
  1. S

    CDR700 with CDM750's Repeater and duplexer

    I am attempting to program the CDR700. I got it setup to repeat on the same frequency but got a constant tone from the TX radio every time the RX radio received. I changed to a different TX frequency and no more tone. I still want it to re-transmit on the same freq. Somewhere in the middle of...
  2. J

    WPLN4208B Moto Veh Repeater

    Anyone have the wiring diagram for the WPLN4208B v3.51? Red White Yellow Black It has a bolt ring on black and the white is capped. I'm guessing red is +12v constant and Yellow is +12v ignition?
  3. B

    Channel Revert?

    Hello folks. While radios, repeaters, etc are nothing new to me, there is one thing that I am having an issue getting my head around. While I have been responsible for my agency's systems, I am now being told by a tech with another agency to "revert" my repeater frequencies?? My set-up: RX...
  4. G

    Free Repeater Directory App Available for Android Users

    RepeaterBook - The Free Repeater App for the USA and Canada. Powered by the popular community database of and the software of RepeaterBook, enables you to easily find repeaters across the USA and Canada, for free and without a network connection...
  5. J

    Trunked Radio

    The leading provider of digital two way radios. Affordable professional wireless communicaiton solutions for police and metro only at Hytera! Feel free to ask questions regarding TETRA Radio and Police Radio here at Hytera
  6. R

    FDNY Repeaters in Reverse

    Okay Radio Folks, Help me out here. Handheld Tactical Radio Channels 11 IN-BLDG RPTR 12 MOBILE RPTR 13 SUBW RPTR F1 14 SUBW RPTR F2 Can operate in the REVERSE mode. (see attached Picture) To quote the FDNY Operational Reference Book "9th Edition" that just came out...
  7. M

    Motrola GR1225 Repeater Help

    I am looking into purchasing a Motorola GR1225 16 Channel repeater. My question is if you can only program the internal duplexer for one frequency split, then what can you use the other 16 channels for?
  8. C

    YX-510 Cellular Repeater Antenna Help

    Hi, I have been trying to setup a wireless repeater in my house as I have little cellular coverage and I believe I may be missing something or done something wrong. I would love some feedback if there is anything obvious. My Setup: Wi-Ex YX-510 zBoot Repeater (Pcs/Cel Dual-Band Cellular Phone...
  9. M

    Portable Event Radio System

    I am trying to design and build a portable radio system for some events that i work with. We are not an actual business but we do a lot of volunteer work and have use for radios in a lot of things we do. I am thinking about using a Motorola GR 1225 radio repeater to work with our radios. What i...
  10. M

    Portable Event Radio System

    I am trying to design and build a portable radio system for some events that i work with. We are not an actual business but we do a lot of volunteer work and have use for radios in a lot of things we do. I am thinking about using a Motorola GR 1225 radio repeater to work with our radios. What i...
  11. centuryvrproductions

    Maxtrac Wont transmit on a frequency

    I Just got a 40W Maxtrac 300 for my repeater It just wont transmit to my Repeaters frequency of 444.500MHz. It transmits for a sec and stops. It seems to transmit fine on 449.500. (Duhh, its in the bandsplit range) The bandsplit is 449-470 or somthing like that, and I want it to transmit out...
  12. M

    How does a GMRS repeater extend the transmit of of a mobile?

    I am looking into building a portable GMRS repeater. My question is that if my 5 watt UHF radio isnt powerful enough to transmit to the secondary radio how will a repeater help? Isn't a repeater limited by how far the handheld can transmit? Thanks
  13. M

    Repeater antenna questions OFFSET vs OMNI

    Hello guys, Me and my fellow hams are preparing to build a repeater (2m & 70cm), solar powered, sharing the same site/tower. So far, we've acquired all but the antennas. I found a few, but decided to go with the same guys that built our duplexers. They list the antennas needed for our...
  14. BakeryBoy

    VHF 2 meter

    When programming a scanner, do you use the high or low repeater frequency for VHF amateur 2 meter?
  15. T

    Radio Repeater

    Hello, I am working with a close friend and we are currently trying to get a repeater for UHF at a very low cost. We are a non-profit organization working to restore and preserve historic fire apparatus. If you are able to sell a repeater or have extended knowledge with repeater use please...
  16. K


    Done a lot of searching to no avail... I am purchasing a VHF GR1225 for use with the Ski Patrol at the mountain I work at. We have everything set up for usage, I just need to program and interface with the radio. Anybody have any info or have the RSS for the rig? Any tips. PM me or email me at...
  17. Shawnlin20

    GMRS repeater

    Wanted to see if anyone could or knew someone that could build a small all in one GMRS repeater. I want repeater,duplexer, power supply, tone board all in one small unit. Just plug it in attach antenna and go. I'm not one to build things myself nor do I want to spend 500 on ebay. Thanks!
  18. BlueDevil

    Failing Simulcast System

    We have a rapidly deteriorating simulcast system in Walla Walla County. This is our primary dispatch and communications system for Law Enforcement, Fire and EMS agencies. Just like everyone else in the world we are hurting for money. We are in desperate need to update some of the components of...

    WB2HWW 440.700 CB Like repeater

    WB2HWW 440.700 A CB Like repeater in NYC Queens. The regular bunch of cronies that operate are extremely unfriendly and very clickish! It sounds more like a group of good-buddies that migrated from channel 19 on 11 meters. They consistently bash fellow ham operators and make fun of the less...
  20. T

    Repeater Question (schools)

    Hi all- I am new to scanning and amateur radio in general and I had a couple questions regarding repeaters. I have browsed the FCC records, and determined the frequencies my school uses. I programmed them all into my scanner, and the only one I have heard anything on is: 463.9125 I have...