Ultralight DXing: Ultralight DXing Report - Hobart Tasmania
Ultralight DXing Report - Hobart Tasmania
Date: 26/03/2014
Time: 23:10 - 23:55 local
Location: Hobart CBD, Tasmania
Radio: 7.5” Loopstick Tecsun PL-380
Total stations logged: 67
New stations logged: 0
Furthest station logged: 612kHz - 4QR (Brisbane) - 1791km
Medium wave radio challenge 2014 Score: 230
Notes: My wife and I have just returned home from spending a couple of days away in Hobart, about 180km south of where we live in Launceston. Our trip was planned many months ago to do some shopping and also attend a performance of Mrs Brown’s Boys (
Mrs Browns Boys Australia)
This was not a radio trip but I took my new stealth ultralight dxing bag (
Ultralight DXing: DIY - Stealth Ultralight DXing Bag) in case I did get a chance for a session. After a day of shopping and attending the performance of Mrs Brown’s Boys I was very worn out by the time I returned to the hotel room just after 11pm. I took the chance to have a quick listen and what was meant to be a quick listen turned in to a 45 minute session. Overall I logged 67 stations and being further south meant that a number of stations that are just under the 1000km mark at home were pushed up in distance to the next scoring group. I noticed a number of stations I would have expected to hear were missing and looking at my log sheet showed that I only managed to log 3 stations above 1440kHz. On a number of other frequencies across the band I was getting bad interference with signals dropping in and out very badly at times, this was to the point where it was even affecting a number of the local Hobart stations.
By 11:55pm I was dead on my feet and headed to bed. This morning while looking out the window I think I found the source of the interference, a large number of air conditioning units were just outside the windows of our room. (See photos below) Having a very quick listen this morning showed that the closer I got to these the worse the interference was. This is something I will keep in mind for next time we go away.
Overall it was very enjoyable to go portable in a different city; I also spotted a few locations while out driving which I will keep in mind for next time I get down to Hobart. I also purchased a new ultralight radio (Digitech AR-1736) and a 2W handheld UHF CB radio (
:: Uniden Australia ::), this will be used when I am out and about ultralight dxing in the bush, parks and other locations as a secondary communications method if needed.
Photos of the offending air conditioning units: