2013 VHF Low Band Logs

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Dec 26, 2005
kkn50, I've seen some of those Pike Electric trucks with full quarter-wave ball-mount antennas on them, all their lowband licenses are for 49.46-49.58 (every 20kHz actually wouldn't surprise me if they ran the same PL on every one of those eight channels) and are for 100-120 watt mobiles. I imagine that setup on a heavy duty truck body really gets out.

Same with the military traffic for that matter!


Long Time Member
Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Hill Country Village, Texas
VHF Low Band Log: 4/14-4/29/13

VHF Low Band Log: 4/14-4/29/13
San Antonio, Texas
Uniden BCD996XT Scanner with Dipole Antenna

26.1100 AM Broadcast w/ news
26.1350 AM CB-B7 Local - oil field trucks
29.7700 162.2 Probable WQAP986, Bushwick Car Service, Brooklyn NY
30.0250 150.0 US MIL - Vagabond Army Heliport, Yakima WA
30.1800 D051 Spanish - possibly Columbia
30.4300 CSQ Unidentified language
30.6900 AM Image of 15.345, RAE Argentina.
31.2000 203.5 Taxi dispatch in Spanish <band open to Central/South America>
32.0800 100.0 Spanish <band open to Central/South America>
32.1800 77.0 Taxi dispatch in Spanish <band open to Central/South America>
32.3400 127.3 Taxi dispatch in Spanish <band open to Central/South America>
32.3800 156.7 "Control" Spanish <band open to Central/South America>
32.5000 150.0 US MIL
32.7300 CSQ Unidentified Language
33.3600 114.8 Portuguese - Brazil
33.6750 CSQ Unidentified language
33.7200 141.3 Taxi dispatch in Spanish <band open to Central/South America>
33.9800 D051 Spanish <band open to Central/South America>
34.0400 127.3 Taxi - Turrialba, Costa Rica <ID by Paul in Ireland>
34.1100 88.5 Spanish <band open to Central/South America>
34.2000 203.5 Spanish <band open to Central/South America>
34.5000 103.5 Spanish
35.0400 CSQ Analog Inversion Scrambling
36.0000 150.0 US MIL
38.4000 CSQ Portuguese - Brazil
38.8800 67.0 Portuguese - Brazil
39.0000 CSQ Portuguese - Brazil
39.1600 CSQ Portuguese - Brazil
39.3400 192.8 Portuguese - Brazil
39.6400 67.0 Portuguese - Brazil
40.0000 150.0 US MIL
40.2200 100.0 Taxi dispatch in Spanish <band open to Central/South America>
40.6700 CSQ SNOTEL
42.6400 186.2 KAF613 MO HP - Dispatch-to-Mobiles [F-60]
45.4500 131.8 Spanish


Long Time Member
Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Hill Country Village, Texas
VHF Low Band Log: Recent

VHF Low Band Log: Recent
San Antonio, Texas
Uniden BCD996XT Scanner with Dipole Antenna

30.1800 D051 Spanish - possibly Columbia
30.6200 210.7 WPSD819 Millenium Taxi Service, Chattanooga TN
31.2000 203.5 Taxi dispatch in Spanish <band open to Central/South America>
31.3200 D712 "St. Charles MO, they're going to Lynnwood College there"
31.6000 136.5 Farmers
31.6800 114.8 "raining like it is they ain't gonna be out there welding"
32.1800 77.0 Taxi dispatch in Spanish <band open to Central/South America>
32.3400 127.3 Taxi dispatch in Spanish <band open to Central/South America>
32.4250 150.0 US MIL
32.7300 CSQ Unidentified Language
33.3600 114.8 Portuguese - Brazil
33.7000 192.8 Fire Dispatch - Somerset Co PA w/ voice ID
33.7000 CSQ KGF301 Fire Dispatch - South Tower, Summit Mtn, Uniontown, Fayette Co PA w/ siren test & voice ID
33.7200 141.3 Taxi dispatch in Spanish <band open to Central/South America>
33.8600 77.0 KGC676 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Washington Co, MD w/ voice ID
33.8600 82.5 KQH904 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Licking Co OH
33.9800 103.5 WZC522 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Muskingum Co OH
34.0400 127.3 Taxi - Turrialba, Costa Rica <ID by Paul in Ireland>
34.8200 CSQ Portuguese - Brazil
35.1200 127.3 Mercury Cab, Chattanooga TN
35.1800 186.2 Unidentifed US business
36.1000 150.0 US MIL - Range <repeater>
36.9000 150.0 US MIL - Martindale Army Heliport Ops, San Antonio TX
37.0400 127.3 Sheriff - Smyth Co, VA
37.3600 110.9 IL DOC - "F1 Low Band"
37.7000 131.8 Carrier - no audio
37.7200 151.4 KIF565 Sumter Electric Cooperative, Lake Co, FL w/ Morse ID
39.2200 192.8 KMA801 CA HP - WHITE 2 - South Los Angeles (77)
39.3600 162.2 WPPD852 CA HP - Base - GREEN 1 - San Juan Capistrano (113)
39.4000 162.2 WPHM445 CA HP - Base - ORANGE 1 - San Diego (87)
39.4800 131.8 Sheriff, Lee County, VA (Positive voice ID on 5/15/10 and 5/22/11)
39.5000 141.3 EMS Dispatch, Alleghany Co VA
39.6000 162.2 WPHM348 CA HP - Base - GOLD 1 - El Cajon (108)
39.6800 118.8 KDG272 CA HP - Base - TURQUOISE 1 - Riverside (74)
40.0000 150.0 US MIL
40.6700 CSQ SNOTEL
42.1000 167.9 KQA488 WV HP - Shinnston / Morgantown Dispatch
42.1400 186.2 KAA203 MO HP - Rural Dispatch [F-30]
42.3600 123.0 TN HP
42.3800 173.8 KAA522 MO HP - Dispatch-to-Mobiles [F-70]
42.4200 141.3 TN HP
42.4200 162.2 TN HP
42.4200 173.8 TN HP
42.5000 173.8 NC HP - Channel 10 Base
42.5600 107.2 TN HP - F3
42.5600 123.0 TN HP
42.6000 173.8 NC HP
42.6200 173.8 NC HP
42.8200 173.8 NC HP
44.5800 CSQ BNSF Extended Line of Sight - packets
44.8800 141.3 Unidentified US business
44.9400 186.2 KRB411 CA HP - Base - BLACK 2 - Central Los Angeles (15)
45.0200 192.8 KCQ240 CA HP - ORANGE 2 - Baldwin Park (81)
45.9200 CSQ Buses in San Antonio TX. No licensee in TX - unknown.
46.0800 151.4 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Bartow Co GA
47.5000 173.8 Carrier - no audio
48.4800 103.5 KIA969 North Georgia Electric Corp - Lafayette repeater
49.5200 67.0 Pike Electric <nationwide contractors>


Long Time Member
Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Hill Country Village, Texas
VHF Low Band Log: Recent

VHF Low Band Log: Recent
San Antonio, Texas
Uniden BCD996XT Scanner with Dipole Antenna

