
  1. Floridarailfanning

    Mototrbo Wireless RSM compatibility

    I've got some questions about the WRSM RLN6562(a). I have been looking at buying one of these for a long time and think I have finally decided to get one but had a few compatibility questions. Is Data Services via Bluetooth HKVN4249 required to use this device with an XPR7550? I know some stuff...
  2. K2NEC

    CP200d help

    Hi all, I have a CP200d that is the analog version and recently thought about getting the digital upgrade for it. There is just one problem. After the upgrade you are supposed to upgrade the firmware and the radio already has 1.1.30 so there is nothing to upgrade to. As far as I know there is...
  3. C

    Interference with MotoTrbo on MTR3000 VHF

    I have exceeded my knowledge level. My FD runs a VHF MTR3000 in Trbo mode and we are having problems. We changed to Trbo then soon after replaced heliax and antenna due to water tower sandblast an repaint and a 25+ year old antenna. We cover a city of 4 Sq miles and have been having...
  4. R

    Motorola DMR Interoperable with Kenwood DMR?

    Hopefully I placed this in the right forum. I have a Motorola xpr3500e that I am trying to make work with Kenwood TK-D340 U. I have read the Kenwood and have found that they are running dual slot direct mode on all channels. Even the repeated channels. The repeater is an XPR8400. Why they paired...
  5. R

    New TRBO system help! (Scanner Programming)

    So I have been tasked with figuring out how to program a businesses moto trbo system into a BCD436HP scanner. The only place witch references the freqs for this system is the FCC listing. the FCC of course does not give things like which LCN is which, Color Codes, TGIDs etc. How can I go about...
  6. T

    Mototrbo Connect Plus

    Question that I need help with please. I have 2 XPR6350 radios that have the option board in them for connect plus. I also have 2 XPR6550 radios that have just the standard board in them. Can I switch the boards from the 6350s to the 6550s? I am aware that I will have to purchase the EIDs for...
  7. PhillyPhoto

    DMR/MotoTRBO mode not working

    There's a DMR Tier 3 system near me and I'm trying to setup my 325 to work with it. I have 3 systems configured now. The first is conventional only and it shows me the frequency and color code and will decode audio with no issues. The second is a DMR 1-frequency system. It shows me the...
  8. dnadareski

    SDS200 with DMR - question about DMR scanning

    I need some help with DMR scanner programming. I have SDS200 with DMR upgrade. I am trying to scan Dee Bus Company. According to, I found WQXG423 They have 2 frequencies, 463.55 and 468.55. Dee has 2 locations, Shirley, MA and Townsend, MA Both locations use the same frequency pair...
  9. Gmork

    2018 Dodge Durango Install

    I installed a Motorola XPR5550 in my vehicle. I attached a handheld control head (HCH), which is kept the in the center console for easy storage. Radio chassis is mounted under the driver seat in a storage box. The vehicle battery is under the passenger seat in the same style box. I routed the...
  10. F

    Upgrading codeplug ver without radio? CPS MOTOTRBO

    Hi, maybe someone with experience can help me to figure out if its possible(and how), to upgrade codeplug verion beforehand without radio itself? Im planning to indroduce major change on UHF system at client. System consists of 5 repeaters(DR3000) and aprox 150 radios (mix of DM4400/...
  11. E

    Sdr & dsd+ dmr

    Hello everyone, I would like to monitor my DMR Mototrbo system that has built-in privacy settings, I have managed to monitor but I can not enter my privacy code to listen to the network traffic. Is there any way to do it using the command line ?. Thank you very much. Greetings.
  12. R

    Converting to Digital

    Hey guys, I don't post much here but I try to soak in all the knowledge from here. Joined so I could get the frequencies for my scanner at home so thanks for the databases!! I have been tasked with converting our existing analog system over to digital. I am not the one who started this project...
  13. S

    Alert signal solution

    Hello I am new at this so first of all happy to be here. Straight to topic, I am in need a alarm/alert solution through motorola radios (analogue/digital no matter) what i am willing to do is 6 hand held radios that receive alerts from one base radio (dm4600) . what i have tried is call alert...
  14. A

    Louisville International TRBO System

    Looking at FCC licences and found this. Looks like a trunked MotoTRBO system but need help finding out the LCNs and sites. Thanks,
  15. curtisdevault

    XPR4550 Programming Problem (No Freq File)

    I recently picked up an XPR4550 in UHF for DMR/Ham use. Once I received the radio I plugged it in to power and turned it on. After showing Channel 1 for a second it put out a tone and displayed "No Freq File" on the display and flashes the three LEDs in orange. So I plugged it into my computer...
  16. H

    MotoTRBO portables that support voice announcements

    Can anyone tell me which MotoTRBO portable radios support voice announcements for channel/zone selection? I can see it as an option in CPS but it's unclear what models it will work with. Thanks!
  17. M

    NOAA Weather Patch to Mototrbo System

    Working off a XPR8300 and a mix of digital and analog channels is there a reliable way to have a NOAA weather radio transmit (possibly a VOX feature) on the primary channel for when there is a weather alert for the county the system is in? Has anyone tried this type of setup before? Thanks mwuc14
  18. N

    Tennessee Valley Railroad Museum MOTOTRBO?

    I was watching a youtube video earlier and heard the unmistakable sounds of a MOTOTRBO radio being keyed up in the background. Can anyone confirm? Frequency is a 160.425 with a license showing of KNCS622
  19. K

    Unknown /\/\ Voice Type

    First post on the forums after learning most of what I know about scanners and radio systems through the site in the last 6 months or so. Had the 996p2 going on close call in the truck the other day on campus and picked up some sort of digital voice that it couldn't decode from a repeater about...
  20. H

    Havasu Police & Fire Equipment Changeover

    In a City Council Meeting dated 9/22/2015, approval was given to Police Chief Dan Doyle by City Council to purchase new radio equipment. In the meeting notes, it is detailed that the following equipment is to be purchased: • 800MHZ P25 Trunked Radio and MCC 7500 Dispatch System • MotoTRBO...