I get vy strong hits on 169.725 US. Marshals like 20 over but not 169.3875.
Currently that freq is not part of that system.Could it be part of the US Marshals P25 Phase II
I am getting some strong signals on 169.3875 CC in the Bronx
Could it be part of the US Marshals P25 Phase II? I am getting some strong signals on 169.3875 CC in the Bronx.
Do you have DSDPlus or SDRTrunk? If so, can you post any of the system info like neighbors, cc and voice channels?I am getting 4F0.
Anyway, the original post was asking about 169.8875 and somehow we drifted away from that freq to the Marshalls thread
U.S. Marshals Service P25 TRS (BEE00-4F0)
Band openings have been crazy on the East Coast so I am not sure where this is coming from. Been seeing for about a week now. Network: BEE00.4F0 Site: 1.122 NAC=4F2 Channel 8-741: 171.2625 DATA Channel 9-1482: 171.2625-1 VOICE Channel 8-757...forums.radioreference.com
I cannot figure out what type of control channel or data stream it actually is on 169.8875. Signal is 10/10 at my location ( -70db ). Tried Motorola all types and P25 - the radio doesn't decode it as anything.
Thanks for all the input on identifying 169.8875 it,s really
amazing how strong a signal it is here ...or on ideas what
it is..best 73,s Marcy
This signal that was discovered almost 5 months ago is still sitting there. Still not decodable.
It's been pretty much online straight the last few months. Think a hunt is in order. I only receive at my location using a discone. Does not show on my scanners but its programmed in. Might be heading to East End for some fishing soon, so looks like my new Airspy mini from Itead is going along for the ride.Since it occasionally is off the air it probably is some sort of test signal.
Interesting fun fact but no idea how it relates to this signal - although 169.8875 is a Federal frequency, it appears on FCC licenses for State P25 systems in Maine, Missouri and Tennessee. So it is probably in the NTIA frequency pool not dedicated to any Federal agency country wide and available for use on a local basis including letting the FCC assign it in special cases.
I think whatever it is probably is not likely to turn into a P25 Control Channel after all this time. Since it occasionally is off the air it probably is some sort of test signal. Suspects would be either a manufacturer, university or government R&D facility. Since it seems to be in the Brookhaven area best way to ID it is to drive around with a portable and watch the signal strength. If you have a VHF Yagi and can get a bearing from a couple of locations it would help narrow the search area. Once you pin down where the signal is coming from you know "who is it" which may be a clue to "what is it". It doesn't seem to be related to the Brookhaven National Labs mission but I wouldn't rule it out.
Putting an audio recording here or on reddit r/signalidentification might even be better.