Announcing the BCD396XT and BC346XT Scanners

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Premium Subscriber
Jan 5, 2007
Berlin, NJ
Not exactly the same, but you could sure use it that way. If you want to quickly lock or unlock a system tagged 124, you could do:

HOLD --> 124. --> MENU --> FUNC + L/O L/O

After you press MENU the scanner will scan only that system (until you press SCAN or HOLD). FUNC + L/O L/O would lock it out permanently if it had been unlocked. Do the same thing, but F+L/O at the end and it would unlock it.

Wow. That is sooo freakin cool!!! I'm gettin me one of those! Savin up $$ now!


Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
No. AZ
How about 'Conventional P25 Addressing?' or 'Conventional P25 decode & addressing.'
adding 'Trunking' might confuse people. Just a thought.

How about 'P25 CAD; P25 Conventional Addressing & Decoding'
or 'P25 CCAD; P25 Conventional Channel Addressing & Decoding'
thought of this last night and finally been able to post it.:D


Premium Subscriber
Feb 11, 2007
This is just a little off topic, but hopefully not too much. I'm new to scanning, so I decided some time ago to wait for the next digital handheld by Uniden. Based on what I've read thus far, the BCD396XT will be my first "real" scanner. The only scanner I have now is a Uniden BC72XLT that I selected as a service gift. I can't say I've used it extensively, but I used it enough to know I would like to get a "real" scanner.

Since I'm expecting to purchase the BCD396XT sometime early next year, would you folks have any suggestions for really good reading material that would get me from a beginner to a well informed BCD396XT user? Of course I'm sure the users manual would be a big help, but I'm guessing it won't available for some time.

Thanks in advance,


Dec 13, 2007
Would it be possible to also include the really short wave frequencies below 25 MHz in the band? That would really make my day. Also, it would be nice if the scanner could rapidly communicate with the computer to make remote control and maybe even remote data a breeze.

One more thing, I don't know if this has already been implemented, forgive me if it has been. A lot of times I want to tag channels with long names on my 250 (with card, btw) and the limitation really annoys me. Can you guys make it accept long names and then scroll through it from left to right on the screen, kind of like how MP3 players do with long titles?


Dec 19, 2002
Fortunately, GA
This is just a little off topic, but hopefully not too much. I'm new to scanning, so I decided some time ago to wait for the next digital handheld by Uniden. Based on what I've read thus far, the BCD396XT will be my first "real" scanner. The only scanner I have now is a Uniden BC72XLT that I selected as a service gift. I can't say I've used it extensively, but I used it enough to know I would like to get a "real" scanner.

Since I'm expecting to purchase the BCD396XT sometime early next year, would you folks have any suggestions for really good reading material that would get me from a beginner to a well informed BCD396XT user? Of course I'm sure the users manual would be a big help, but I'm guessing it won't available for some time.

Thanks in advance,

Quantum leap from a BC72 to a BCD396XT. Beyond a 'real scanner'. Read, read, read and read some more. This scanner and the GRE digitals have extremely steep learning curves. Still waiting for a SDR scanner to be made.


Forums Veteran
Super Moderator
Dec 16, 2000
Your master site
Motorola's term for it is "ASTRO Conventional Talkgroup."

"P25 Conventional Talkgroup" sounds nice and logical imho.
Add me to the list for this idea. Most people don't understand how it works so you may as well start with calling it what it truly is. (No bass-ackward ideas/attempts at coming up with new uber cool names like calling Private Calls "I-Calls" and the "Uniden TG format").


Jul 23, 2005
Until the manual is out you can read the wiki pages and the 396T/996T manuals to help you prepare.


This is just a little off topic, but hopefully not too much. I'm new to scanning, so I decided some time ago to wait for the next digital handheld by Uniden. Based on what I've read thus far, the BCD396XT will be my first "real" scanner. The only scanner I have now is a Uniden BC72XLT that I selected as a service gift. I can't say I've used it extensively, but I used it enough to know I would like to get a "real" scanner.

Since I'm expecting to purchase the BCD396XT sometime early next year, would you folks have any suggestions for really good reading material that would get me from a beginner to a well informed BCD396XT user? Of course I'm sure the users manual would be a big help, but I'm guessing it won't available for some time.

