“P25” vs. “Link” City of Eau Claire Police Department main frequency (155.640) in Eau Claire County, WI


May 7, 2010
With recent updates to ECPD’s radio systems that were published in Capital Improvement papers, as occurring to towers, tower sites (existing and new construction), tower site equipment, communication center equipment, mobile radios and portables. I see that, since they went “digital”, my SDS 200/ProScan combination occasionally logs signals and recordings as “P25” other times as “Link”. I’m curious as to the “Link” frequency and how to find out what it is. If in fact that is what “Link” is indicating as it appears to be with other frequencies “Link”ed in the area that I have been able to locate and confirm. Or if the “Link” designation may be a result of a microwave or secure internet via possibly fiber connection, being as I have searched in depth via RadioReference as well as the FCC ULS Database for all frequencies and active call signs listed and licensed in the area to the City of Eau Claire as well as Eau Claire County given it is a system that is independent of WISCOM, with nothing new, that couldn’t be accounted for by the use of user, by comparison to regular visits over the past several years. If anyone has any information or suggestions as to where to look or how to find what I’ve mentioned I’m in search of I’d be greatly appreciative.