
  1. fwfdengine2

    Squelch Tail Question

    How can I get rid of squelch tails when monitoring? I have DPL tones in and this helped on two channels.. But all other channels still have it.. I can put my scanner (BC346XT) right next to a Fire Dept. radio.. The radio will not have a tail, but the scanner will.. How can I change the scanner...
  2. pwscott

    Home Patrol Questions and Answers- Please # your question

    I thought a thread with questions and answers on the new Home Patrol might be useful, not unlike what they do at Howard Forums and other places on new cell phone launches.... Question #1: Is there not a way to 'move on' from a channel? Like a SCAN key or a HOLD key that can tell the scanner to...
  3. R

    GRE PSR-500 any good for me?

    OK, so I know what the PSR-500 is capable of in terms of trunking, digital modes, freq coverage and so on. However I have a hesitation about purchasing one based on my current experiences with a GRE made Radio Shack Pro 97. My concern centers around the sensitivity & selectivity. Here in...
  4. fwfdengine2

    BC346XT Question..

    Can you tell how much battery life you have left on the BC346XT? Thanks fwfdengine2
  5. duchee

    need help with Wouxun KG-UVD1P

    i got the radio works great. however i got a serial cable and the software. what do i do next? each time i try to use it it tells me communication failed. i wanted usb cable but this is what i got. am i forgetting something in the radio its self? please let me know thanks!
  6. F

    I have been hearing information on a VHF frequency of 154.190

    As of late I have been hearing information on VHF Frequency 154.190, which is sounding like FD/EMS-type chatter. I have been listening from Greeley, Weld County CO from Feb 16 to Feb 17 this year and nowhere in the immediate surrounding counties have I been able to look up information for this...
  7. X

    PRO-164 questions.

    Ok, so I just bought a pro-164 and I'm new to scanning and I had a few questions. 1. I figured out how to add the trunked frequencies, and how to add the talkgroups, but some of the frequencies when I tune into them, give this strange tone and it says something like MOT: Control xx%, I'm...
  8. linkinpark9812

    Icom Software Compatibility Question

    Hello, I had a question about the Software versus the Firmware on the Radio. I plan on getting an Icom F-5061 mobile Radio. The Software, which all that comes up on a Google search, is a revision 1.0, and I am unsure if this is the latest or not. Now I have heard that there is a newer version...