
  1. linkinpark9812

    2003 Pontiac Grand Am Spectra Install

    Ok, I don't know if anyone on here drives a (1999+) Grand Am (mine is 2003), but it is, IMO, the most unfriendly car to any kind of radio/scanner install. There is absolutely no place to install anything without affecting something major. I was barley able to install a Motorola Spectra A9 head...
  2. SlipNutz15

    GP380 VHF and UHF???

    I'm looking at a GP380 online and I cannot find a definitive answer. All the sites and PDFs I look at make it look like this radio is a dual-band VHF/UHF portable. Is there anyone that can say whether this radio does both VHF AND UHF or just one or the other. Thank you!
  3. M

    VHF Marine Trasmits Wide or Narrow FM

    Hi I know its not quite an Amateur topic, But can any one tell for is VHF Marine transmitted on Narrow or Wide , I know the channel spacing is wide, but that does not tell me what it is transmitted on. If you set a radio to wide you pick up the marine with a tiny bit better signal, but lower...
  4. radact

    Code Plug Question

    Is asking for a copy of a codeplug the same as asking for software? If yes, disregard this. If no, here is what I need. I have a friend that gave me an MCS2000 VHF Model 1 radio and it has a corrupt codeplug. I was thinking if I had a good one I could blow it in and maybe it will correct...
  5. jcop225

    NOAA Radio

    Does any one know of anyone outside the RF relm that use NOAA broadcasts for weather, as far as I know receivers of this band are on scanners, amater radios, and CB/Marine radios and dedicated weather reveivers, all of which are not in the possesion of the common consumer.
  6. C

    Motorola in car problem

    Hello all, first let me start off by saying that I work for Oklahoma State University Parking Enforcement, and we use a Motorola VHF system. We kind of have a problem, we have a Motorola in car radio in one of our Crown Victoria's and we're having some transmission issues. The radio broadcasts...
  7. P

    O.D.N.R. V.H.F. Frequencies

    Does the O.D.N.R. still use the V.H.F. frequencies? I noticed on the Ohio Radio Reference page that each district has its own frequency assigned to Mulitple Repeaters but eah freqeuncy has a different PL. How can one tell which frequency / PL (CTCSS) combo is used in one's area? Does it really...
  8. yardbird

    Wayne County System

    Just curious to find out what happened to Wayne County. I notices about six months ago there was information in the data base for Wayne County constructing a 150 Mhz trunking system. Now the trunking data has been deleted. Just wandering if the system has been scraped and the county decided...
  9. M

    Pro-39 hyperscan help

    I found a old pro-39 hyperscan in a box in the attic. Wondering if anyone can help me out on using it. Or would it be better used as a paperweight?
  10. N

    Part 90 VHF/UHF Narrowbanding Info

    For those involved, concerned, or interested in the FCC's Part 90 VHF/UHF narrowbanding mandate, check out the LMR Narrowbanding information and discussion group: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/LMR_Narrowbanding NR
  11. G

    Marine Antenna

    I have a offshore fishing boat. It came equipped w/ two (2) marine vhf radio antennas. We are only using one of those. We would like to connect our am/fm marine radio to the extra antenna. What type of conversion needs to take place. I have found a band splitter/separator. We do not need to...