
  1. N

    PRO-164 CTCSS or DCS

    Hello. I'm pretty new to the scanning world. I'm using a PRO-164 and I come seeking knowledge! How do I know if I should use CTCSS or DCS for a frequency? It seems that for most of the Police or Fire frequencies if I use CTCSS, a code will show up on the display and when two parties are...
  2. J

    HELP! Programming Pro-164

    Hello, I just purchased my first scanner. When trying to program it, I learned all about trunking. I live in Volusia County, Florida. The numbers are here: Scanner Frequencies: Volusia County Public Safety Trunking System, Volusia County, Florida. My county uses the EDACS system. When I attempt...
  3. JulietAlphaKilo

    HELP: Buy Pro-106, or Keep Pro-164???

    Hey folks, this is my first time posting a thread on this forum (after having nearly exhausted the Search Function), and I have a very important decision to make in regards to a scanner. I asked for a Scanner for Christmas, as my Great Uncle has been deep into the field for a long time now, and...
  4. P

    a reliable list of scanners that are reband ready today?

    So there seems to be at least three categories of scanners now. Those that are reband ready today, those that are reband capable but but are not currently "ready" (pro-164, for example), and those that are on the brink of complete obsolescence because they can't trunk the rebanded systems. I own...
  5. S

    Using a Pro-164 in Davis County after rebanding

    Hello all, Some quick background. I became interested in scanning in the early 90's (Uniden Bearcat BC200XLT that I still use now and then), and by the mid-90's I was into 2-meter/70-cm amateur radio (Yaesu FT-51, KC7KRZ). I'm not exactly a newbie, but I'm somewhat out of touch in this...