
  1. C

    Need info on good scanners

    I recently started to broadcast live in my area. I am very new to this but have learned a lot from RR. I bought 2 bc355c's. They are ok, but I want something better. For starters one of the fire channels has a longer frequency that I cannot fully enter in. Also, I live a little out of town...
  2. C

    Needing a hosting website

    Yesterday I found out that the person who has been running our scanner feed in town is calling it quits after 10 years. There have been a lot of posts from people saying that they do not want the site to go. I have decided to take over and host the feed, but the only problem is, I am not...
  3. H

    Feed Keeps droping every few minutes please help

    Hello, So I’m not going to lie I'm new to broadcasting and to RR. So any help would be great! What happens is my feed goes down every few minutes then reconnects. Then 3 minutes later goes out again. I have a dedicated computer with windows xp pro, net framework 2 and scannercast v0.14...
  4. w2lie

    A NY Giants Parade Live Feed on W2LIE.net

    To celebrate the NY Giants Win in Sunday's "Big Game", I will attempt to stream some audio from the parade route. The Live Feed will be carried on the W2LIE.net Special Feed. Scroll to the bottom of the Live Feed page to access the link. No Membership is required. Best guess would be...
  5. Tryton

    Which Stream would you like?

    We will be losing a very dedicated Feed provider here in Pinellas County, Klentathu. He will be leaving the state at the end of February, and he is taking his feeds with him :) He was running the Pinellas county Sheriffs office, Saint Petersburg PD, Pinellas Park PD. When we lost the Fire and...
  6. jerodb

    Feed Suggestion for Duluth Area Feed Providers

    Hello! Is there any Duluth/Superior area scanner feed providers that could add the Duluth Transit Authority Transportation feed? I am yet to buy my own scanner and would like to see this feed available via this website and my smartphone app. The frequency for the Duluth Transit feed is...
  7. WX9RLT

    Feed Delay

    Has anyone found a way to delay our scanner feeds yet? There is a 30 second delay as of right now, but for officer safety, it needs to be longer. For us who owns scanners, we hear it right away. But for officer safety, there needs to be more of a delay in the feeds than 30 seconds. So...
  8. AK4FD

    Audio cutting out on my feed??

    I'm wondering if someone can help me because I can't figure this problem out for the life of me. For some reason the audio cuts in & out, and if you listen to me feed you can hear it too, but I can see it on my scanner that the channel goes off and then comes back on like it loses reception or...
  9. NFR85

    Las Vegas Fire Feed

    Does anyone know where I can find Las Vegas Fire Feed only?
  10. w2lie

    Hurricane Irene scanner feed at W2LIE.net

    W2LIE.net will setup the "Special" feed this weekend to include the following agencies for Hurricane Irene: Nasasu County OEM Suffolk County EOC New York City OEM Nassau County ARES Nassau County RACES Suffolk County ARES/RACES Nassau County SKYWARN Suffolk County SKYWARN New York City ARES...
  11. M

    scannercast seems to freeze up

    Overall, I don't think my up-time is that bad. But a couple of times, I found that my feed was offline for several hours, I got the notification late, and since I was away from home I wasn't able to restart it. I'm finding that when this happens, the scannercast software is actually frozen. I...
  12. NFR85

    Nashua NH Feed Offline

    I'm not sure if this is the right form or not but the feed has been offline since July 14th, (10 days) Was wondering if anyone knew why? I'll try sending the person a message but looks like on the Feed alot of people were asking why its offline but nobody answered.
  13. NFR85

    Wilmington NC on Proscan

    Does anyone know the server IP or name for Wilmington NC for Proscan Client? It was there couple days ago and I keep refreshing with no luck. Thanks
  14. Bote

    Key West feed restored

    I had a bad audio cable on my Key West scanner feed, but after a little work this afternoon everything is up and running better than ever. Sorry for the inconvenience. This one might work: http://colostreaming.com:8000/botekyw.m3u Or this one might work: Bote's Southernmost Feed Enjoy.
  15. N

    I Set Up A Feed. But NEED Help!

    i think i have all the right cords. but i cant hear anything from the feed when im on my laptop, ( The Scanner Is Hooked To My DeskTop) And I Should Be Able To Hear It.? Mabey I Have Cords Hooked Up Wrong? And What Microphone Do I use In ScannerCast? SOMEONE PLEASE HELP!
  16. S

    LiveFireFeeds Updates

    ALL, I wanted to let everyone know were working very hard to add some new feeds to the ranks. I have a third feed coming online for AACO... Right now it is going to be BWI, unless someone in this thread can help us decide whatelse to throw on it. Fire Radio (iPhone) app was updated and now...
  17. R

    Cape Cod Coast Guard Feed-Hurricane Earl

    I've noticed exeptionally high listener numbers in the past 24 hours, probably do to hurricane related comms. If/when the power goes out, obviously the feed will go with it. I decided to let the listeners input into what they want to hear for the hurricane, any suggestions for the Cape...
  18. eNubiX

    Riverside California RPD and Fire feed

    Is anybody going to cover Riverside again? I know the feed was changed some time ago. But I never heard anything about it sense.
  19. kg4ojj

    Jacksonville Fire-Rescue audio feed

    All, After streaming the Jacksonville Fire-Rescue Department feed for awhile now, I think it is time for someone else to deal with the maintenance and upkeep of said feed. My business and leisure travels keep me away from the house enough; recently, it seems the feed has had more downtime (or...
  20. Bote

    Key West scanner stream test

    I'm testing a public safety scanner feed in Key West, Florida this weekend. The audio is as good as I can get it, sorry but it's a digital system. For now it's got fire, police, and marine stuff, but the marine freqs will probably get locked out as it does not hear them well at all. If I can...