Thanks in advance,


Jul 23, 2005
Why not just make 100Khz through 3Ghz........

And add a 100GB hard drive for all the "long names" and "other" memory intensive stuff you all want added......... ie: there are limitations as to what can be done short of more expensive CPU's with more and more memory.


Would it be possible to also include the really short wave frequencies below 25 MHz in the band? That would really make my day. Also, it would be nice if the scanner could rapidly communicate with the computer to make remote control and maybe even remote data a breeze.

One more thing, I don't know if this has already been implemented, forgive me if it has been. A lot of times I want to tag channels with long names on my 250 (with card, btw) and the limitation really annoys me. Can you guys make it accept long names and then scroll through it from left to right on the screen, kind of like how MP3 players do with long titles?


Dec 13, 2007
I think that when we're at the point of having 25,000 channels, having longer tags isn't too unreasonable.

In terms of 100 KHz - 1 GHz, that really isn't too unreasonable. There are already PLENTY of scanners with that exact range out with prices comparable to the current 396.
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Jul 23, 2005
You really don't need long tags or the wasted mememory they would take (and slow scan speed more as well) if you use logical naming to begin with.
Take my statewide system, all the counties are assigned a number, ie: Hancock County is 30 so 30HLE = Hancock County Sheriff 30GPD=Greenfield PD in Hancock County 30HFD= Hancock County Fire Dispatch and 30FG1=Hancock County Fireground 1 etc. It makes knowing who's who fast and easy, not too mention using less memory.

And none of those 100Khz-3Ghz units have digital trunking, yet cost $200 to $400 more!


I think that when we're at the point of having 25,000 channels, having longer tags isn't too unreasonable.

In terms of 100 KHz - 3 GHz, that really isn't too unreasonable. There are already PLENTY of scanners with that exact range out with prices comparable to the current 396.


Dec 13, 2007
It's not about need - It's about want. Every smart company has realized that. People don't need different colored backlights - They want them.

On my 250, if I want to type out "General Lockup and Courts," referring to a frequency which is used for the temporary lockups and courts pretty much citywide, I need to type "Gen Lckup+Courts"

That just isn't particularly visually appealing.

Just because you don't think you'd need it doesn't meant that other people don't want it. Conversely, it also doesn't mean that it's a bad feature.

Btw, some of the winradio recievers cost $600 and change and can do digital trunking and the whole band. I honestly wouldn't mind paying the extra $50 it might possibly cost for Uniden to support an extra band instead of having to buy an extra radio. Possibly it could be made an expansion option?

You don't speak for everyone, let alone Uniden. Stop trying to.


wizard of odd
Database Admin
May 15, 2004
I would still like to see voting scan and backlight on with squelch and keypress (not individually like we have now, but both options at the same time).

I would think with the RSSI functionallity, voting scan should be easy to do.


Jul 23, 2005
nice asttitude, and I AM speaking for myself, but I am also thinking of the BIGGER PICTURE, and that includes memory management and that affects scan speed. If you want to waste memory thats your deal, but I believe the limits on text are by design for the same reasons I mention, as well as limitations of the CPU RAM as already stated by Upman..... Sometimes you need to open yours eyes and see the whole thing.

BTW, better do some more research on Winradio..... 150K-2.6GHZ is $1,995.00 and that still doesn't have digital trunking which is OPTIONAL
And the 305 series it's $619.95 + $89.95 for the APCO P25 OPTIONAL DECODER and that unit only covers 9Khz to 1.8Ghz


You don't speak for everyone, let alone Uniden. Stop trying to.


Dec 13, 2007
You're the one that started in with the sarcasm.

I wasn't talking about going up to 3 GHz, I only talked about going down to the lower MHz. Either way, my point still stands. Winradio 305 is about $700, a new 396 is, what, $500 and change? Let's say the difference is $100 and change. Now consider all the professional features you get with Winradio that you don't with Uniden.

In other words, implementing greater support of shortwave shouldn't be expensive or unpractical. Period.

