
  1. Bote

    Key West scanner stream testing

    I'm testing a public safety scanner feed in Key West, Florida this weekend. The audio is as good as I can get it considering that Key West police blow my doors off while Monroe County sheriffs sound like mumblers 25 and 30dB below peak level. Even with a Terk ALC box it sounds horrible, but...
  2. H

    Yates County - New York

    All, Just a quick note to let you all know that Yates County now has a feed up. I'm done tweaking it now, so it should stay up most of the time. It's a small county with only a few frequencies so it is fairly well covered by one feed. Check the feed notes from information on the frequencies...
  3. 2

    Greene County

    Greene County TN listeners, I currently have a live feed @ Greeneville and Greene County Police, Fire, and EMS Live Scanner Audio Feed The scanner feeding it is a Bearcat BC350 run into a Dell desktop running Windows XP Media. Utilizing the personal bank, I have 20 channels. I was thinking...
  4. B

    WinAmp Bookmarks

    Question about bookmarking feeds in WinAmp. It seems like most of the time, when I do it, the title is usually Radioreference.com or some variation, and never what the feed is. I can go in an edit the bookmark, to the correct title, but then when I play it in the playback screen it still gives...
  5. w2lie

    Live Feed: Listen to the Ball Drop - From Behind the scenes 2009/2010

    Due to last year's feedback, and that requests are already coming in for this year, I'm pleased to announce that a new W2LIE.net tradition has been born. "Listen to the Ball Drop - From Behind the scenes" returns for another year, and will continue to do so each and every year! That's right -...
  6. Bote

    Auto Train P052-13 mobile scanner feed

    I'm taking Auto Train P052-13 tomorrow northbound and if everything works as planned I will be streaming my railroad scanner from the train. Here's the listen link: http://colostreaming.com:8000/botemobile.m3u They don't pull north until 16:00 (or maybe a few minutes early) so you won't hear...
  7. M

    OddCast alt. for mac?

    I am using OddCast with parallels on my mac but I would like to use a program built for the mac. Does anyone know of such a program?
  8. M

    Looking for a mac broadcast software....

    Hi everyone, I just started a new feed on RR "Oklahoma State DPS" but I actually use a mac and would like some broadcast software for it. Thank you.
  9. H

    Where is my City of Denver feed?

    Am I doing something wrong? I only see CSP and DIA?
  10. Mylan

    Two Sound Cards In One Dinosaur

    I have a 10 year old computer that I pretty much use only to stream a feed for RR.... I also have some extra scanners lying around that I would like to utilize for a second feed but I'd like to run both feeds on that machine...... Is it possible to install a second sound card in that pc...
  11. w2lie

    Special Feed: NYC Marathon 2009

    This Sunday, November 1st, is the NYC Marathon!! W2LIE.net will be streaming activity from NYPD, Media, and Amateur Radio on my "SPECIAL" Feed. A full list of frequencies will be posted later tonight, and the feeds will start EARLY on Sunday Morning. If anyone has any special requests for...
  12. WX9RLT

    Winnebago County Scanner feeds

    I am an audio feeder for Winnebago County. I am looking for the other person who does the audio feed for Winnebago County. To the person who audio feeds for Winnebago County, please contact me. I would like to talk to you about the feeds and up and down times. my email address is -...
  13. SlipNutz15

    Constant Feed Disconnect/Reconnecting

    I recently moved my Juniata County, Pennsylvania Feed from my house with a cable modem with a wireless router to my ambulance station with a firewall and router. I am streaming multiple streams of the same stream that I'm sending to RR and they have NO problem but the RR streamer will connect...
  14. F

    Run 2 Online Feeds from 1 Computer, Possible?

    Ok, So I am good with computer (Work part time as a Tech) but I just dont know if this is possible. I want to run 2 Online feeds off of 1 computer, MABAS 7 and ICOMM (IL) but dont know much about audio inputs on computers. I have not ever messed around much with audio on a computer, I just fix...
  15. M


    I am new....I have the oddcast V3 and have everything hooked up. It won't connect though. It trys over and over again. My internet connection is good so I know it isn't a network problem. Any advice?
  16. theshadowman

    Feed Problem

    I have two issues regarding my scanner feed. 1 - As I have posted previously, the scanner just disconnects without any indication given on my host computer. I get an email (thankfully) stating that I am 'offline' and then I have to go restart the software. 2 - Is there any way to permanently...
  17. w2lie

    Belmont Stakes Frequencies

    I am putting together a live feed for the Belmont Stakes on my "Special" feed. So far, I know NCPD Tac-2 will be in use. I'm trying to figure out what else may be used for the event. I would think that NYPD may have something in use since there are entrances to the park from the Cross Island...
  18. KI4LIV

    Brevard County, Florida law enforcement Proscan feed

    After testing almost a month, I've decided that Proscan is the BEST solution for remote monitoring! My Brevard County, Florida feed is now online full time. NOTE: 800MHZ Rebanding will be taking place VERY VERY soon in this area - feed may go down for reprogramming once I know the new...
  19. KI4LIV

    Brevard County, Florida law enforcement Proscan feed

    After testing almost a month, I've decided that Proscan is the BEST solution for remote monitoring! My Brevard County, Florida feed is now online full time. NOTE: 800MHZ Rebanding will be taking place VERY VERY soon in this area - feed may go down for reprogramming once I know the new...