
  1. N

    436HP and GPS cabling

    I don't own the 436HP yet, but I do own a relic Garmin GPS V which has a NMEA output. I can buy various cables to fit the GPS. Some have serial connectors (PC connect), some are bare wire, etc. What would be the simplest cabling method to hook the two together?
  2. S

    Heading to Virginia Beach for EASTER and wanna use GPS ON BCD996XT

    What is your thoughts anyone.. I have been told you still have to program the scanner is that true. Or can I just drive from state to state and it will automatically pick it up?????
  3. del1964

    Few GPS options :( BCD436HP

    I would like to see a GPS signal received icon or something. Simply plugging in the GPS cord doesnt necessarily mean that there is a GPS signal correct? A menu area like the Home Patrol had where you can see if satellites are being received Would also like to have the BCD396XT option of...
  4. PoqFFEMT

    BCD996T/BC-RH96/GPS antenna use

    I've done a search and can't seem to find this but I'm sure it's been done before. I've got a 996T and GPS unit that works great together and I'm wanting to add in the remote head. I only see one serial port in the rear of the 996T. Is there a way to hook them both up to my scanner and I'm...
  5. B

    Yaesu vx-8dr

    Hello all, any inventors out there that can make a lower profile gps antenna that would just plug into the top of the vx8dr, I have seen small gps antennas that would plug into an sd card slot for pcs. The yaesu design only looks good on the mic. Why not just have one the size of a small stubby...
  6. kc8mln

    APRS & Trimble Placer 450 GPS Receiver

    I have created a Yahoo Group covering this topic about how to setup and configure a Trimble Placer 450 GPS receiver for use with APRS. I created the group to help others through the process. When I searched for info about this topic, I found that there was not currently a single source of how to...
  7. mckeeb

    Site range in DB and HomePatrol

    Howdy folks, I finally bought myself a HomePatrol, and now have ALL of Indiana programmed in a scanner (something I could never get done with my 396XT). Upon entering my zip, it loaded up some channels and was off scanning. Sitting next to my 396XT I noticed it spent more time holding on...
  8. J

    996xt and GPS question

    I'm loading information into freescan in anticipation of my 996xt arriving later this week. In doing so, I'm loading the gps information into it and it is selected as enabled. I'm not planning to get a gps soon. If I were to leave the gps enabled, and the 996xt doesn't have the gps connected...
  9. K

    Man Down Radio

    Most of us are likely to take GPS location services for granted. We just enter an address into our smart phones and it provides directions to our destination in seconds. But the reality is that vast land areas are not covered by cell service, therefore rendering these solutions useless in...
  10. W

    Hytera SafeSyt Opinions

    We are looking possibly going with the Hytera solution for digital and wanted to see if anyone has implemented any Hytera DMR systems and in particular are you using the SafeSyt software with their integrated GPS. If there are any users out their can you please elaborate a little on your...
  11. B

    bcd996xt Location programming

    Does anyone know how to program Location alerts into the scanner via computer. I can't figure it out in freescan.
  12. B

    996xt Location scanning question

    Is there any way to program location alerts like dangerous crossings into the scanner using computer, without doing it manually. I could not find it in Freescan so does anyone have any advice?
  13. C

    Icom D-sub 25pin

    I have a F5061 with a handy 25-pin dsub connector on the back. I know Icom sells a GPS unit that plugs into it, but I cannot find any documentation on the pinout for that connector. I think one of the pins is a dimmer and I would like to use that. If anyone has used this connector or can point...
  14. M

    Uniden BCD996XT GPS location lockout/unlock tones

    Any clues on how to silence the alert tone that tells you when the 996XT is unlocking or locking out systems while GPS scanning? Love the feature, hate the alert tone! Thanks!
  15. anonymouse

    Uniden BCD396XT, Garmin GPS 18X Compatibility

    I was wondering if anyone here has had any success getting the BCD396XT and Garmin GPS18x (RS232 Output) to work together. I am connecting them with a null modem adaptor and a gender changer. I also THINK that I have the settings correct. I am using 9600 Baud on both the scanner and the GPS...
  16. K

    YELLOWSTONE NP ,,, aprs in the area

    how spotty is aprs in the yellowstone area? inside and outside the park?
  17. R

    Mystery Data ????

    I found this frequency (453.7500) is registered to a local bus company. They have two channels, one for their dispatch and then this channel. Attached is a sample of data that is transmitted on the second channel. I think it is GPS. But can someone tell what it is?
  18. W

    New Android App Worldwide Repeater Locator

    Repeater Finder....follow this link for more info! Bob W2CYK New Android App RFinder...your worldwide repeater directory
  19. ST-Bob

    Geotag overlap and options

    Since the advent of GPS-aware scanners geotag data has become important to RR and scanner users. The concept is brilliant but I question the execution. For example, Massachusetts has a large multi-user Motorola SmartZone system for the Mass State Police and other subscribing entities. This...
  20. N

    Michigan DB Download GPS info included?

    Hello, Can anyone tell me if the spreadsheet that we can down load as a premium member includes the GPS info? It is my understanding that I can just copy this spreadsheet into free scan and program my BCD 996XT scanner for MI, Is this correct? I have a GPS for it, I just want to know if I have...