
  1. G

    Icom ID-880H: What 3rd Party GPS to use?

    I want to do some D-Star operation with GPS positioning (I'm a D-Star newbi, but think it could be useful during SAR ops). I have a new Icom ID-880H on the way, and I need to obtain a "3rd party" GPS receiver/antenna for input during mobile operation. I would appreciate input which would...
  2. hotdjdave

    BCD396T GPS Location-Based Scanning Capable

    Someone at a local ham radio store that the Unided BCD396T can do GPS location-based scanning. He said it requires aftermarket software and cable, and it can be done. I cannot find this on the web. Has anyone heard of this or know how to do it? If so, could you provide links, please. Thanks.
  3. S

    gps problem

    have bcd996t has been programed with locations for the gps but scanner say's no gps input what is wrong?