25.9500 KB99696 Auxiliary Remote Pickup for AM 950, KOA, Denver CO
29.7900 100.0 WQMA652 Van Pool Transportation LLC, Fitchburg MA
30.0000 150.0 US MIL
30.1500 150.0 US MIL
30.1800 D051 Spanish - possibly Columbia
30.2750 150.0 US MIL
30.6200 210.7 WPSD819 Millenium Taxi Service, Chattanooga TN
30.7600 162.2 Unidentified US business
30.8800 114.8 Unidentified US business
30.8800 225.7 WPJY219 Brooklyn Radio Dispatcher Cab Co Brooklyn,NY <per gvranchosbill>
30.9500 150.0 US MIL
31.0600 91.5 WPIN347 Oscar Macareno (Taxi), Brooklyn, NY
31.0800 74.4 WPXA428 Myrtle Ave Car Svc, Brooklyn, NY
31.0800 100.0 WPYJ841 Repeater - Secco of Palmer School Buses, Holyoke MA
31.2000 203.5 Taxi dispatch in Spanish <band open to Central/South America>
31.3000 150.0 US MIL - Range Control - Oklahoma National Guard Camp Gruber Maneuver Training Center, 14 miles southeast of Muskogee
31.4400 118.8 "ticket said 503"
32.0800 100.0 Spanish <band open to Central/South America>
32.1000 150.0 MIL comms in Spanish
32.1800 77.0 Taxi dispatch in Spanish <band open to Central/South America>
32.3400 127.3 Taxi dispatch in Spanish <band open to Central/South America>
32.3500 150.0 US MIL
32.3800 156.7 "Control" Spanish <band open to Central/South America>
32.5000 150.0 US MIL
32.5250 150.0 US MIL
32.9750 150.0 US MIL - Airfield
33.0000 150.0 US MIL
33.1000 186.2 Central School District, Somers NY
33.4200 CSQ WQGU312 Cape Coral Emergency Advisory Radio, FL
33.5250 150.0 US MIL Range - "be advised there is wildlife on the range, DO NOT engage any wildlife, over"
33.7200 141.3 Taxi dispatch in Spanish <band open to Central/South America>
33.8600 82.5 KQH904 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Licking Co OH
34.0400 127.3 Taxi - Turrialba, Costa Rica <ID by Paul in Ireland>
34.1100 88.5 Spanish <band open to Central/South America>
34.1800 110.9 Spanish <band open to Central/South America>
34.2000 150.0 US MIL - Camp Bullis Range
34.2000 203.5 Spanish <band open to Central/South America>
34.8200 CSQ Portuguese - Brazil
34.9000 150.0 US MIL
35.0000 150.0 US MIL "Woodstock 7" "7 Romeo"
35.0400 141.3 Unidentified US business
35.1200 127.3 Mercury Cab, Chattanooga TN
35.1800 107.2 "what's my count?"
35.1800 186.2 Unidentifed US business
35.4400 131.8 Cement trucks
35.9200 97.4 Unidentifed US business
36.5000 150.0 US MIL - Range Control
36.6750 150.0 US MIL - live firing
36.9000 150.0 US MIL - Martindale Army Heliport Ops, San Antonio TX
37.9200 156.7 Taxi dispatch in Spanish <band open to Central/South America>
37.9800 CSQ Highway maintenance crew
38.3500 150.0 US MIL - Butts AAF, Ft Carson, CO
39.2200 192.8 KMA801 CA HP - WHITE 2 - South Los Angeles (77)
39.2600 118.8 KVV806 CA HP - Base - COPPER 1 - Arrowhead (101) / San Bernardino (75)
39.3600 162.2 WPPD852 CA HP - Base - GREEN 1 - San Juan Capistrano (113)
39.4000 162.2 WPHM445 CA HP - Base - ORANGE 1 - San Diego (87)
39.6800 118.8 KDG272 CA HP - Base - TURQUOISE 1 - Riverside (74)
39.7200 162.2 WPPC737 CA HP - Base - GRAY 1 - Westminster (55)
39.8000 162.2 WPHM449 CA HP - Base - TAN 1 - Oceanside (92) / Temecula (115)
39.8600 173.8 WPYP239 CA Orange County Freeway Service Patrol
39.8800 118.8 KMD453 CA HP - Base - BEIGE 1 - Rancho Cucamonga (123)
39.9800 141.3 Possible WV Statewide Sheriff Net or Prison
40.3300 103.5 Bureau of Indian Affairs schools
40.6500 150.0 US MIL
40.6700 CSQ SNOTEL
40.9500 150.0 US MIL - Airfield
41.9500 150.0 US MIL
42.0600 203.5 MO HP
42.1000 203.5 MO HP
42.1200 118.8 KMH995 CA HP - Base - GOLD - Bishop (72) / Bridgeport (71) / Mojave (59)
42.1200 186.2 MO HP
42.1200 203.5 MO HP
42.1400 186.2 KAA203 MO HP - Rural Dispatch [F-30]
42.1600 94.8 MS HP
42.2200 203.5 MO HP
42.2400 94.8 MS HP
42.4200 114.8 TN HP, District 2 - Chattanooga
42.4200 162.2 TN HP
42.4400 179.9 KUV545 CA HP - Base - RED - Blythe (6) / Indio (76) / San Gorgonio Pass (97)
42.5000 173.8 NC HP - Channel 10 Base
42.5600 118.8 KMH962 CA HP - Base - WHITE - Barstow (73) / Morongo Basin (106) / Needles (114) / Victorville (12)
42.5600 123.0 TN HP
42.6000 173.8 NC HP
42.6400 173.8 NC HP
42.6400 186.2 KAF613 MO HP - Dispatch-to-Mobiles [F-60]
42.8600 203.5 MO HP
42.9200 203.5 KAA202 MO HP - Metro Dispatch-to-Mobiles [F-13]
42.9400 203.5 MO HP
43.1800 82.5 "how can they have a truck sitting and waiting for a job for days?"
43.4000 151.4 Unidentified US business
43.4800 D031 Unidentified US business
44.9400 186.2 KRB411 CA HP - Base - BLACK 2 - Central Los Angeles (15)
45.0200 192.8 KCQ240 CA HP - ORANGE 2 - Baldwin Park (81)
45.0800 114.8 School Buses - Putnam Co FL
45.4000 150.0 US MIL
45.5200 94.8 Unidentified
46.5200 114.8 KNGV847 Repeater, school buses. Putnam FL
47.0200 110.9 IL DOT
47.0200 162.2 FL DOT
47.2000 162.2 KWJ375 NE DOT
47.2000 192.8 SC DOT
47.2800 103.5 Highway maintenance crew
47.2800 173.8 SC DOT
47.3600 114.8 KFR701 SC DOT
47.5000 150.0 US MIL
48.3000 Chile - "Muzak" style music
49.4600 67.0 Pike Electric <nationwide contractors>
49.6000 218.1 "may be down in court today"
49.6250 150.0 US MIL
49.7250 150.0 US MIL, Convoy


Nov 10, 2011
logs today 05272013 see pic

from northeast wisconsin,45.42 still just a carrier 75.82 was skip and is a 33.xx or 46.xx link the link rec site had skip from ct,nj,ny and south america.


