New logs
I've been working on a new medium wave antenna and finally finished putting it all together this weekend. It's a large 2X delta loop known as a "DKAZ" or double kaz design. Anyway it favors North and South reception, whereas my BOGs favor East-West. I was immediately rewarded with three new logs last night thanks to the new reception pattern:
600 CJWW Saskatoon, SK. - 8/10/2014 0159 UTC - With slogan "Today's Best Country, Country 600", fair and mixing with WCHT (Escanaba, MI.) 1134 miles.
910 WAKO Lawrenceville, IL. - 8/10/2014 1059 UTC - With legal sign-on / ID and mention of FM 103.1, poor under WFDF. 500w days / 50w nights. 318 miles.
920 WMPL Hancock, MI. - 8/10/2014 0200 UTC - With station ad for local high school sports coverage and mention of "Mix (FM) 93". Strong during signal peak. 1000w days / 206w nights. 295 miles.