
  1. B

    Help - EMT Radio Newb

    Im an EMT who is having trouble with my fire radio. (And I need it to work). It is a Weierei VEV-3288D. All of the sudden it has stopped allowing me to enter the frequency mode (where I can manually choose frequency. Which was usually done by holding down enter as i turned it on. I still have...
  2. KE4ZNR

    Wake County EMS gets Muscle Cars

    Listen out for the new EMS vehicles on Raleigh/Wake Locution Dispatch 156.225Mhz under the callsigns: MEDIC 91 MEDIC 92 MEDIC 93 MEDIC 94 MEDIC 95 MEDIC 96 Marshall KE4ZNR muscle cars to reach emergencies faster LINK By Michael Biesecker, Staff Writer...
  3. radioscan

    Arlington Heights Fire Department is out of business

    Hamilton County News Arlington Heights Fire Department has disbanded, closing Station 11. Reading Fire Department will now cover Arlington Heights territory. http://tinyurl.com/arlingtonhtsfire
  4. Z

    Erie, PA and Mahoning/Youngstown, OH Added to Incident News Broadcast

    Mahoning/Youngstown, OH Feed added to INB and Online. Erie, PA Fire-EMS-PD will be online within the week. Feel free to listen in to either feed on INB TeamSpeak at
  5. P

    Different services in the same town on the same frequency???

    I just want people's opionions on this matter. I live in a town where several different agencies share a frequency (Same PL tone as well). Ambulance, Public Works, Senior Center, Etc. All on the same channel. I have heard ambulance calls that have been stepped on by a public works, Couldn't...
  6. S

    Allegheny County: Findlay Twp., Imperial, Clinton Area

    Anyone know who handles EMS services for this area and their frequency? I know it used to be Central Ambulance years ago but I believe they have changed since. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
  7. A

    Fire Dept Tones [for a music project.]

    [Disclaimer: Yes, I used the search function and didn't get any results. I could find the freq they broadcast on but not the fire tones.] I'm trying to get the local tones for Lake Township Station 1 and 2 Rossford Stations Northwood Stations Perrysburg Station I'm making a kinda techno...