  • low logs05272013.jpg
    low logs05272013.jpg
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Long Time Member
Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Hill Country Village, Texas
VHF Low Band Log: 5/17-5/31/13

VHF Low Band Log: 5/17-5/31/13
San Antonio, Texas
Uniden BCD996XT Scanner with Dipole Antenna

25.9500 KB99696 Auxiliary Remote Pickup for AM 950, KOA, Denver CO
30.0250 150.0 US MIL - Vagabond Army Heliport, Yakima WA
30.1800 D051 Spanish <band open to Central/South America>
30.7600 162.2 Unidentified US business
31.2000 203.5 Taxi dispatch in Spanish <band open to Central/South America>
32.0800 100.0 Spanish <band open to Central/South America>
32.1800 77.0 Taxi dispatch in Spanish <band open to Central/South America>
32.3000 150.0 US MIL - Helos
32.3400 127.3 Taxi dispatch in Spanish <band open to Central/South America>
32.3500 150.0 US MIL - Airfield "UHF Ops 259.425"
32.4000 150.0 US MIL
33.7200 141.3 Taxi dispatch in Spanish <band open to Central/South America>
33.8600 82.5 KQH904 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Licking Co OH
34.0400 127.3 Taxi - Turrialba, Costa Rica <ID by Paul in Ireland>
34.1800 110.9 Spanish <band open to Central/South America>
34.2000 150.0 US MIL - Camp Bullis Range
34.2000 203.5 Spanish <band open to Central/South America>
34.8200 CSQ Portuguese - Brazil
35.0400 94.8 Farmers
35.1000 118.8 KRL868 Ravinia Plumbing & Heating, Highland Park IL
36.9000 150.0 US MIL - Martindale Army Heliport Ops, San Antonio TX
39.2200 192.8 KMA801 CA HP - WHITE 2 - South Los Angeles (77)
39.2600 118.8 KVV806 CA HP - Base - COPPER 1 - Arrowhead (101) / San Bernardino (75)
39.4000 162.2 WPHM445 CA HP - Base - ORANGE 1 - San Diego (87)
39.6800 118.8 KDG272 CA HP - Base - TURQUOISE 1 - Riverside (74)
39.8000 162.2 WPHM449 CA HP - Base - TAN 1 - Oceanside (92) / Temecula (115)
39.8600 173.8 WPYP239 CA Orange County Freeway Service Patrol
39.8800 118.8 KMD453 CA HP - Base - BEIGE 1 - Rancho Cucamonga (123)
40.6700 CSQ SNOTEL
42.0600 203.5 MO HP
42.1200 186.2 MO HP
42.1400 186.2 KAA203 MO HP - Rural Dispatch [F-30]
42.3800 173.8 KAA522 MO HP - Dispatch-to-Mobiles [F-70]
42.5600 118.8 KMH962 CA HP - Base - WHITE - Barstow (73) / Morongo Basin (106) / Needles (114) / Victorville (12)
42.6400 186.2 KAF613 MO HP - Dispatch-to-Mobiles [F-60]
42.8600 203.5 MO HP
42.9200 203.5 KAA202 MO HP - Metro Dispatch-to-Mobiles [F-13]
45.7000 136.5 KMH277 CA HP - TAN 2 - Newhall (78) / Antelope Valley (89)
45.9200 CSQ Unknown buses heard when they are passing through San Antonio. No licensee in TX.
49.4600 67.0 Pike Electric <nationwide contractors>
49.6250 150.0 US MIL


Long Time Member
Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Hill Country Village, Texas
VHF Low Band Log: 6/1/13 (San Antonio TX)

VHF Low Band Log: 06/01/13
San Antonio, Texas
Uniden BCD996XT Scanner with Dipole Antenna

30.6200 210.7 WPSD819 Millenium Taxi Service, Chattanooga TN
33.7800 82.5 KTG669 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Allegany Co MD w/ dispatch
33.8600 82.5 KQH904 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Licking Co OH
35.1200 127.3 Mercury Cab, Chattanooga TN
39.3400 D223 KXL325 Sheriff - Anderson Co, TN <per Mark102, 7/13/11>
39.5000 110.9 "10-4"
39.5000 141.3 EMS Dispatch, Alleghany Co VA
42.1000 156.7 WV HP
42.1200 186.2 MO HP
42.1400 186.2 KAA203 MO HP - Rural Dispatch [F-30]
42.3600 123.0 TN HP
42.3800 173.8 KAA522 MO HP - Dispatch-to-Mobiles [F-70]
42.3800 173.8 NC HP
42.4200 114.8 TN HP, District 2 - Chattanooga
42.4200 141.3 TN HP
42.4200 173.8 TN HP
42.5000 173.8 NC HP - Channel 10 Base
42.5200 173.8 NC HP
42.6000 173.8 NC HP
42.6400 173.8 NC HP
42.6400 186.2 KAF613 MO HP - Dispatch-to-Mobiles [F-60]
42.8200 173.8 NC HP
42.9200 173.8 NC HP
42.9400 173.8 NC HP "Raleigh"
43.4000 D265 Spanish
Last edited:


Long Time Member
Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Hill Country Village, Texas
VHF Low Band Log - 06/01/2013 (Central AL)

VHF Low Band Log - 06/01/2013
Childersburg AL
Uniden BCD996XT Scanner with Antennacraft ST2 Antenna

