
  1. S

    Unitrunker on Vista 32 bit

    I just installed Unitrunker on my Vista 32 bit machine after use DOS Trunker for years. I am having a few problems with the program that I hope someone can help me solve. 1. My quality is from 99% to 100% but next to that I am getting the message recording error. What does that mean? 2. Where...
  2. N

    ICOM PCR1500 and Unitrunker

    Has anyone been able to use a PCR 1500 with Unitrunker. If so, how did you do it? Thanks for any help.
  3. loumaag

    Entergy TRS Help Needed

    Folks, We have just realized some odd things about the Entergy TRS both in Louisiana and system wide and as a result we are going to ask for some assistance from you. I realize that monitoring energy companies is pretty boring stuff about 99% of the time, but for the 1% of the time you want...
  4. M

    Unitrunker and fire tones

    I'm having a problem with Unitrunker (Retro). I'm using my Pro-97 as my discriminator tap for the Hamilton County, IN Public Safety EDACS system. I have Unitrunker controlling my BC898T. The problem is whenever a fire/medical tone sounds, two talkgroups alternate on one channel really...
  5. mtindor

    Unitrunker - Smartzone Omnilink

    Rick, For a long time I have noticed something "unusual" to me. I am not sure if it is something you are aware of. I listen to the Ohio MARCS statewide system. I live near the boundary of two zones (6F10 is my home zone with 6F0F being the other zone). On 6F10 sites where there are site...
  6. O

    Impossible dream - should be so easy

    Gday, I'm looking for a program like Trunker (the orig. version) with Unitrunker style interface - All I want to do is use a serial port to log Talkgroups, Radio ID's, Affiliations, Emerg Calls, and if possible I-Calls. My desktop pc allows this but have to move to a laptop as the pc has died...
  7. S

    UniTrunker Preview

    Screenshots ... this set of examples is for the Williamson County, Texas Type II Motorola system. Talkgroup descriptions appear courtesy of the RR DB!