
  1. U

    PL660 - PL680 - PL880 for airband

    I live near MEM airport and like to listen to the pilots and controllers. Most reviews of these radios don't say much about airband performance yet this is very important to me. The C Crane Skywave has a squelch which may be nice but overall I don't think the sound is as good as any of these. I...
  2. R

    New to this radio world [PUERTO RICO]

    Saludos, soy nuevo y tengo un radio UV-5R el cual lo he usado para escuchar la policia estatal de isabela, aguadilla, moca y para jugar Gotcha y Airsoft. A medida que pasó el tiempo encontre esta página en la cual adquirí más frecuencias pero la base de datos al parecer esta desactualizada...
  3. W

    Programming Repeater Names

    New to HAM radio and I was wanting opinions on how most HAMs name the local repeaters into their mobiles. What works for you what did'nt work. I'm limited to 10 characters in my radio. Do you... A: program the RX frequency, ie: "147.000" B: program a custom name, ie: "your county/club...
  4. WX9RLT

    Police Encryption Information: Transparency, Crime Rates Soar, Lies, etc....

    Thought I would share this, in reference to police encryption ~ EDITORIAL: Police Radio Encryption & Public’s Trust In The Police At An All Time Low With Crime Skyrocketing. | Rockford Scanner
  5. WX9RLT

    Police Radio Encryption Info

    Thought I would share this about the police radio encryption ~ *URL Deleted* EDITORIAL: Police Radio Encryption & Public’s Trust In The Police At An All Time Low With Crime Skyrocketing. | Rockford Scanner
  6. H

    Baofeng not Transmitting?

    I've been using my Baofeng BFF8-HP for a while now, and I recently received my technician's license. I called CQ several times and got no response. I became frustrated and tried to talk on a frequency I knew was used by a local crowd in Connecticut (I live on Long Island, near the north shore)...
  7. B

    Bermuda Scanning

    Hello! I am looking into scanning the radio waves in Bermuda. I am an amateur and was wondering if anyone is willing or able to assist me getting started. I am a complete novice so any assistance would be helpful.
  8. Astrogoth13

    P25 digital on the cheap?

    Part of my local stuff is digital P25 Phase 1. Can a low cost handheld radio decode that and if so what model? I don't want to get back into programing another ASTRO. Thanks folks.
  9. I

    Help With Radio Channels Please?

    Hey! I'm New To This Thing And I Would Really Appreciate Your Help. So, How Do I Change From Frequency To Channel? For Example: Los Angeles Special Tactical's Frequency Is:858.26250* But My Radio Only Shows Channels 1-22 +CTCSS +DCS. So How To Convert?
  10. WX9RLT

    Pros & Cons of Digital vs Analog

    Can you provide information on the Pros and Cons of Digital vs Analog Basically the range, reliability, safety for 1st responders, etc... I am trying to research this topic, and thought I would post this in hopes to get some answers from people who know scanners/radios :) Thanks in advance
  11. F

    So, the MD380?

    Is it actually worth it? I've seen that it could accept modified software. Does this allow for any more digital modes? I'm excited to get one, I've also noticed the newer model of this radio. Can it accept mod firmware as well? Is this dual band? I hate to be lazy because Google never works for...
  12. K

    First Radio Model

    Hi All, Can Anybody tell me which is the first Model of Radio....Please let me know....
  13. B

    cb station on mobile feedback

    Hy guys, In order to help the CB community all over I have built an application that acts as a CB but over the internet(for now). It uses real-time connections and live streaming and with the purpose to act as a regular CB station. Can you help me with a feedback and tell me what do you guys...
  14. S

    Car to Car Car to Base Setup Q's

    *** Note: I realize this is an advanced community. I will be asking incredibly simple Q's. I will appreciate any/all replies, advice, instructions. I have not researched comm systems bc I do not know what Q's to ask and have limited radio-speak terminolgy. Simply put...
  15. W8HDU

    Low Band Radio Manufacturers

    Are there any manufacturers still making Low Band radios, (30-50MHz)? I heard if you're a low band user the only option is someone's used equipment.
  16. A

    VXR-1000U Programming Error

    Hi everyone, I am trying to program a VXR-1000U. I am using a cable that I know works with my VX-3000 and VX-3200, however it does not seem to be working with the VXR-1000. I attached a picture of what the programming software does. The Power Light on the VXR-1000 flashes as soon as I plug the...
  17. BlueDevil

    Icom External Speaker

    Is there a way to wire in an external speaker to the Icom F1721 using the OPC-617 accessory cable so that both transmitted and received audio come through the speaker? I am looking at using this radio in a Mobile Incident Command vehicle and I would like to put an external speak in another part...
  18. BlueDevil

    Best Mobile Duplexer

    I am looking for a mobile duplexer to be used in a low powered (5w-25w) portable repeater with about 8MHz frequency separation. Does anyone have any suggestions on mobile duplexers to stay away from or have any recommendations on what mobile duplexers seem to be superior or preferred as to others?
  19. A

    telus and radios in gaspesie park

    Hi I am wondering if anyone knows how the commercial radios work out there in the wild. In particular, I know that skidoo drivers in the Gaspesie provincial park use Telus commercial radios, which I assume are VHF. I was wondering if there is a way to use those channels in an emergency if you...
  20. E

    Types of scanners

    Hello I was wondering what the best type of scanner is for my area. I live in West Linn Oregon and I want to be able to have a scanner that can listen to my cities police department. But i'm not sure what you call the type of scanner that can listen to what I think are called talk groups. From...