29.7700 146.2 Taxi dispatch in Spanish <band open to northeast US>
30.5800 114.8 Taxi dispatch in Spanish <band open to northeast US>
30.6600 77.0 Taxi dispatch in Spanish <band open to northeast US>
30.6800 100.0 Taxi dispatch in Spanish <band open to northeast US>
30.7400 107.2 Bell Car Service, Brooklyn
30.8000 88.5 Taxi dispatch <band open to northeast US>
30.8800 225.7 Taxi dispatch in Spanish <band open to northeast US>
30.9400 82.5 Taxi dispatch <band open to northeast US>
31.0600 91.5 WPIN347 Oscar Macareno (Taxi), Brooklyn, NY
31.0800 74.4 WPXA428 Myrtle Ave Car Svc, Brooklyn, NY
31.2400 136.5 WPYF511 Luis Palaguache Taxi, Brooklyn, NY
31.2800 127.3 Taxi dispatch in Spanish <band open to northeast US>
31.3000 150.0 US MIL - Range Control - Oklahoma National Guard Camp Gruber Maneuver Training Center, 14 miles southeast of Muskogee
31.3200 131.8 Taxi dispatch in Spanish <band open to northeast US>
31.4400 100.0 Carlos E. Bolano Taxi, Brooklyn NY
31.5200 114.8 Taxi dispatch in Spanish <band open to northeast US>
31.8800 127.3 Taxi dispatch in Spanish <band open to northeast US>
33.3200 107.2 Taxi dispatch in Spanish <band open to northeast US>
33.4600 114.8 Fire dispatch - Provincetown MA
33.5400 110.9 KCE357 Fire/EMS Dispatch, Bethany CT
33.6000 114.8 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Possibly Sandwich Fire Department, Barnstable MA
33.6200 136.5 Fire Dispatch - Lower Providence Fire Dept, Montgomery Co PA
33.6400 114.8 KNAW393 Fire Dispatch - Bourne MA
33.6800 114.8 KCF564 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Mashpee MA
33.6800 127.3 KBQ744 Fire Dispatch - Northbridge MA
33.7000 107.2 KDP395 Fire Dispatch - Cattaraugus County NY w/ voice ID
33.7000 192.8 Fire Dispatch - Somerset Co PA
33.7200 82.5 WNQU666 Fire Dispatch - Redding CT
33.7400 192.8 WPIX556 Fire Dispatch - Lambertville, NJ
33.7800 77.0 KCF415 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Cheshire Co NH
33.8000 179.9 KXV431 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Windham Co CT
33.8200 110.9 Fire Dispatch - Hubbardston MA w/ voice ID
33.8200 141.3 KCO372 FD/EMS - Calvert County, MD
33.8600 77.0 KGC676 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Washington Co, MD
33.8600 82.5 KQH904 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Licking Co OH
33.8600 94.8 KCE518 Fire Dispatch - Shelton Fire Dispatch, CT
33.8800 179.9 EMS Dispatch - CT
33.9000 91.5 KKL552 Fire Dispatch - Broome Co NY w/ voice ID
33.9400 77.0 KNBX247 Fire Dispatch, Berks PA
33.9400 179.9 WNHR373 Fire Dispatch - Waterford CT
33.9600 179.9 WQF238 Fire Dispatch - Lyme/Old Lyme, Middlesex County CT
35.0400 110.9 WPUZ913 11th St Car Service, Brooklyn (ID by 'splinters' in NYC)
35.1000 141.3 Taxi dispatch in Spanish <band open to northeast US>
35.1600 88.5 Unidentified US business
35.3200 141.3 Taxi dispatch in Spanish <band open to northeast US>
35.4400 107.2 Taxi dispatch in Spanish <band open to northeast US>
35.4800 156.7 Taxi dispatch in Spanish <band open to northeast US>
35.5200 173.8 Taxi dispatch in Spanish <band open to northeast US>
35.6800 CSQ Digital paging
35.7000 94.8 Spanish <band open to northeast US>
35.7400 203.5 Taxi dispatch in Spanish <band open to northeast US>
35.7800 192.8 WPPU665 Cibao Express Car & Limo, Queens NY
35.8600 123.0 Taxi dispatch in Spanish <band open to northeast US>
35.9200 110.9 Taxi dispatch in Spanish <band open to northeast US>
37.0200 146.2 Police Dispatch - West Milford, NJ
37.0400 127.3 Sheriff - Smyth Co, VA
37.4600 CSQ KWG479 PPL Electric Utilities Corporation, PA w/ Morse ID
37.5800 CSQ KGA859 PPL Electric Utilities Corporation, PA w/ Morse ID
37.5800 D412 KGA845 Potomac Electric, 10611 Westlake Dr, Rockville MD w/ Morse ID
37.6000 CSQ KGA860 PPL Electric Utilities Corporation, PA w/ Morse ID
37.6200 CSQ KFE664 PPL Electric Utilities Corporation, PA w/ Morse ID
37.6600 CSQ KGA857 PPL Electric Utilities Corporation, PA w/ Morse ID
37.6600 CSQ KQX988 PPL Electric Utilities Corporation, PA w/ Morse ID
37.6600 CSQ KGA858 PPL Electric Utilities, 2.4 KM WNW INT OF PA115 & LR 933, Bear Creek PA with Morse ID
37.7000 CSQ KST824 PPL Electric Utilities Corporation, Allentown PA w/ Morse ID
37.7000 CSQ KYL340 PPL Electric Utilities Corporation, PA w/ Morse ID
37.7200 192.8 Utility Company
37.8200 CSQ KVA725 PPL Electric Utilities Corporation, PA w/ Morse ID
37.9400 97.4 Unidentified US business
39.2800 110.9 MD HP
39.3200 110.9 MD HP
39.3400 110.9 MD HP
39.4000 110.9 MD HP
39.5000 141.3 EMS Dispatch, Alleghany Co VA, to 3808 Dunlap Creek Rd
39.5200 110.9 MD HP
39.6000 146.2 EMS Dispatch - Possibly Paramus Municipalities NJ, "Stage at Hooters until the police arrive"
39.6400 110.9 MD HP
39.6800 110.9 MD HP
39.7600 110.9 Possibly Petersham MA
39.7800 100.0 Police Dispatch - Possibly Uxbridge MA
39.8400 110.9 MD HP
39.9600 110.9 MD HP
39.9600 162.2 WNID971 Police Dispatch - Thomaston CT
42.0600 151.4 VA HP
42.1200 203.5 MO HP
42.2400 203.5 MO HP
42.4600 141.3 MA HP
42.5800 173.8 NC HP
42.5800 186.2 KAA958 MO HP - Dispatch-to-Mobiles [F-90]
42.6400 186.2 KAF613 MO HP - Dispatch-to-Mobiles [F-60]
42.8600 203.5 MO HP
42.9400 203.5 MO HP
42.9600 127.3 Unidentified US business
43.0000 103.5 Unidentified US business
43.0600 173.8 Unidentified US business
43.0800 127.3 Unidentified US business
43.4400 D445 Unidentified US business
43.8200 123.0 Taxi dispatch in Spanish <band open to northeast US>
44.0600 114.8 Taxi dispatch in Spanish <band open to northeast US>
44.2400 CSQ Truckers
44.4600 127.3 Unidentified US business
44.6200 82.5 Possibly Parks Police - Region 4 (Finger Lakes) NY
44.7000 77.0 OK HP
44.8000 167.9 Possibly NM Game & Fish
44.9000 77.0 OK HP
44.9200 114.8 Possibly Western and Marine District EnCon Police and Lake Authorities, CT
45.1400 156.7 Police, Possibly Coventry CT
45.1800 77.0 OK HP
45.2000 136.5 Possibly Allegany County NY
45.2200 77.0 OK HP
45.3200 CSQ SCADA
45.4400 82.5 Possibly Mount Olive NJ
46.0600 97.4 Fire Dispatch - Possibly Cumberland County PA
46.0600 141.3 Fire Dispatch - Possibly New Haven County CT
46.0800 82.5 KEE240 Fire Dispatch - Courtland Co NY w/ voice ID
46.1000 94.8 Fire Dispatch - Possibly Sullivan Co NY
46.1400 100.0 EMS Dispatch - Possibly Warren Co NJ
46.1400 167.9 Fire Dispatch - Possibly Chautauqua Co NY
46.1600 123.0 Fire Dispatch - Possibly Orange County NY
46.1600 186.2 Fire Dispatch - Possibly Franklin Co PA
46.1800 82.5 Fire Dispatch - Possibly Jefferson Co NY
46.1800 131.8 Fire Dispatch - Possibly Rockland Co NY
46.1800 136.5 Fire Dispatch - Possibly Chemung Co NY
46.1800 186.2 Fire Dispatch - Possibly Adams Co PA
46.2400 94.8 Fire Dispatch - Possibly Sullivan Co NY
46.2600 91.5 Fire Dispatch - Possibly Washington Co NY
46.4400 127.3 Fire Dispatch - Possibly Putnam Co NY
46.4400 136.5 Fire Dispatch - Possibly Otsego Co NY
46.5000 110.9 KEG594 Fire Dispatch - Columbia Co NY
46.5000 141.3 Fire Dispatch - Possibly Yonkers NY
46.5000 CSQ SCADA
46.5600 173.8 Fire Dispatch - Possibly Jefferson NY
47.2200 179.8 WPNZ709 ME DOT w/ Morse ID
47.3000 173.8 DOT - Possibly Orange Co NY
47.7400 151.4 Possibly New York Power Authority (Statewide)
48.9600 127.3 Taxi dispatch in Spanish, Possibly Liberty Car Service, Ridgewood NY


