
  1. J

    Help Needed With a Spectra

    Goodmorning All, I recently purchased a Motorola Spectra 110w vhf high band radio. The unit is designed to be a trunk mount I believe. I was hoping to get any information I could as well as what programming cable was needed, as i know they are different depending on the model or head? of the...
  2. M

    VHF Frequencies

    Just got a new Motorolla 1000 VHF radio (hence the name, lol) and am wanting to get it programmed up. It has 16 programmable channels and I'm wanting to get a few frequencies that I don't know. I know all the dispatches and things like that, but if anyone knows Blaney Fire Departments Tone out...
  3. J

    anyone using the BlackBox VHF mobile?

    thinking of pulling the trigger on my first radio (BlackBox VHF mobile) and the way this radio looks It will double as a mobile scanner for me too :) any comments on these radios ? handhelds too if you have either one. thanks
  4. BonziBuddy

    2006 Toyota Tacoma with 3 NMO Antennas

    This is my Toyota Tacoma. I bought it new in 2006 when I was 16. Until today it has only 31,000 miles. The radio is a Yeasu FT7800, remotely mounted on my dash. It's screwed directly into my FD blue light. It's in the perfect spot. I can use it while driving, and keep my eyes on the road and...
  5. R

    Narrow Banding reception on older scanners?

    I'm new to this forum, so bear with me if I missed this topic in a search. I live and work in Santa Clara County, and with the narrow banding of VHF frequencies happening in Dec '10, how will this effect the reception on existing scanners? Our agency has older scanners (greater than 15 years...
  6. M

    Good CB Radio for Snowboarding?

    Hi I am a newbie :) I want to get a reliable CB for ski season. I was eying the Moto Mag-One BPR40, as it looks small, rigid and cost effective. What do you guys think? What bands should I be using? Thanks, Moshe
  7. sdmrt18

    Dual-Band Handheld

    I'm looking for a type-accepted solution for my Search and Rescue team. We currently have to carry around two radios, one for upper VHF public safety band (155.ish), and one for lower UHF public safety band (460.ish). We often switch between the two during searches and the only solution we...
  8. N

    Motorola mobile radio

    Looking to purchase a VHF mobile radio for my personnel truck any ideas or suggestions on a good mobile radio? I would like to program more then 16 channels an have multiple scan banks? Any feed back would be helpful
  9. N

    FCC Extends Jan 2011 Interim Part 90 Narrowbanding Dates

    Acting on a Petition from the NPSTC, the FCC on June 30th extended certain 2011 Interim Part 90 LMR Narrowbanding dates to Jan 1, 2013. Full details can be viewed here: http:wirelessradio.net/KeyDates.htm
  10. N

    FCC Extends Jan 2011 Interim Part 90 Narrowbanding Dates

    See http://www.fcc.gov/Daily_Releases/Daily_Business/2010/db0630/FCC-10-119A1.pdf for details or, visit FCC Part 90 VHF UHF Narrowbanding Info, Resources, Compliance Updates - WirelessRadio.net for additional up-dated information.
  11. N

    Narrowbanding Updates, Info, & Licensee Resource Site

    With less than 32 months till the FCC's Part 90 LMR VHF/UHF Narrowbanding Mandate is due to take affect, will your dispatch, paging, SCADA, or data radio system be ready? Visit FCC Narrowbanding Updates for Part 90 VHF UHF LMR Dispatch Two Way Radio Licensees - WirelessRadio.net for accurate...
  12. P

    Right scanner to stream VHF band

    I was wondering if anyone knows what scanner works best with the RR/sc application. I would like to stream a simple VHF frequency. Any help would be great, Thanks in advance!
  13. T

    Radio Frequency License

    Hello Folks, I'm wondering if it is possible that I could register a frequency with Industry Canada, and how much it would cost to go about doing so. (In the 136 - 174 mhz VHF range.) I am not interested in getting an "Amateur Radio" license. I would like to use it for biking and hiking with...
  14. A

    FDNY confusion?

    Okay I know the old system was on VHF but are the firefighters Transmiting on VHF Repeaters or the UHF Repeaters. I'd assume there transmiting on the UHF since they always use their UHF fireground 486.1125 frequency. the last time I looked at a Firefighters belt i saw some kind of motorola xts...
  15. M

    Fire Dispatch - Tones but No Voice

    Did anyone else notice this morning (3/7/10) that when the fire dispatch on 154.19000 and 153.89000 tones went out, there was no voice afterwards? This happened at least 8 times between 8:00 am and 8:30 am. So I have three questions: 1. Why does this occur? 2. Was the voice heard on the...
  16. Northerner71

    Lost!! Mt1000

    I have a MT 1000 and do not know what to do with it. I was wondering if I could reprogram it to monitor Fleetnet control channel, so I could use it to just to run trunk88 or unitrunker. It is a MT1000 with the keypad on the front, it is VHF and is programmed for 153.080 right now. I have no...
  17. S

    Spectra VHF, UHF 110W NEED HELP!

    Greetings all, this is my first post. Lots of good information here! I will be as short as poss... I came accross a deal for a T83FWA7HA9AK VHF 110W with Systems 9000 HCN1073A head and also and extra T84FWA7HA9AK UHF 110W with no head. When I power the VHF up, it goes through systems check...
  18. N

    Part 90 VHF/UHF Narrowbanding Updates & Resource Site

    For those facing the FCC's Part 90 VHF/UHF LMR narrowbanding challenge: Business Industrial Utility Municipal Government Public Safety Narrowbanding Updates Information for FCC Part 90 VHF UHF LMR Licensees
  19. G

    Las Vegas Metro PD VHF

    I'm going out to Las Vegas on Friday. Are there still any police VHF systems in operation? Or other non "Open Sky" freqs? Thanks, Gregg
  20. S

    Need Help w/ Antenna Mounting on Chimney

    Hey guys. Need some suggestions. I have two VHF Mobile Radios in which I transmit on both. I already have the Coax run. These will be mounted on my chimney and would prefer that both be mounted on the same mast. What items will I need? The chimney itself is maybe 5 feet tall. The current...