
  1. J

    Best radio for MW DXing?

    Hey guys, What is the best radio currently on the market (new) for AM broadcast (MW) DXing? Thanks.
  2. TennFordTN

    Radio System Quote

    Hey Guys, I’m a 22 year old college student and I work at a medium to large scale church in the Middle TN area working as a part of Operations. Over the years we’ve done nothing but expand and grow bigger. Our teams do everything from cleaning and moving items to landscaping and large scale...
  3. J

    Icom IC-718 or Yaesu FT-450

    I am a relatively new ham (General Class) and am looking to buy my very first HF radio. I am looking at the Icom IC-718 and the Yaesu FT-450. Money is tight, but I notice that there is only about $100 separating the two radios in price and the FT-450 has 6 meters and an antenna tuner. However, I...
  4. marksroberson

    Weather radio receiver question

    Hello, I just thought about this, I live in Jefferson County, Alabama, my house is on the side of Red Mountain, the local Weather Radio transmitter is on red mountain as well (KIH-54) but the National Weather Service office is in a entirely different county It is at the Shelby county airport, so...
  5. kg4ojj

    MCLB Albany - 380 MHz Trunked Radio System

    I have been hunting for any proof of the MCLB Albany (okay, Albeennny) 380 MHz trunked radio system. It had been rumored to be 'in development' for a few years. Found it..... sort of. Control channel is 380.325 (P25 Phase I, NFM, NAC 00A (zero zero alpha) ) As I was driving through the...
  6. SlipNutz15

    Mobile Radio vs Scanner for feed

    I looked around for threads before asking. Is there anything against using a mobile radio with a headphone out port (like a TK880) for a scanner feed? I understand that dangers of overloading a soundcard with too high volumes, etc, but I have one sitting around and was thinking about using it...
  7. marksroberson

    Jefferson County Public Safety Question!

    Hello all, I have a question, My county is Jefferson County, AL and therefore, when you go to it on the database you get Jefferson County Public Safety trunking system P25 Common Air Interface Motorola type II smartzone. And whenever I go to the control channel, all I hear is a odd noise, like...
  8. S

    Can a victimless felon get an Amateur Radio Licence?

    Today this news blurb from caught my eye. I saw some pervert sex offender (felon) got his radio licensed take away from him. And on and on the article continued... FCC Reverses ALJ Im 26 years old. I am a convicted felon. When i was 21 i was convicted under some drug charge. It was my...
  9. S

    Failed my Technician Test

    I have been studying pretty much everyday, super engaged. When i dont know the answer i will envelope myself in the subject whether it be through youtube, or independent studies. I have been studying for 3 months almost on When i went to take the test i saw that the questions seem...
  10. Deziel0495

    Pro-651 and P25

    So I know the 651 can receive P25 Phase 1 systems but there is something in the specs that confuses me. Anyone know what this means? 9600bps control channel trunking systems: No APCO 25 digital trunking systems: Yes From what I read up on P25 digital trunking systems, isn't all control...
  11. D

    Quick Technician License Question

    Hey everyone, I've been studying up to get my amateur radio technician licence and I had a quick question. I know in Florida it is illegal to carry a police scanner in your vehicle unless you fall under one of the designated criteria such as being a licensed amateur radio operator. Does my...
  12. W

    Wiring Problems

    Hello. I've had a CB in my truck for almost a year now. I originally had it wired in to the fuse box which worked great until I started to get alternator whine. I then wired it directly to the battery, which got rid of the whine but brought on some other problems. My radio works fine when I'm...
  13. T

    Unknown signal on 19 meters

    Hello, I'm new to this forum but thought it was a good place to get some feedback on a strange shortwave signal I came across today on 15480kHz. Maybe 'over the horizon radar'? The bandwidth of this signal was pretty wide at 10kHz so it sounded about the same up on 15485kHz. I was tuning in via...
  14. kg4ojj

    TYT T5 400-520 MHz handheld radio

    Hello all, I recently purchased a TYT T5 UHF portable radio, which holds 16 channels and covers the UHF band (400 to 520 MHz). It looks and feels like my Baofeng and Wouxun radios and cost similarly ($28 shipped, on eB_y). It uses the same programming cable and accessories as the...
  15. W8HDU

    Programming Software: 20-197

    Just curious if anyone has pro/cons about some of the programming software for the 20-197. I have four of them here in our office, two purchased several years ago, and two just recently purchased. I have the PRO106_FIRMWARE21.EXE file to upgrade all of them to the latest and greatest. I...
  16. S

    Want to put a live chat room on radio site, any ideas how to do this?

    Hi, I have a website and quite a few members have suggested that adding a chat room would be a great idea. I'm searching for something I might be able to integrate well into my site. Has anyone tried RumbleTalk or C-box?"
  17. RadioGuy1951

    CHP radios / Antenna

    Any corrolation between these antennas and the radios in use..?
  18. W8VFD

    MARCS coverage lacking in Pymatuning State park

    Based on what I saw this past Sunday while assisting in a missing person search in Pymatuning State Park the coverage for Ohio MARCS was lacking to say the least. The ODNR had a heck of a time communicating even on his radio in the car and handheld coverage was definitely out of the question...
  19. A

    Station Tones

    Hello fellow brothers and sisters and alike kin, We are a small (25 people) volunteer fire department. We are looking at how to get station tones that alert when we are paged to a call. Low budget as possible but still reliable. We are looking at just being able to be toned during the day and...
  20. G

    Recording a Baofeng UV-5R?

    Hello all, I've just made my first CB radio contact with my Baofeng UV-5R, and I realized that I should record my calls on my cassette tape deck on my desk. I don't know how to combine the microphone and headphone jacks, any ideas? The tape player has 2 input jacts (Left and Right), I might be...