Long Time Member
Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Hill Country Village, Texas
VHF Low Band Log: 2013/06/02

VHF Low Band Log: 2013/06/02
San Antonio, Texas
Uniden BCD996XT Scanner with Dipole Antenna

30.6200 210.7 WPSD819 Millenium Taxi Service, Chattanooga TN
33.8600 82.5 KQH904 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Licking Co OH
35.1200 127.3 Mercury Cab, Chattanooga TN
35.1600 192.8 Morse ID "KDI323" - ATT California
35.4400 136.5 Creek rides
37.3600 110.9 IL DOC - "F1 Low Band"
38.9000 150.0 US MIL - Range
39.2200 192.8 KMA801 CA HP - WHITE 2 - South Los Angeles (77)
39.3400 D223 KXL325 Sheriff - Anderson Co, TN <per Mark102, 7/13/11>
39.3600 162.2 WPPD852 CA HP - Base - GREEN 1 - San Juan Capistrano (113)
39.4000 162.2 WPHM445 CA HP - Base - ORANGE 1 - San Diego (87)
39.4000 186.2 KTN273 CA HP - Base - GOLD 2 - Santa Fe Springs (83)
39.6800 118.8 KDG272 CA HP - Base - TURQUOISE 1 - Riverside (74)
39.7200 162.2 WPPC737 CA HP - Base - GRAY 1 - Westminster (55)
39.8000 162.2 WPHM449 CA HP - Base - TAN 1 - Oceanside (92) / Temecula (115)
39.8600 173.8 WPYP239 CA Orange County Freeway Service Patrol
39.8800 118.8 KMD453 CA HP - Base - BEIGE 1 - Rancho Cucamonga (123)
39.9800 88.5 KGL481 EMS Dispatch - Greene Co NC w/ voice callsign ID
42.0200 100.0 "can I get Tracy Bilcher out of f-stone?"
42.1200 118.8 KMH995 CA HP - Base - GOLD - Bishop (72) / Bridgeport (71) / Mojave (59)
42.1200 186.2 MO HP
42.1400 186.2 KAA203 MO HP - Rural Dispatch [F-30]
42.1600 94.8 MS HP
42.3000 94.8 MS HP - input to 42.080
42.3600 123.0 TN HP
42.3800 173.8 KAA522 MO HP - Dispatch-to-Mobiles [F-70]
42.4200 141.3 TN HP
42.4200 173.8 TN HP
42.4400 179.9 KUV545 CA HP - Base - RED - Blythe (6) / Indio (76) / San Gorgonio Pass (97)
42.5000 173.8 NC HP - Channel 10 Base
42.5200 146.2 KMC985 CA HP - Base - YELLOW - Modesto (48) / Sonora (61)
42.5200 173.8 NC HP
42.5600 118.8 KMH962 CA HP - Base - WHITE - Barstow (73) / Morongo Basin (106) / Needles (114) / Victorville (12)
42.5600 131.8 TN HP
42.5600 167.9 CA HP
42.5600 173.8 NC HP
42.6000 173.8 NC HP
42.6200 173.8 NC HP
42.6400 173.8 NC HP
42.6400 186.2 KAF613 MO HP - Dispatch-to-Mobiles [F-60]
42.8200 173.8 NC HP
42.8600 203.5 MO HP
42.9400 203.5 MO HP
43.0200 162.2 Unidentified US business
43.7800 114.8 Morse ID - KMA454, Los Angeles Co METRO
44.8000 167.9 Possible NM Game & Fish
44.9400 186.2 KRB411 CA HP - Base - BLACK 2 - Central Los Angeles (15)
45.5000 127.3 KJM513 CA HP - Base - BROWN 2 - Bakersfield (69)
45.7000 136.5 KMH277 CA HP - TAN 2 - Newhall (78) / Antelope Valley (89)
45.8200 203.5 Morse ID "KNBY521", State of Florida, Lake City
45.9800 203.5 KNEZ445 AL Prison,Springville w/ Morse ID
45.9800 203.5 WNQW911 AL Prison, Clio w/ Morse ID
45.9800 203.5 KIP550 - Morse ID, AL Prison,Wetumpka AL
45.9800 203.5 KIP549 - Morse ID, AL Prison, Montgomery AL
46.0800 151.4 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Bartow Co GA
46.1000 100.0 Fire/EMS Dispatch - unknown
46.1000 123.0 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Citrus Springs, FL
47.0200 110.9 IL DOT
48.7000 CSQ Utility Company


Long Time Member
Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Hill Country Village, Texas
VHF Low Band Log - 2013/06/02 (Central AL)

VHF Low Band Log - 2013/06/02
Childersburg AL
Uniden BCD996XT Scanner with Antennacraft ST2 Antenna

29.7700 146.2 Taxi dispatch in Spanish <band open to northeast US>
30.6800 100.0 Taxi dispatch in Spanish <band open to northeast US>
30.7400 107.2 Bell Car Service, Brooklyn
30.8000 88.5 Taxi dispatch <band open to northeast US>
30.9400 82.5 Taxi dispatch <band open to northeast US>
30.9600 D051 Unidentified US business
31.0600 91.5 WPIN347 Oscar Macareno (Taxi), Brooklyn, NY
31.0800 74.4 WPXA428 Myrtle Ave Car Svc, Brooklyn, NY
31.2400 136.5 WPYF511 Luis Palaguache Taxi, Brooklyn, NY
31.2800 127.3 Taxi dispatch in Spanish <band open to northeast US>
31.3200 131.8 Taxi dispatch in Spanish <band open to northeast US>
31.8800 127.3 Taxi dispatch in Spanish <band open to northeast US>
33.3200 107.2 Taxi dispatch in Spanish <band open to northeast US>
33.4800 186.2 KNDE746 Fire Dispatch - Rappahannock County VA
33.5800 179.9 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Ledyard CT
33.7000 107.2 KDP395 Fire Dispatch - Cattaraugus County NY w/ voice ID
33.7400 192.8 WPIX556 Fire Dispatch - Lambertville, NJ
33.8200 141.3 KCO372 FD/EMS - Calvert County, MD
33.8600 77.0 KGC676 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Washington Co, MD
35.0400 110.9 WPUZ913 11th St Car Service, Brooklyn (ID by 'splinters' in NYC)
35.1000 141.3 Taxi dispatch in Spanish <band open to northeast US>
35.3200 141.3 Taxi dispatch in Spanish <band open to northeast US>
35.4400 107.2 Taxi dispatch in Spanish <band open to northeast US>
35.4800 156.7 Taxi dispatch in Spanish <band open to northeast US>
35.5200 173.8 Taxi dispatch in Spanish <band open to northeast US>
35.7400 203.5 Taxi dispatch in Spanish <band open to northeast US>
35.7800 192.8 WPPU665 Cibao Express Car & Limo, Queens NY
35.9200 110.9 Taxi dispatch in Spanish <band open to northeast US>
37.4600 CSQ KXD499 PPL Electric Utilities Corporation, PA w/ Morse ID
37.7000 CSQ KYL340 PPL Electric Utilities Corporation, PA w/ Morse ID
37.7400 CSQ KGA863 PPL Electric Utilities Corporation, PA w/ Morse ID
37.8200 CSQ KVA725 PPL Electric Utilities Corporation, PA w/ Morse ID
39.0600 110.9 MD State Parks
39.1400 110.9 Possibly Sheriff - Jefferson Co OH
39.2800 110.9 MD HP
39.3200 110.9 MD HP
39.3800 110.9 MD HP
39.4000 110.9 MD HP
39.6400 110.9 MD HP
42.1400 186.2 KAA203 MO HP - Rural Dispatch [F-30]
42.8600 203.5 MO HP
44.7000 77.0 OK HP
48.7000 CSQ Utility Company


