help a newbie

  1. K

    DSDPlus DSDplus not decoding

    Hey y'all I need some help, I'm new into everything to do with radio, I got my RTLSDR last month so I don't have a good grasp on everything. I have been trying to decode digital voice for a while, and I have had success once, the image attached has the frequency I am trying to decode. I have...
  2. H

    Favorites List (new to scanning)

    I just bought a BCD536HD. I created a favorites list using the Sentinal software, saved it, wrote it to the scanner but it will not scan the list. When I first powered on the scanner I entered my zip code and that is the only thing that scans. The scanner shows that my favorites list is uploaded...
  3. C

    need help with my whistler ws1065

    I just got a whistler ws1065 I'm trying to listen to Midland ,MI I have the channels programmed to the scanner but I hardly pick anything up I hear things every now and again. I also have the local ham radio frequencies programed on scan list #2 and that come's in clear as day. I don't know if...
  4. F


    I have recently got an XTS2500 to use with the USFS on deployments as a personal radio but the FPP future was removed. How can I get that back? Current specs: XTS2500 FLASHcode: 540018-401488-6 Codeplug:0024 Firmware:R17.00.02 Feature set: Q574 H869 Q883 H04 Q947
  5. T

    BCD436HP ANTENNA Upgrade

    Hey guys I've been looking to upgrade stock antenna on bcd436hp and I just monitor local stuff fire/ems/police 154-460mhz and 700-900mhz ranges if anybody can give me any suggestions on a good antenna that can handle those ranges please do. I just don't wanna buy junk and if it helps I live in...
  6. w4wxp

    Southwestern Kentucky?

    Hey there. I'm living down in Trigg County, Kentucky and I'm curious about a few things scanner related. 1. Good scanner for Trigg, Marshall, and Christian Counties? Mainly interested in EMS, Marine VHF (I'm by the biggest lake chain in KY), local police and fire, business band (I'm a big fan of...
  7. R

    not sure what im doing wrong

    I've recently been trying to receive images from the noaa polar satellites but i have yet to get an actual image ive received steady signal from several of the satellites but all i see are black screens and static, im using an rtl sdr and the dipole it comes with with a wideband lna (5Mhz-4Ghz)...
  8. N

    Pro-107 Questions

    Hey everybody! I have some questions regarding the(discontinued) RS Pro-107. If these questions have been answered in a previous post, please forgive me and link me. First off, I have last update of iScan for the Pro-107 (v1.06) and it works great to pull and push to the SD card. However, NONE...
  9. Allantalon

    I’m having trouble with my scanner.

    Hi. I have a uniden bearcat BC350A, I am relatively new to using scanners. My Dad was a MP for the ARMY. It was given to me as a gift. My scanner works it picks up weather Chanel’s but I hear some chat only so often as if it sounds to be other people talking. I’ve been trying to pick up signals...
  10. N

    Which one is right for me?

    Hi all, new to posting here - long time user.. I just have a question in regards to the type of scanner I need to hear rebanded trunks. The link to the state wide trunk I would like to hear is: I’m seeing the Uniden BCD436HP and BCD536HP as...
  11. G

    BCD436HP/BCD536HP: New at this, seeking guidance

    Hi everyone, I just got the scanner 2 days ago and I have been doing a ton of reading. I really enjoy learning about all of this. That being said, I still feel like I'm missing a lot of information. If you could help me with the below questions that would be excellent thank you so much for your...
  12. R

    Where to Begin

    Hi everyone. This is all pretty new to me and I am eager to learn more about scanning and becoming a licensed amateur. I have registered for my FRN and will be working on taking the exam shortly. I have some general questions on how to pick up chatter as I cant seem to pick up anything on my...
  13. C

    WS1040: Program a WS1040. Will Pay.

    Hello, We purchased a Whistler 1040 Trunking scanner. I found the user's manual online and 3 or 4 YouTube tutorials. My son and I aren't having much luck. We'd like local police, fire, EMS and a Naval Base nearby. I'd be willing to pay a fee to get some help programming it. Possibly via Zoom or...
  14. D


    Okay i am new to this and i have no background in scanner programing. The language is Greek to me and i was under the impression that if i upgraded to premium service i would be able to download the software to program the WS1065. i am have a hard time a believing they would charge me $30.00...
  15. F

    Question about coverage area.

    Hello, I am kinda new to this whole thing, I just bought a Uniden Bearcat BC125AT. After I bought it, I looked at the frequency I would use. Then i looked at the coverage map provided by RadioReference. I looked at the map and it showed the coverage area, that is when I noticed that I was barley...
  16. JacksonM1007

    HT1000 Motorola HT1000 (Seller Programmed) Program issues

    I bought a near mint HT1000 off of ebay and its programmed by the seller, but some things are programmed incorrectly. i have some youtube videos up asking what the heck is wrong, but make sure to read the description of the videos to better understand what is wrong and what im asking. Edit...
  17. Salvatorejrc

    Books & learning materials for beginners

    Hello, I am new to the hobby of HAM & scanning in general. I have just purchased a uniden sds100, but I am not too familiar with the science behind radio communications. Besides the AARL handbook, what are some books that can help me to learn the hobby itself including the technical aspect of...
  18. S

    Questions About San Bernardino County Trunking

    Let me start by saying I am very new to scanning in general but have some experience with my BC125AT. I've been casually listening to Air traffic for a few years and have just recently gotten into listening to the local fire frequencies. I live in Riverside County and have been able to listen to...
  19. Z

    Help with Bloomington police/fire/EMS

    I live in Bloomington indiana. I cannot pickup anything other then Dispatch, no car too car or talk around groups.
  20. villlythekid

    Need Help Programming a system

    I need help programming the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority system (Motorola Type II Smartnet) for the BCD996P2 using FreeScan. The weirdest thing is that it was working a few weeks ago and I was messing around on my scanner a little and it just stopped working after that. The...