
  1. S

    Unitrunker Release 31

    Release 31 supports multiple VCOs and native USB support for the AirSpy. Supporting multiple VCOs required separating VCO specific settings from broader receiver settings. For SDRs, each VCO's frequency must fit inside the SDR's usable bandwidth. Other enhancements include the Hide feature...
  2. M

    100% signal, No frequencies? (Unitrunker)

    I am attempting to run Unitrunker on this system Atlantic County Trunking System, Mays Landing, New Jersey - Scanner Frequencies. I am getting 100% health, but no frequencies are displaying? Not exactly sure what I am doing wrong! If you guys wouldn't mind looking at my set up? Maybe I have...
  3. A

    Unitrunker with two NooElec NESDR Mini 2, voice radio wont trunk

    Ok, I'm going to keep this simple. Can anyone point me to an online help or video on how to use Unitrunker? I have the control/signal radio working, but for the life of me I can't get the second SDR to actually follow the signal nor have I figured out how to listen in on a specific call group...
  4. L

    Unitrunker + DSD Audio Recording and Archiving

    I believe this is my first time posting in the forums.. Wasn't sure of the best place for this topic, guess it'll get moved if this isn't the right place. So, here's my situation.. I'm running Unitrunker with 2 SDR's and a discriminator tap. The disc. and one SDR are for P25 control channels...
  5. M

    Trunking Recorder SRT

    I have recently installed and set up Trunking Recorder to record an EDACS system. I have been very pleased with the program so far. I am having one issue that maybe someone can help me with in regards to the SRT files (subtitles). I have the recording format set to create a new file each...
  6. T

    Is there a level control? (Issues with decoding)

    I am almost all setup with my SDR radio. I have two RTL dongles and have everything setup using Unitrunker, DSD+ and VBCable. Sometimes the decrypted voice sounds good, sometimes a bit like a robot and other times completely unintelligible. in the DSD window I notice 'Lvl' is constantly near...
  7. P

    Controlling Uniden BCT15x with Unitrunker

    Hi guys I'm working in the dark here - Johannesburg, South Africa. I have been able to find many MPT1327 systems over the last week or so. I have mapped the control channels, voice channels and made the bandplans. Now I'm trying to follow conversations and that's where I seem to have come...
  8. AeStein

    Include alpha tags in your broadcast

    I've written a new program called AlphaTags. AlphaTags is a program that reads the source and target/talkgroup information (alpha tags) from active trunked radio systems as they are decoded by UniTrunker. It organizes that information in a user-specified format and writes it to an output file...
  9. A

    Unitrunker system select/or multible instance of unitrunker

    Hello all, I have a edac system that runs anolog and digital transmissions. This is leading me to explore the system but a delima with sdrsharp. The time it takes to switch between dig and anolog is cumber-sum. To make it happen would mean for me to unlock users and TG. in anolog and then...
  10. C

    tech question about edacs

    Hi, I'm trying to have fun with local edacs system using gnuradio (I love unitrunker but I'm more of mac user) and I've encountered a problem - how to recover LID (source ID in unitrunker) from edacs packet? I have no problem with frame sync and recovering lcn and afs numbers - but where is LID...
  11. R

    Unitrunker with BCDx36HP

    Has anyone gotten Unitrunker to work with a BCDx36HP for a control? I had it working for a voice, but not control. Thanks
  12. G

    Unitrunker and ScannerCast

    Gentlemen, I'm using a RTL+tapped scanner setup with Unitrunker and DSD+ to provide my local live audio feed. I want to be able send alpha tag data (Talkgroup, Target, Site) to from Unitrunker to Scannercast so my feed listeners can see who's talking. Has anyone been able to achieve this...
  13. B

    Unitrunker not picking up frequencies

    Greetings, apologies for my 1st post being a call for help, but as is the way, this is usually how all good things start.... I've picked up a RTL2832U dongle last week, and have been looking for things (like you do) I've stumbled across the local bus company and its MPT1327 trunk system, and...
  14. tateconcepts

    Uniden 346XT Inline Decoding to DSD/Unitrunker questions

    Hello RR, I figured you might be the guys to answer some questions I have about the BCD-346XT/396XT and Unitrunker. I read these threads and they on partially helped answer my question so I will be doing another in hopes of better answers...
  15. T

    Unitrunker is not saving changes.

    I am using Unitrunker version Whenever I manually change a color/label, it stays changed for the duration of the session. If I close the program and open it again, the former color/label is shown.When I close the program, the box saying data has been saved appears. Is there something...
  16. W

    No frequencies or calculator button in Unitrunker

    I am using SDR# and Unitrunker. I get the site window to pop up in Unitrunker, but none of the frequencies are available. I have read that you should be able to click on the calculator button, but the window doesn't have one. What am I missing? I am using 868.83750 on the Central Ohio...
  17. G

    tapped radio + sdr# + unitrunker

    I'm running a scanner with discriminator tap and a RTL-SDR with unitrunker. The scanner monitors the control channel -- works perfectly. A data is displayed properly in Unitrunker. Unitrunker control of SDR# also works. SDR# changes to whatever frequency I set in the "Parked" field in...
  18. A

    SDRSharp + Unitrunker. Lockout all feature?

    Hello, I've finally got Unitrunker up and running with a FunCube and RTL + SDR#, it's great however there's one particular system that I track that gets a TON of activity (Detroit City Simulcast) and so the scanner goes a bit wild switching from one group to the other, sometimes cutting off in...
  19. D

    Double-checking equip needed for multi- Unitrunker+SDR#

    I have Unitrunker & SDR# running great for the local Smartnet II system here. Unless I'm missing something, I don't see an easy way to change between 'favorite' talkgroups in Uni. Like, sometimes I want to listen to Fire/EMS. Sometimes Sheriff. Sometimes different districts of each, etc. So...
  20. F


    Can I use my pro 164 scanner with unitrunker it has triple trunking and modes FM,AM,CT,DC,MO,ED,LT