Long Time Member
Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Hill Country Village, Texas
VHF Low Band Log: 2013/06/03 - 06/18
San Antonio, Texas
Uniden BCD996XT Scanner with Dipole Antenna

25.9500 KB99696 Auxiliary Remote Pickup for AM 950, KOA, Denver CO
29.7500 Brief transmission - unidentified language
30.1000 150.0 US MIL
30.1800 D051 Spanish <band open to Central/South America>
30.6200 210.7 WPSD819 Millenium Taxi Service, Chattanooga TN
30.7600 162.2 Unidentified US business
30.9800 203.5 South Florida Water Mgt
31.1000 150.0 US MIL
31.2000 91.5 KLT894 Central Heating & Cooling Inc, Mountain Home, AR
31.2000 203.5 Taxi dispatch in Spanish <band open to Central/South America>
32.0800 100.0 Spanish <band open to Central/South America>
32.1800 77.0 Taxi dispatch in Spanish <band open to Central/South America>
32.3400 127.3 Taxi dispatch in Spanish <band open to Central/South America>
32.3500 150.0 US MIL - Airfield "UHF Ops 259.425"
32.3800 156.7 "Control" Spanish <band open to Central/South America>
32.5000 150.0 US MIL
33.3000 186.2 WNFQ812 - Natural Gas Pipeline Company of America, Falfurrias TX
33.7200 141.3 Taxi dispatch in Spanish <band open to Central/South America>
33.8600 82.5 KQH904 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Licking Co OH
34.0400 127.3 Taxi - Turrialba, Costa Rica <ID by Paul in Ireland>
34.1100 88.5 Spanish <band open to Central/South America>
34.1800 110.9 Spanish <band open to Central/South America>
34.2000 150.0 US MIL - Camp Bullis Range
34.2000 203.5 Spanish <band open to Central/South America>
34.3000 150.0 US MIL - Range Control
34.8200 CSQ Portuguese - Brazil
35.0400 146.2 Farmers
35.0600 162.2 WRZ735 Windy's Canoe Rental, Eminence MO
35.1000 118.8 KRL868 Ravinia Plumbing & Heating, Highland Park IL
35.1200 127.3 Mercury Cab, Chattanooga TN
35.1200 146.2 Unidentified business
35.1800 179.9 HVAC company
35.4400 131.8 Cement trucks
35.4800 162.2 Dump trucks
35.5000 150.0 US MIL - "Tower Ops"
35.8200 94.8 Cement trucks
35.8200 123.0 Unidentified US business
36.6000 150.0 US MIL
36.9000 150.0 US MIL - Martindale Army Heliport Ops, San Antonio TX
37.1200 156.7 WPPX309 Sheriff, Madison Co AR
37.3600 110.9 IL DOC - "F1 Low Band"
37.7200 151.4 KIF565 Sumter Electric Cooperative, Lake Co, FL w/ Morse ID
38.9000 150.0 US MIL - Range
39.1400 162.2 CA HP - Base - BLUE 1 - Border Division
39.2200 192.8 KMA801 CA HP - WHITE 2 - South Los Angeles (77)
39.2600 118.8 KVV806 CA HP - Base - COPPER 1 - Arrowhead (101) / San Bernardino (75)
39.3400 114.8 Fishermen in clear voice. Band open to US West Coast.
39.3400 D223 KXL325 Sheriff - Anderson Co, TN <per Mark102, 7/13/11>
39.3600 162.2 WPPD852 CA HP - Base - GREEN 1 - San Juan Capistrano (113)
39.4000 162.2 WPHM445 CA HP - Base - ORANGE 1 - San Diego (87)
39.4000 186.2 KTN273 CA HP - Base - GOLD 2 - Santa Fe Springs (83)
39.4400 146.2 WPPY951 CA HP - Base - PURPLE 1A - Santa Ana (86)
39.5000 141.3 EMS Dispatch, Alleghany Co VA
39.6800 118.8 KDG272 CA HP - Base - TURQUOISE 1 - Riverside (74)
39.7200 162.2 WPPC737 CA HP - Base - GRAY 1 - Westminster (55)
39.8000 162.2 WPHM449 CA HP - Base - TAN 1 - Oceanside (92) / Temecula (115)
39.8600 173.8 WPYP239 CA Orange County Freeway Service Patrol
39.8800 118.8 KMD453 CA HP - Base - BEIGE 1 - Rancho Cucamonga (123)
39.9000 CSQ Nebraska Statewide
39.9400 151.4 WQFH324 Rim of the World School District, San Bernardino CA
39.9800 88.5 KGL481 EMS Dispatch - Greene Co NC w/ voice callsign ID
39.9800 141.3 EMS Dispatch - Possible WV Statewide
40.0000 150.0 US MIL
40.6700 CSQ SNOTEL
41.0000 150.0 US MIL
41.7000 150.0 US MIL - Range Control
42.0200 203.5 MO HP
42.0600 203.5 MO HP
42.1000 186.2 MO HP
42.1200 118.8 KMH995 CA HP - Base - GOLD - Bishop (72) / Bridgeport (71) / Mojave (59)
42.1200 173.8 MO HP
42.1400 186.2 KAA203 MO HP - Rural Dispatch [F-30]
42.1600 94.8 MS HP
42.2200 173.8 MO HP
42.2400 203.5 MO HP
42.3800 173.8 KAA522 MO HP - Dispatch-to-Mobiles [F-70]
42.3800 186.2 MO HP "St Joseph"
42.4000 167.9 CA HP
42.4200 141.3 TN HP
42.4400 179.9 KUV545 CA HP - Base - RED - Blythe (6) / Indio (76) / San Gorgonio Pass (97)
42.5000 173.8 NC HP - Channel 10 Base
42.5600 118.8 KMH962 CA HP - Base - WHITE - Barstow (73) / Morongo Basin (106) / Needles (114) / Victorville (12)
42.5600 131.8 TN HP
42.6000 173.8 NC HP
42.6200 173.8 NC HP
42.6400 173.8 NC HP
42.6400 186.2 KAF613 MO HP - Dispatch-to-Mobiles [F-60]
42.8200 173.8 NC HP
42.8200 186.2 KAA201 MO HP - Dispatch-to-Mobiles [F-20] w/ callsign ID
42.8600 203.5 MO HP
42.9400 173.8 MO HP
42.9400 203.5 MO HP
42.9600 179.9 "We probably won't have time to stop at Baumgardners, huh?"
43.0000 151.4 Unidentified US business
43.0200 85.4 Unidentified US business
43.0200 91.5 Unidentified US business
43.0600 118.8 Unidentified US business
43.1000 103.5 Cement trucks
43.1200 118.8 Unidentified US business
43.1400 D565 "Pull over up there and I'll call you here in a minute"
44.5800 CSQ BNSF Extended Line of Sight - packets
44.6200 186.2 KMB443 CA HP - PINK 2 - West Los Angeles (79)
44.7400 186.2 CA HP <1st heard 05/26/10>
44.9400 186.2 KRB411 CA HP - Base - BLACK 2 - Central Los Angeles (15)
45.0200 192.8 KCQ240 CA HP - ORANGE 2 - Baldwin Park (81)
45.4400 203.5 Kerr County, TX - Public Works
45.5000 127.3 KJM513 CA HP - Base - BROWN 2 - Bakersfield (69)
45.7000 136.5 KMH277 CA HP - TAN 2 - Newhall (78) / Antelope Valley (89)
46.0000 77.0 Universal Macomb Ambulance, Macomb MI
46.0800 151.4 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Bartow Co GA
46.1000 100.0 Fire/EMS Dispatch - unknown
46.1000 123.0 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Citrus Springs, FL
46.3000 D072 WPEQ500 Fulton County EMA - Advanced Life Support - Canton IL
46.4600 CSQ KII763 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Rockingham Co, NC
46.5200 114.8 KNGV847 Repeater, school buses. Putnam FL
47.0200 110.9 IL DOT
47.2000 107.2 SC DOT
47.4200 146.2 Red Cross - Eagle Pass TX flood relief operation <confirmed by monitoring in Eagle Pass>
47.5000 146.2 Red Cross - Eagle Pass TX flood relief operation <confirmed by monitoring in Eagle Pass>
49.4800 67.0 Pike Electric <nationwide contractors>
49.5200 67.0 Pike Electric <nationwide contractors>
49.5400 67.0 Pike Electric <nationwide contractors>
49.5600 D031 SCADA
49.5800 67.0 Pike Electric <nationwide contractors>
53.1500 100.0 W5FN/R Repeater, Utopia TX


