• To anyone looking to acquire commercial radio programming software:

    Please do not make requests for copies of radio programming software which is sold (or was sold) by the manufacturer for any monetary value. All requests will be deleted and a forum infraction issued. Making a request such as this is attempting to engage in software piracy and this forum cannot be involved or associated with this activity. The same goes for any private transaction via Private Message. Even if you attempt to engage in this activity in PM's we will still enforce the forum rules. Your PM's are not private and the administration has the right to read them if there's a hint to criminal activity.

    If you are having trouble legally obtaining software please state so. We do not want any hurt feelings when your vague post is mistaken for a free request. It is YOUR responsibility to properly word your request.

    To obtain Motorola software see the Sticky in the Motorola forum.

    The various other vendors often permit their dealers to sell the software online (i.e., Kenwood). Please use Google or some other search engine to find a dealer that sells the software. Typically each series or individual radio requires its own software package. Often the Kenwood software is less than $100 so don't be a cheapskate; just purchase it.

    For M/A Com/Harris/GE, etc: there are two software packages that program all current and past radios. One package is for conventional programming and the other for trunked programming. The trunked package is in upwards of $2,500. The conventional package is more reasonable though is still several hundred dollars. The benefit is you do not need multiple versions for each radio (unlike Motorola).

    This is a large and very visible forum. We cannot jeopardize the ability to provide the RadioReference services by allowing this activity to occur. Please respect this.

Abandoned Motorola Headquarters

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Retired and playing radio whenever I want.
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Lead Database Admin
Sep 22, 2002
Well, not EVERYTHING works. The Pack Set with a shell hole would probably impact (pun intended) operations I think. ;)

Very true. However, that was about the only piece there which didn’t work…


Mar 15, 2010
Yep, Even though at the time I worked for a GE dealer, we serviced the APCOR units also. Not just the GE crap.
GE gave Moto a good run for it's money back when synthesized radio's became a thing. Everything around here transitioned from M to GE, then back to M, now back to Harris because everyone lost faith in the new world Motorola.


Mar 15, 2010
I liked the MPS. Used to maintain a fleet of them.
I can remember when the Phoenix SX and DPS w/ scan came out (synthesized). I think at the time Motorola was only offering the Maxar/Moxy series to compete. The GE's flew off the shelves. The Delta, Rangr, MLS, MVS etc as well as the portables really took off in the PS market around here. I remember ripping out Syntor's and replacing with GE S825 alpha control group. The good ol' days...


The big K
Super Moderator
Jan 7, 2001
I'm everywhere Focker!
I can remember when the Phoenix SX and DPS w/ scan came out (synthesized). I think at the time Motorola was only offering the Maxar/Moxy series to compete. The GE's flew off the shelves. The Delta, Rangr, MLS, MVS etc as well as the portables really took off in the PS market around here. I remember ripping out Syntor's and replacing with GE S825 alpha control group. The good ol' days...

Getting way off-topic, but we had a lot of Corona's since we had 2 GE-MARC systems. Probably something most of you have never seen was the Mastr Exec II "hump back". It was a GE-MARC trunk mount with 20 ICOM's in it. What a pain to align.


Mar 15, 2010
Getting way off-topic, but we had a lot of Corona's since we had 2 GE-MARC systems. Probably something most of you have never seen was the Mastr Exec II "hump back". It was a GE-MARC trunk mount with 20 ICOM's in it. What a pain to align.
I know what you're talking about... the early version GE-MARC. Never played with many of those. Heck, I still have a few MARC Mastr II repeaters in storage. Not sure why I keep them, conversation piece I guess. Anyway, enough of that on this thread. Thanks for the throwback!


Mar 3, 2010
This used to be the Motorola C&E, Inc. Area C headquarters in Glenn Rock, NJ. 85 Harristown Rd. I taught my girlfriend how to drive in the vacant back parking lot at night there.

View attachment 108541
What is C&E? Wow this place still comes up in a search. I didn’t realize it wasn’t Moto anymore (it’s near me)
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Aug 16, 2016
Daphne, Alabama
More like 20-30 years ago, I talked with retired, and younger employees, and heard details oftheir corporate flight department, and pilots.

What a change-now, compared with the years when commercial vehicles and LE vehicles rolled along with Motorola radio gear.


Aug 13, 2009
" What is C&E? "
C&E = Communications and Electronics


Nov 7, 2003
Yeah, C&E was the thaing before "Solutions." Communications and electronics pretty much summed up the core business. Then came "solutions" which always seems to me like they make solutions looking for problems. In some respects, I might not be far off.

