Today the Lawton, OK site (043-043) is showing 4 new neighbors:
009-009 854.7125 (Probably WQBN220 Fort Cobb)
Site 037-037 is showing:
NAC 025
855.3125 Pri
855.5125 Alt
856.4125 Alt
017-017 854.7875 (Probably WQBN220 Fort Cobb)
I'm not sure what to make of Site 9.9 and Site 17.17. I agree they both could be Fort Cobb, but they obviously can't both be Fort Cobb. Just to make sure that the 9.9 or 17.17 aren't a neighboring TX site, can you check and verify that 9.9 and 17.17 show up as 1F9 sites in the neighbor lists?
If both 9.9 and 17.17 are in Oklahoma, then:
09.09 854.7125
* peer of 43.43 Lawton
- Fort Cobb (Caddo) -
could be
- Vinita (Craig) - no way, too far away
- Seminole (Seminole) - already in the DB as 26.26 Calvin
17.17 854.7875
* peer of 37.37 Comanche
- Atoka (Atoka) - WPSE989 -
could be
- Fort Cobb (Caddo) - WQBN220 -
could be
- Grove (Delaware) - WPCB219 - no way, too far away
- Talihina (Latimer) - WPSJ897 -
could be, but likely too far away
- Spavinaw (Mayes) - WPSE994 - no way, too far away
- Tulsa (Tulsa) - WRDK990 - no way, too far away
Some more sites really need to be confirmed before we can know for sure about 9.9 and 17.17