Database Admin
Feb 19, 2003
N.E. Kansas
You must be in some sort of RF reflective bubble. I never get that level of activity here. I have tried dipoles, regular HF verticals and even a Military Cobham Com-120B but I never get that many hits unless it's a rare opening.


Long Time Member
Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Hill Country Village, Texas
I've been monitoring VHF Low Band comms since the early 70s and of all the places I've lived, this seems to be by far the best for RF reception. I am on a hill and being in South Texas allows reception from NY to CA and many places in between.

You must be in some sort of RF reflective bubble.


Long Time Member
Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Hill Country Village, Texas
VHF Low Band Log: 2013/06/19

VHF Low Band Log: 2013/06/19
San Antonio, Texas
Uniden BCD996XT Scanner with Dipole Antenna

30.1800 D051 Spanish <band open to Central/South America>
30.7600 162.2 Unidentified US business
31.2000 203.5 Taxi dispatch in Spanish <band open to Central/South America>
32.9000 CSQ Brief transmission, sounded like a computer generated female voice "I let him into the computer system a couple of times".
32.9750 150.0 US MIL - "Scouts report multiple enemy vehicles in your sector. Engage and report."
34.2000 150.0 US MIL - Camp Bullis Range
35.1000 118.8 KRL868 Ravinia Plumbing & Heating, Highland Park IL
35.1800 179.9 HVAC company
35.4400 131.8 Cement trucks
35.7200 94.8 Aggregate hauler
36.2000 150.0 US MIL - Airfield
36.5000 150.0 US MIL - Range Control
38.7500 150.0 US MIL
39.2200 192.8 KMA801 CA HP - WHITE 2 - South Los Angeles (77)
39.6800 118.8 KDG272 CA HP - Base - TURQUOISE 1 - Riverside (74)
40.0000 150.0 US MIL
40.3100 103.5 KOP535 Bureau of Indian Affairs schools in Baca, NM (per splinters)
42.1400 186.2 KAA203 MO HP - Rural Dispatch [F-30]
42.1600 94.8 MS HP
42.3600 123.0 TN HP
42.6000 173.8 NC HP
42.6400 173.8 NC HP
42.6400 186.2 KAF613 MO HP - Dispatch-to-Mobiles [F-60]
42.8600 203.5 MO HP
43.0600 173.8 Unidentified US business
43.1200 118.8 Unidentified US business
43.3600 151.4 Unidentified US business
43.4000 107.2 Unidentified US business
44.8000 167.9 Possible NM Game & Fish
47.0800 D073 "Radio check"
47.1800 D073 "DOT Radio check". Repeater
47.2000 107.2 SC DOT
47.2800 103.5 "Hegler <?> Road in Eastover, near the RR tracks"
47.3600 114.8 KFR701 SC DOT
47.4200 146.2 Red Cross - Eagle Pass TX flood relief operation
47.5000 146.2 Red Cross - Eagle Pass TX flood relief operation
49.5400 67.0 Pike Electric <nationwide contractors>
49.5800 67.0 Pike Electric <nationwide contractors>
49.5800 167.9 Plumbers


Long Time Member
Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Hill Country Village, Texas
VHF Low Band Log - 06/23/2013 (Central AL)

VHF Low Band Log - 06/23/2013
Childersburg AL
Uniden BCD996XT Scanner with Antennacraft ST2 Antenna