As for the competition between GE and Moto, don't forget the RCA brand, too. For the NJ guys, that was B&C Communications next door to Henry Bros., behind Mr. Paints, and then in Waldwick near the substation and rail yard. For every product and bid spec, it seems these three all had comparable products up to Systems-90 like control heads. It always seemed that Motorola had the edge on design. The RCA control heads were kinda clunky, but the 700 and 1000 series were pretty good radio-wise (if you like the same colored wire with numbers printed on them). Their low band radios were pretty good around the time where Micors were physically larger and maybe a little more intermittent because of the pins. Nothing a hammer and some Deoxit couldn't fix.

That Motorola CB was pretty cool, but really, a CB was just a CB. They had another model that looked closer to a Maxar. Too bad they didn't use the classic mics with it.


Mar 3, 2010
Yeah, C&E was the thaing before "Solutions." Communications and electronics pretty much summed up the core business. Then came "solutions" which always seems to me like they make solutions looking for problems. In some respects, I might not be far off.

As for the competition between GE and Moto, don't forget the RCA brand, too. For the NJ guys, that was B&C Communications next door to Henry Bros., behind Mr. Paints, and then in Waldwick near the substation and rail yard. For every product and bid spec, it seems these three all had comparable products up to Systems-90 like control heads. It always seemed that Motorola had the edge on design. The RCA control heads were kinda clunky, but the 700 and 1000 series were pretty good radio-wise (if you like the same colored wire with numbers printed on them). Their low band radios were pretty good around the time where Micors were physically larger and maybe a little more intermittent because of the pins. Nothing a hammer and some Deoxit couldn't fix.

That Motorola CB was pretty cool, but really, a CB was just a CB. They had another model that looked closer to a Maxar. Too bad they didn't use the classic mics with it.
Thanks that fills in a lot of blanks- All verbiage lol. And wow I do remember Henry bros. Rt 17 south if I remember correctly? and yes then waldwick. Wow memories
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Nov 7, 2003
Thanks that fills in a lot of blanks- All verbiage lol. And wow I do remember Henry bros. Rt 17 south if I remember correctly? and yes then waldwick. Wow memories
Yes, they were 185 Rt. 17 S, and B&C was 189 Rt. 17 S (which is the shop behind the bird store now). And, once upon a time, Henry Bros. was the Motorola Service Shop (MSS), but when cellular started becoming popular circa 1984 or so, they transitioned to GE after they got into a cellular sales war with Motorola. That created the Motorola shop in Hackensack, behind the jail (Dave-O!) and then you had HBE and Warner doing the GE stuff, and B&C doing RCA/TAC-TEC/Tac-Tel (there was a Tac Tec place in Jersey City, too). Then Regional Communications was the Tony Sabino spinoff of HBE doing Motorola, and after they went to 1 Bonhert Place in Waldwick, around 1985 or so, B&C eventually became a Radius distributor for the smaller two-ways like Bob at Transmek.

There were amazing business opportunities in LMR back in the day. It was a very healthy industry. Then came all the big trunked systems and network-dependent stuff like Nextel and cellular. At that point, if you weren't the shop selling and maintaining the big trunked system for a county or region, your business was pretty much finished. Some places that don't have mega-trunked systems and still maintain their own dispatch operations have a good mix of local businesses, although you'll see a lot more Kenwood, Tait, and others, all perfectly good stuff, and not the former industry big boys.


May 7, 2005
That Motorola CB was pretty cool, but really, a CB was just a CB....Too bad they didn't use the classic mics with it.
I still have a Motorola CB555 that someone took apart and I stuck back together, it has the best noise blanker of any CB I have used.
The HMN1050D mic works fine with it, if you change the plug.

Unfortunately, all 8 of the knobs are missing in action. Anyone have a basket case CB555? I'll buy it for the knobs.


Mar 3, 2010
Yes, they were 185 Rt. 17 S, and B&C was 189 Rt. 17 S (which is the shop behind the bird store now). And, once upon a time, Henry Bros. was the Motorola Service Shop (MSS), but when cellular started becoming popular circa 1984 or so, they transitioned to GE after they got into a cellular sales war with Motorola. That created the Motorola shop in Hackensack, behind the jail (Dave-O!) and then you had HBE and Warner doing the GE stuff, and B&C doing RCA/TAC-TEC/Tac-Tel (there was a Tac Tec place in Jersey City, too). Then Regional Communications was the Tony Sabino spinoff of HBE doing Motorola, and after they went to 1 Bonhert Place in Waldwick, around 1985 or so, B&C eventually became a Radius distributor for the smaller two-ways like Bob at Transmek.

There were amazing business opportunities in LMR back in the day. It was a very healthy industry. Then came all the big trunked systems and network-dependent stuff like Nextel and cellular. At that point, if you weren't the shop selling and maintaining the big trunked system for a county or region, your business was pretty much finished. Some places that don't have mega-trunked systems and still maintain their own dispatch operations have a good mix of local businesses, although you'll see a lot more Kenwood, Tait, and others, all perfectly good stuff, and not the former industry big boys.
thank you. Interesting history on these places, I think I had been to all of them at one time or another.
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