Take it from someone who is a programmer: Longer tags don't necessarily mean more memory. If I have one frequency with a tag of "Tac F" and another of a frequency "Manhattan Courts + Lockup", its like having two regular sized channels if the memory isn't allocated in fixed increments. It's about allocation, not size. Either way, adding memory on the scale of a few megabytes isn't expensive.

I think that you are trying to look at the big picture but lack the technical knowledge to do so. Even if 25000 channels had 100 character long tags (which is a GIGANTIC overestimation) the total space taken up by those tags would be less than 3 MB. You can do the math yourself if you don't believe me.

At the end of the day, Uniden knows what it can do and can't. You don't. See, if I had gotten a response from Upman or maybe even one without the level of sarcasm of your response, I wouldn't respond with such an attitude. Next time you want to talk about how something seems impossible, actually research the technology first.

nice asttitude, and I AM speaking for myself, but I am also thinking of the BIGGER PICTURE, and that includes memory management and that affects scan speed. If you want to waste memory thats your deal, but I believe the limits on text are by design for the same reasons I mention, as well as limitations of the CPU RAM as already stated by Upman..... Sometimes you need to open yours eyes and see the whole thing.

BTW, better do some more research on Winradio..... 150K-2.6GHZ is $1,995.00 and that still doesn't have digital trunking which is OPTIONAL
And the 305 series it's $619.95 + $89.95 for the APCO P25 OPTIONAL DECODER and that unit only covers 9Khz to 1.8Ghz

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Dec 19, 2002
North Texas
For those of us that understand this stuff, do us a favor and don't comment the OSW's. It's a wasted effort and it looks terrible as-is.

..and for those trying to learn about it, it helps explain things a little better. The format is delimited, and once the string is split, it can be ignored. I think you can live with that....


Jul 27, 2008
Actually it is answered in these threads and on the Wiki page..... BC-RH-96 just like the 996T and 396T etc. No, no GPS support at the same time.


996T no GPS support at the same time???? don't think so. Been using my 996 with a remote head and a GPS now for a while. Seems to work OK. don't know where you heard that one. Remote head plugs in the front serial port, the GPS plugs in the rear serial port.
Works great. even the remote head comes up with 'GPS' in the top right same as on the main unit.

None the less, it did not answer my question. If this new portable comes out with GPS support ( remember the 396T doesn't have GPS support) will any new remote heads that also come out in the future for it also allow you to plug in a GPS. If the new hand held has only one serial port, as has been stated, then maybe Uniden should consider adding a pass through for a GPS to plug into any future remote heads.


Dec 19, 2002
Vista, CA
IF shift

The feature I am most curious about hasn't been discussed much here yet - I think one person mentioned an interest in it - the "IF shift".

If it's what I think it is, it is something I have been looking for in scanners for some time. However, I think what I am thinking of is somewhat more extensive.

In any case, this is a start in the right direction and long overdue! Now my question:

Is the shift programmable (or "tunable") in a contiguous fashion within a specified window or are there set choices of fixed frequencies (say, two or more such as "normal" and "offset" or "alternate")? I am thinking it is likely the latter.

Either way this should help with image, and 1/2IF interferers. It might help with certain intermodulation products and some internally generated self-quieters (aka "birdies") that are generated by unintended LO mixing products.



Silent Key - Aug 2014
Oct 20, 2002
Katy, TX
Boy I hate this!!!

Viper and Shell6:
Stop. If you continue you will both suffer, if you must continue, get a motel room. No comments about this warning either; just stay on topic or suffer.

Suppose you read the whole thread before you take something completely out of context and therefore make a statement that is unnecessary.

Everybody, this is not a wish list thread, it is a thread about the announcement of new radios being released at the beginning of next year. Paul has already said what the major features are on the radios; you have questions about them, then ask them, this is not the place to ask why the radio will not fold your laundry!


Dec 19, 2002
NAC question

The 396XT sounds like a winner! (and I'm keeping my 396 Classic)

Question for Paul about programming NACs: Will it allow programming a channel in mixed mode like my H/T? That is, open squelch on either a specified CTCSS or NAC? I understand the receiver might not be able to process both at the same time, but at CPU speed it could toggle modes so fast it's transparent to the user.
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