30.4800 110.9 XLL780 Wendigo Lake Expeditions, South River, Ontario, Canada
30.6600 77.0 Taxi dispatch in Spanish <band open to northeast US>
30.7400 107.2 Bell Car Service, Brooklyn
30.8000 88.5 Taxi dispatch <band open to northeast US>
30.9400 82.5 Taxi dispatch <band open to northeast US>
31.0600 91.5 WPIN347 Oscar Macareno (Taxi), Brooklyn, NY
31.0800 74.4 WPXA428 Myrtle Ave Car Svc, Brooklyn, NY
31.2800 179.9 WQBF550 Robert Pollard Farming, Crittenden Co, AR
31.3200 131.8 Taxi dispatch in Spanish <band open to northeast US>
31.4400 100.0 Carlos E. Bolano Taxi, Brooklyn NY
31.6000 136.5 Farmers
31.7600 146.2 Unidentified US business - mechanics
31.8800 127.3 Taxi dispatch in Spanish <band open to northeast US>
31.9600 82.5 WPWC364 International Car Svc., Brooklyn NY
33.2800 107.2 Unidentified US business
33.3200 107.2 Taxi dispatch in Spanish <band open to northeast US>
33.4800 CSQ Fire/EMS Dispatch - Ulster Co, NY
33.5200 CSQ Fire/EMS Dispatch - Alief, Houston TX w/ dispatch to "7195 S. Hwy 6, building is KFC, cross street is Bellaire Blvd"
33.6000 114.8 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Possibly Sandwich Fire Department, Barnstable MA
33.6200 136.5 Fire Dispatch - Lower Providence Fire Dept, Montgomery Co PA
33.6600 114.8 KCD566 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Truro MA
33.7200 82.5 WNQU666 Fire Dispatch - Redding CT
33.7400 136.5 WPZB382 Fire/EMS Dispatch, Greenville NH
33.7800 77.0 KCF415 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Cheshire Co NH
33.7800 114.8 KNGE459 EMS dispatch - Falmouth MA
33.8000 179.9 KXV431 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Windham Co CT
33.8200 141.3 KCO372 FD/EMS - Calvert County, MD
33.8600 82.5 KQH904 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Licking Co OH
33.9000 91.5 KKL552 Fire Dispatch - Broome Co NY w/ voice ID
33.9200 192.8 Fire Dispatch - Somerset Co PA w/ voice ID
33.9400 77.0 KNBX247 Fire Dispatch - Berks PA
33.9600 179.9 WQF238 Fire Dispatch - Lyme/Old Lyme, Middlesex County CT
33.9800 103.5 WZC522 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Muskingum Co OH
35.0400 110.9 WPUZ913 11th St Car Service, Brooklyn (ID by 'splinters' in NYC)
35.0600 162.2 WRZ735 - Windy's Canoe Rental, Eminence MO
35.1000 141.3 Taxi dispatch in Spanish <band open to northeast US>
35.1800 107.2 Unidentified US business
35.1800 186.2 Unidentifed US business
35.3200 141.3 Taxi dispatch in Spanish <band open to northeast US>
35.4400 107.2 Taxi dispatch in Spanish <band open to northeast US>
35.4800 156.7 Taxi dispatch in Spanish <band open to northeast US>
35.5200 173.8 Taxi dispatch in Spanish <band open to northeast US>
35.6800 CSQ Digital paging
35.7000 94.8 Spanish <band open to northeast US>
35.7400 203.5 Taxi dispatch in Spanish <band open to northeast US>
35.7800 192.8 WPPU665 Cibao Express Car & Limo, Queens NY
35.8600 123.0 Taxi dispatch in Spanish <band open to northeast US>
35.9200 110.9 Taxi dispatch in Spanish <band open to northeast US>
37.0200 146.2 Police Dispatch - West Milford, NJ
37.1600 156.7 WPUJ207 Sheriff, Boone Co AR <UHF simulcast>
37.3000 131.8 Possibly Sheriff, Lee Co, VA
37.3600 110.9 WPRG942 Lawrenceville Correctional Center, Sumner IL
37.4400 141.3 Taxi dispatch in Spanish
37.5600 CSQ KGH244 PPL Electric Utilities Corporation PA w/ Morse ID
37.6200 CSQ KFE664 PPL Electric Utilities Corporation, PA w/ Morse ID
37.7000 CSQ KQZ249 PPL Electric Utilities Corporation, PA w/ Morse ID
37.7800 156.7 Electrical Utility
39.0600 110.9 MD State Parks
39.1800 114.8 KLO485 Repeater. ID sounds like KLO485. This is a van service. Also heard on 39.980 which is listed in the FCC database as the input frequency.
39.3200 110.9 MD HP
39.3600 110.9 MD HP
39.3800 110.9 MD HP
39.4000 110.9 MD HP
39.4600 151.4 Possible Monmouth Co NJ
39.4800 131.8 Sheriff, Lee County, VA (Positive voice ID on 5/15/10 and 5/22/11)
39.6000 110.9 MD HP
39.6400 110.9 MD HP
39.7600 110.9 Possibly Petersham MA
39.8800 110.9 Possible Jefferson Co OH
39.9200 82.5 Police Dispatch - Possible Perry Co OH Sheriff
39.9600 100.0 WAWD749 Fire - Frontier Co, NE
39.9600 110.9 MD HP
39.9600 162.2 WNID971 Police Dispatch - Thomaston CT
39.9800 88.5 KGL481 EMS Dispatch - Greene Co NC w/ voice callsign ID
42.0200 173.8 Police Dispatch - Unidentified
42.0600 203.5 MO HP
42.1000 156.7 Police Dispatch - Unidentified
42.1000 167.9 KQA488 WV HP w/ voice ID
42.1000 186.2 MO HP
42.1200 186.2 MO HP
42.1200 203.5 MO HP
42.1400 186.2 KAA203 MO HP - Rural Dispatch [F-30]
42.2600 167.9 Possible WV HP
42.2600 192.8 MO HP
42.3200 186.2 MO HP
42.3800 186.2 MO HP "St Joseph"
42.4000 173.8 MO HP
42.6400 186.2 KAF613 MO HP - Dispatch-to-Mobiles [F-60]
42.7800 186.2 MO HP
42.8200 173.8 NC HP
42.8200 186.2 KAA201 MO HP - Dispatch-to-Mobiles [F-20] w/ callsign ID
42.9400 186.2 KAB302 MO HP
42.9400 203.5 MO HP
42.9600 D261 Canoe business "you can see Blue Springs from there, you gonna have to carry that canoe quite a ways". Band was open to MO.
43.0400 107.2 Mobile to mobile
43.0400 114.8 KDC669 Morse ID - not found in FCC database
43.1400 156.7 Mobile to mobile
43.1400 D565 Unidentified US business
43.7600 123.0 Unidentified US business
44.0600 114.8 Taxi dispatch in Spanish <band open to northeast US>
44.4600 127.3 Buses
44.4800 CSQ Data packets - Texas MESONET
44.6200 82.5 Possibly Parks Police - Region 4 (Finger Lakes) NY
44.6800 114.8 Possible CT Dept of Parks & Env
44.7000 77.0 OK HP
44.8000 150.0 US MIL
44.8000 167.9 Possibly NM Game & Fish
44.9000 77.0 OK HP
44.9200 114.8 Possibly Western and Marine District EnCon Police and Lake Authorities, CT
45.1800 77.0 OK HP
45.2200 77.0 OK HP
45.4400 103.5 State of Illinois w/ radio test
45.5600 210.7 IL - weather reports
46.0400 141.3 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Possible Middlesex Co CT
46.0800 179.9 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Possible New Haven Co CT
46.1000 94.8 Fire Dispatch - Possible Sullivan Co NY
46.1400 167.9 Fire Dispatch - Possibly Chautauqua Co NY
46.1600 186.2 Fire Dispatch - Possibly Franklin Co PA
46.1800 82.5 Fire Dispatch - Possibly Jefferson Co NY
46.2600 91.5 Fire Dispatch - Possibly Washington Co NY
46.3600 123.0 Fire Dispatch - Possible Pottsville FD 2 PA
46.3800 77.0 Fire Dispatch - Possible New Haven Co CT
46.3800 110.9 Fire Dispatch - Possible Columbia County Fire F3 NY
46.3800 123.0 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Possible Putnam Co NY
46.4000 186.2 Fire Dispatch - Possible Steuben Co NY
46.4200 131.8 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Possible Ontario Co NY
46.4400 127.3 Fire Dispatch - Possibly Putnam Co NY
46.4400 136.5 Fire Dispatch - Possibly Otsego Co NY
46.4600 171.3 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Holtsville NY w/ voice ID
47.0200 110.9 IL DOT
47.2400 71.9 Possibly WV DOH District 6
47.6200 110.9 Possible Ministry of Natural Resources ON Canada
47.7200 127.3 Possible Bryan TX Utilities
47.8200 110.9 Possible Ministry of Natural Resources ON Canada
48.2800 127.3 Possbile Bryan, TX Utilities
48.9600 127.3 Taxi dispatch in Spanish, Possibly Liberty Car Service, Ridgewood NY
49.5400 67.0 Pike Electric <nationwide contractors>
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