NEED HELP Hillsborough EDACS System BC246T

    I own a Uniden BC246T Scanner and dont know how to program the EDACS systems and i just seen that Hillsborough updated there system and dont know how to put the frequenceis in along with the LCN. With theses frequencies i dont know how to put in my scanner in order for system to work.Can...
  10. Lebowski

    Albuquerque help

    Anyone that's successfully monitoring the Albuquerque / Bernalillo county ProVoice system? I am looking for guidance on an LPE-200 or a Jaguar set up if that's what I need to do. If you prefer to take this offline please let me know. Thanks,
  11. tallman2

    UNLV EDACS frequencies

    Hi, I have searched the web for awhile and have found some info on the frequencies that UNLV uses, but I have yet to hear anything on what I have found. Does anyone by chance know what frequencies they use, and how often traffic is heard on it? Perhaps my Radio shack scanner isn't doing the best...
  12. D

    Trunking: Data Noise Problem

    I have a Radio Shack Pro-96 scanner, a friend has a Radio Shack Pro-528. Both are programmed (separate bands) with two trunking police agencies (La Quinta California and Palm Desert, California) and several other local non-trunked public service frequencies (Indio, AMR, CHP, etc.). We have no...
  13. bReed11091

    How do I find the frequency for a LCN?

    I'm trying to find the frequencies used by the Consumers Energy TRS (http://www.radioreference.com/apps/db/?sid=1579). I was wondering how I would go about doing this with my BCD996T.
  14. brandon

    PSR-500 handle EDACS patches?

    Does the PSR-500 support EDACS talkgroup patches? This thread implies that it does, however I've not had any luck. An example of a talkgroup patch would be ID 04-021 and 04-023 being patched as ID 15-157. It would be nice to still tune either 04-021 or -023 and be able to follow the group is...